League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1308: Su Ming is on fire

Good friends should talk more casually. After all, the relationship between Su Ming and Jiang Xiaojun is here. Almost all jokes can be made, so as soon as the phone is connected, Su Ming has a wave of invisible to Jiang Xiaojun. ridicule.

Anyway, Su Ming knew in his heart that Jiang Xiaojun's college entrance examination was probably about the same leisurely as him, but he was just taking the exam and walking through the field. He could still go to Ningcheng University if he wanted to.

On the contrary, it was Su Qishan who heard Su Ming talking about the college entrance examination, and mocking Jiang Xiaojun in this way, so he gave Su Ming a sharp look and whispered beside him: "Su Ming, how do you talk to Xiaojun? Of it."

Su Ming smiled, and then said, "Dad, you don't know Jiang Xiaojun's grades. I guess he won't have to go to the exam tomorrow."

After being ruthlessly taunted by Su Ming for two waves, Jiang Xiaojun didn't react at all. It was obvious that he was used to it, and he didn't even taunt Su Ming against the past today.

Instead, he said, "Okay, Su Ming, I don't have the time to joke with you now, so quickly turn on the TV and watch Ningcheng TV!"

"What are you doing watching TV, Jiang Xiaojun, is it a bit awkward for you to have a brain test? Who else watches TV these days, and it's Ningcheng TV Station." Su Ming said strangely, of course, he couldn't help it. If you want to hurt Jiang Xiaojun, you can't blame Su Ming, after all, you've long been used to this way of getting along with Jiang Xiaojun.

It's true that young people now watch TV. It's really rare. If you want to watch it, you have to watch China TV or provincial satellite TV. Nobody watches Ningcheng TV. The programs are not very good.

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up and turn on the TV. Did you know that your special mother is on the news!" Jiang Xiaojun said directly on the phone.


Su Ming was stunned again. He didn't expect Jiang Xiaojun to say this. He didn't believe it for a while, so he said, "Jiang Xiaojun, don't tease me. I'm not an important person. How can I be in the news?"

"Is it possible that these TV stations now like to report handsome people?" Su Ming did not forget to put gold on his face at this time.

"I bother!"

Jiang Xiaojun seemed to have almost vomited over the phone, and then continued to speak: "Su Ming, I told you to be serious, did you save a **** the road today? Now Ningcheng TV is reporting on this matter in a big way. ."

In fact, Jiang Xiaojun did not have the habit of watching TV, but today the college entrance examination, the family also cared about Jiang Xiaojun very much. They had already prepared meals for Jiang Xiaojun, and the family sat and ate together.

Jiang Xiaojun’s father, Jiang Qingming, had a hobby when eating, and that was to watch the local news in Ningcheng. It was just after six o'clock that Ningcheng TV would report the evening news.

Jiang Xiaojun is also eating. Although he is not interested in these things, he can see some of them, even if he doesn't read them, he can hear them, and today he must be reporting on the college entrance examination in Ningcheng.

Su Ming suddenly appeared, which immediately attracted the attention of Jiang Xiaojun's family.

Jiang Xiaojun was surprised. He said that this Su Ming is really a show, and on the way to the college entrance examination, he can find time to do good news on the news. It is really coquettish.

After a full stunned for two seconds, Jiang Xiaojun reacted immediately and directly picked up the phone to call Su Ming, reminding Su Ming to watch the news quickly.

As soon as I heard that Jiang Xiaojun said about saving the girl in the morning, Su Ming immediately reacted, asking why this incident was spread? So Su Ming immediately said nothing, and said directly to Su Qishan next to him: "Dad, quickly turn on the TV and watch the news from Ningcheng TV Station."

Although Su Qishan wondered why Su Ming wanted to watch TV all of a sudden, Su Qishan thought that Su Ming was going to watch some college entrance examination related information, so Su Qishan did not dare to delay, and immediately turned on the TV and found Ningcheng TV Station.

This life-saving news is today's main positive energy news, and it is also local to Ningcheng. If this kind of thing happened, it must have been reported on a large scale.

So even if one or two minutes have passed, the news is still being reported, and it is not over.

"It is reported that the boy who saved the life was a college entrance examination student in Ningcheng Middle School. He saved the life when he passed by, and after doing good deeds, he did not leave his name, so he left silently... …"

Su Ming is being reported in the news at this time. When Su Ming saw the pictures on the news, he knew that he was himself. It is estimated that he was photographed by the melon-eating crowd at the time, and someone posted it on the Internet.

As a result, in such a special period of the college entrance examination, today this incident has attracted a lot of attention, and even became a positive news.

It’s just that the rendering lines of this news really make Su Ming a little unbearable ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ The goose bumps on his body are all over.

After waking up the people at that time, it was nothing more than a simple effort, and because the exam was about to take place, Su Ming and the short-haired girl both left the scene one after another, and did not stay any more.

Unexpectedly, these media have said that they do good deeds without leaving a name. The whole Su Ming's image is very tall and brilliant, and Su Ming himself is a little embarrassed.

"Su Ming, isn't you on this TV?"

Su Qishan froze for a long time before realizing that the person reporting on this TV was his son Su Ming.

Didn’t this kid go to take the college entrance examination today? Why did he suddenly go to the news, and looking like this, he seemed to have done something very positive, so Su Qishan, who was confused, asked directly: "Su Ming, this...what is this? What's the matter, why are you on the news."

"Dad, I just watched TV just now to find out..."

Su Ming smiled bitterly, and then he said: "I don't even know about the news. When I was going for the exam today, not far from our school, I found a girl who had fainted and came to take the college entrance examination..."

There is nothing to conceal about this kind of thing. Su Ming directly told what happened this morning. When Su Qishan heard this, he immediately gave Su Ming a thumbs up and said, "Su Ming, you Doing things right, I deserve to be Su Qishan's son."

Su Qishan had a strong sense of justice in his bones, so when he heard that his son had done such a good thing, Su Qishan felt proud in his heart.

"Om, hum--"

Su Ming's phone kept vibrating. It turned out that Jiang Xiaojun already had a circle of friends in the class group. He told this about it, but it exploded in the class group. Su Ming was going to be on fire.

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