League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1311: The key to the ancient ruins appears

I thought this Lin Wufu wanted to chat with himself, after all, Su Ming is familiar with him, and Lin Wufu’s character is not too much, so on this occasion, when everyone is talking and laughing, he almost Is silent.

Who knows that this guy is about to leave, co-authoring this is to say goodbye to Su Ming, so after Su Ming froze for a while, he said: "What's the matter, is it because you are not used to it or is it because you are not used to it?"

Su Ming still attaches great importance to this Lin Wufu. After all, he is an ancient warrior, and his strength is not trivial. Basically, the ancient warriors who have appeared now are almost all Su Ming's enemies. Su Ming does not understand what is going on.

But Su Ming also understands the truth that one more friend and one more enemy is more powerful, so Su Ming has always wanted to win a relationship with Lin Wufu. At least two people should make the relationship better first. This way, I really want to. If something happens, others can help.

Of course, these are not relationships. The most important thing for Su Ming to make friends is his character. Lin Wufu's ability to save Huahua shows that this guy's character is very good.

Speaking of Su Ming, the favor he owed him has not yet been paid, and this guy's temper is quite appetizing, so Su Ming has been thinking that with Lin Wufu, he can actually become friends with a good relationship.

As a result, this is not too familiar, Lin Wufu is leaving, it is indeed a small regret for Su Ming.

"No, no, Brother Su, you misunderstood!"

Lin Wufu immediately waved his hand when he heard this, and then said: "Since I have lived here for a while, brothers Longhair and Brother Cheng Ruofeng have taken care of me very much. To be honest, I have never eaten so much in my life. What a great thing!"

After hearing Lin Wufu’s words, Su Ming’s expression eased a bit. It was indeed Su Ming who was a little worried just now. Actually, I would like to know it carefully. With Su Ming’s face, his friend, Long Mao, will definitely treat him well. .

Lin Wufu continued: "I told you this time about... the ancient ruins. Recently, I received news from other family partners that a ruin key has appeared in Ningcheng."

Most people don’t know this topic at all, and they can’t understand it, so it’s better not to let ordinary people know about this topic. So when Lin Wufu spoke, he deliberately suppressed his own voice to ensure that only Su Ming and him can hear it.

As for Long Mao and the others, they met Jiang Xiaojun today, and they felt like they had met Jiang Xiaojun. They had become a group and had a drink there, and they had no time to pay attention to the situation between Su Ming and Lin Wufu.


Su Ming was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that Clin Wufu talked to himself, that the ancient ruins that appeared in Ningcheng, not everyone can enter, and the key to the ancient ruins is required.

But Lin Wufu and the others came to Ningcheng so early, their actual purpose was to find the key. If they couldn't find the key, this ancient ruin had nothing to do with them.

Today, the Lin family who was with Lin Wufu heard news that the key is about to appear, and if they appeared in Ningcheng, they had to go there quickly.

After all, this thing is nothing precious, like a university admission notice, you have to get the notice before you can go to school, otherwise, who wants to take care of you.

And it's not something you can get when you go. Several Guwu families are staring at this stuff. Since the Lin family has received the news, it is difficult to guarantee that others have not received it. So this is bound to be a fierce battle. Can you grab the key? It's hard to say.

Lin Wufu lived with Chang Mao during this period, and he didn't do nothing all day long. He also went out early and returned late every day. Anyway, he was wandering around Ningcheng in an attempt to find signs of the key.

As for how to find it, Su Ming doesn't know, but those Guwu families are clear.

However, Lin Wufu's gain is very limited. It feels like buying a lottery ticket and is constantly trying his luck. Fortunately, the rest of the family have already found it. This is good news for Lin Wufu.

So Lin Wufu didn't need to continue searching anymore. He had to meet up with the other friends of the family in these two days, and then everyone would go to grab the keys to the ruins.

If you want to leave, you must tell someone in advance. After all, after living for so many years, leaving without saying a word seems too rude.

So just as he was out for a drink today, Lin Wufu told Su Ming in advance, after all, he didn't see Su Ming every day.

After knowing the cause of the incident, Su Ming could no longer retain Lin Wufu. After all, he came to Ningcheng for this matter. If he retained others, wouldn’t it be a delay to their business~www.wuxiaspot.com ~ And to be honest, Su Mingxin is still very interested in this ancient relic. People from the ancient martial arts family are eager to enter, which shows that there must be good things in it.

But this doesn't seem to have anything to do with Su Ming. This is a matter of their family, and Su Ming is too embarrassed to say anything. You can't go with Lin Wufu.

So Su Ming said, "Well, since you have serious business, I won't stop you anymore. I hope you can successfully obtain the key to the ruins. Remember to come to Ningcheng to play with me in the future!"

"That's for sure!"

Lin Wufu nodded. It was obvious that he had a good impression of Su Ming. At least Su Ming was his first friend in the world.

"Ding Dong!"

"Congratulations to the host for successfully triggering the random mission [Help the Lin Family Enter the Ancient Ruins]!"

However, just as Su Ming picked up the wine glass and was about to take Lin Wufu for a drink, a crisp reminder sounded in his mind, and the system issued a task to Su Ming in time.

When I saw the name of this task, Su Ming had a bad feeling in his heart for some reason.

But Su Ming couldn't resist this kind of thing, so he could only check the specific situation of this task.

Task name: [Help the Lin Family Enter the Ancient Ruins]

Task requirements: Lin Wufu and his family partners have already learned the traces of the key to the ruins, but the key snatching will be very intense this time.

Also ask the host to trigger, help the Lin family to help them enter the ancient ruins, and enter with the Lin family!

Mission time: one month

Mission difficulty: ten stars

Task reward: 100 points

"I wipe--"

When Su Ming saw the reward of 100 points, his eyes were quite wide, and he almost couldn't help but explode. He had never seen so many points rewards.

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