League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1317: Not very friendly

Su Ming naturally knew what Lin Wufu's words meant. After entering the Lingxu Peak, it meant that the battle had already begun. In other words, he might encounter people from other Guwu families at any time.

After arriving at Lingxu Peak, there is no cooperation at all. After all, there is only one key, which means that if you get it, there is no benefit to other families.

Even if you two get the key together, how should you divide it? Two families can't go to rock-paper-scissors. Whoever wins will give it to whoever wins. That's too nonsense, so everyone fights separately.

After arriving at the Lingxu Peak, that is to say, there may be enemies everywhere. After encountering them, as long as they are not members of a family, no one can guarantee that they will suddenly attack. No one can say such things, so You must be careful and careful.

As a person in the ancient martial arts world, Lin Wufu has a deep understanding of these things, after all, he has experienced such things more than once.

To some extent, the ancient martial arts world is much more cruel than the dunya. It is completely a world where the weak and the strong pay attention to natural laws. It is normal to fight and kill, and there is no specific law to impose sanctions. It is all about who is powerful. , Whose power is greater.

Just talk about this kind of thing once. Everyone is an adult and knows in their hearts. They keep saying it is unnecessary. If you don't take this matter to heart, you won't care anyway.

Su Ming nodded and said that he had understood, the two of them went straight up the mountain.

Ordinary people must feel that climbing is really tired when they go hiking or playing, and even some women are tired when they go up and don't want to come down.

But in fact, everyone climbs the kind of mountain that has been developed. There are mountain trails for you to walk. If it is a mountain that has not been developed, it is really difficult to climb. Even after you climb the mountain, you will find that even There is no place to go, this is really hard to move.

If it is an ordinary person coming up, I am afraid that if he can't walk a few steps, he will be unable to walk, and the skin on his body will be scratched by thorns and branches. Lingxu Peak is currently in such a state. Can't go.

Fortunately, Su Ming and Lin Wufu are both ancient warriors. Their physical strength is not comparable to that of ordinary people, and they both have vitality protection, so they walk relatively easily.

Su Ming is even simpler. He directly opened the stone man’s passive [granite shield], and the skin became extremely hard in an instant. Just walk forward, not afraid of things like weeds, thorns, etc. .

"People from your family, how should you find?"

After running up for a while, even though he wasn't tired, Su Ming was mentally exhausted. After all, he walked all the way without meaning at all, and he felt that there was no goal at all.

And Su Ming was wondering how exactly this Lin Wufu should contact his family members. They seemed to have no way to contact them.

Let’s not talk about the easiest way to use a mobile phone. It’s impossible. Lin Wufu has only learned to use a mobile phone. Let alone other people. It is estimated that his companions will not be able to use mobile phones. Sex is too low.

Not to mention that there is no signal at all here, and mobile phones are not working. Lin Wufu does not have a strong satellite phone.

If Su Ming is a beautiful girl, I am afraid I really have to worry about it, maybe this Lin Wufu deliberately deceived himself into this place.

After taking two steps, Lin Wufu pointed to a tree in front of him and said to Su Ming, "Brother Lin, have you seen this sign?"

After listening to Lin Wufu's words, Su Ming stared at the trunk carefully, only to discover that there was a tiny direction sign at the bottom of the trunk.

I don't know what it was painted with. Anyway, it is black and very small. If you don't look carefully, most people won't be able to notice it.

Even a person like Su Ming with better eyesight hadn't seen it. There was such a thing. If Lin Wufu didn't remind him, it is estimated that Su Ming would never have noticed it.

Who would stare at the tree trunk carefully while walking on this mountain, it was completely impossible to find out.

Perhaps he noticed the surprise in Su Ming's eyes, Lin Wufu smiled, and then said: "Brother Su, this is a sign unique to our family. It is used to point the direction, and only people in our family can see it. understand!"

This is indeed the case. Although Su Ming can see that this sign is a sign of direction, this is not a simple arrow, but there are some strange symbols together, and I don’t know what it means. The more I look at it, the more I feel. Foggy.

No wonder when Lin Wufu was walking on the mountain, Su Ming was a little absent-minded in talking to him, and kept looking around ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Su Ming thought he was too nervous and was always on guard against other families. , It turns out he was looking for a direction sign.

No matter how rich Su Ming's imagination was, he would never think that Lin Wufu and the others used this method to connect. It sounds too old, just like in a martial arts novel.

However, I have to admit that in this specific environment, this method is quite effective. At least it can be unconscious and will not be discovered by others, and the influence of external interference should be less.

Once he got the bottom of his mind, Su Ming stopped saying anything, and followed Lin Wufu. Anyway, as long as he can find a place, it doesn't matter if the time is longer.


At this moment, after walking for about several tens of minutes, Su Ming realized that he had reached the top of Lingxu Peak, but suddenly there was a movement around him, and it seemed that he heard the sound of falling leaves.

This is summer. When the leaves are full of vitality, they will not fall off by birds and beasts at will, which means there are people nearby.

Su Ming's heart was raised in an instant, and the people I met here didn't know whether it was an enemy or a friend, so he might attack him directly.

"It's me, you come out quickly!" Lin Wufu who knows the side, but said very calmly.

At this moment, there was another rustling sound, and then there were really two people falling down from mid-air. At first glance, they were ancient warriors, otherwise it would not be possible to land so smoothly.

The two people who landed, the first thing that caught Su Ming's attention was a tall guy. This guy was too rough and hard for people to pay attention to, and he didn't look like a good person.

"Brother Wu Fu, who is this guy, why did you bring a stranger over?" The rough-looking guy suddenly glanced at Su Ming unfriendly.

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