Lin Canghai's thinking was quite clear at this time, especially after being reminded by Lin Batian, Lin Canghai quickly realized this problem. Su Ming, an ancient warrior in the early stages of the microcosm, was definitely not the opponent of the double-winged monster. Please search () to see the most complete! The fastest newest novel

But fortunately, Su Ming can still move freely, so even if he can't beat him, he can run, so he can sell Lin Canghai and the others.

Instead of everyone dying together, it would be better to run one by one. At least Su Ming died with them, which had no meaning at all.

Moreover, if Su Ming ran out, the people from the Lin family would definitely come to Ningcheng after they learned of their death. Su Ming would also be able to talk about this at that time, at least let the family members know about them. How did he die?

So Lin Canghai hurriedly spoke, and told Su Ming to leave them alone and run right away!

Lin Wufu's expression also changed. He thought of Lin Canghai's intentions. Actually, it was meaningless to fight the bizarre snake at this time. It seemed that Su Ming had no room for victory.

Instead of making unnecessary sacrifices, it is better to run one by one, and Su Ming originally came with him. Lin Wufu felt that he had given Su Ming to the pit, although Su Ming himself wanted to come with him.

But Lin Wufu still regretted it. He had known that he had refused directly and altogether. At the very least, he would not let Su Ming directly fall into the current situation. He might have died with them accidentally.

So Lin Wufu also immediately said, "Brother Su, hurry up and go, I can already feel your heart, but you are not his opponent, hurry up!"

"This time, I am sorry for you!" Lin Wufu said again. These people in the Lin family are still very affectionate. At least at this time, I still want to make Su Ming run quickly, don't accompany them. died.

It's a pity that Su Ming's mind never thought that he was going to run. It didn't exist at all. How could it be possible to leave these people and run away? That was not Su Ming's style of acting.

So Su Ming turned around and said to Lin Wufu: "Brother Lin, what are you talking nonsense here, you are all here, how can I leave?"

"Brother Su. You leave us alone, it's useless, you are not the opponent of the double-winged monster, don't die with us, it doesn't make any sense, run quickly!" Lin Wufu said again.

Obviously this tone sounds a little anxious, Su Ming is too stubborn, and he doesn't listen to advice at all. If he can, Lin Wufu really hopes that he can drag Su Ming to run quickly, so as not to become food for the bizarre snake.

Su Ming smiled, Lin Wufu's mind Su Ming was very clear, but this made Su Ming more determined, and he must save these people.

So Su Ming turned around and said: "Don't say it, I won't go anyway, my legs are long on my body, what can you do with me, it really doesn't work... Then let's die together!"

Don't look at what Su Ming said so tragic, but in fact Su Ming hadn't thought of dying, he might not be in a fight with this bizarre snake.

Lin Wufu and the others thought that Su Ming had no chance of winning. He was just that they were bewildered by Su Ming's realm. Su Ming's realm was only in the early stage of the micro realm, and it was indeed the lowest with them.

However, Su Ming’s strength is not something his realm can show. Su Ming himself is quite clear about this, so Su Ming is very confident, maybe he can slash the double-winged monster directly, and Su Ming’s eyes are filled. With a monstrous fighting spirit.

The awesome master Su Ming has fought, and he has fought more than one or two ancient warriors, but like this powerful beast, Su Ming is really singled out for the first time, and his heart is vaguely a little excited.

If you have fear in your heart when facing a strong enemy, then you will never be able to become a strong one. This is the eternal truth.

"Brother Su————"

Lin Wufu couldn't speak anymore. Su Ming's words really left him speechless. At the same time, Lin Wufu's eye sockets were also moist, and the two rows of men's tears stayed down their faces.

The man has tears and doesn't flick it lightly. Lin Wufu doesn't seem to cry much, but he couldn't help it today. Su Ming's behavior and this kindness really moved him too much.

Speaking of speaking, he and Su Ming haven't known each other for long, but Su Ming can be so affectionate and righteous to him. He would rather die with him than leave him to run.

How about seeing the true feelings in adversity, this kind of feeling can really only be seen in desperate situations, but if it is possible, Lin Wufu would rather Su Ming go quickly and leave them alone.

Of course, Lin Wufu even said this when he heard Su Then there is nothing to say, Su Ming will definitely not leave.

Both Lin Canghai and Lin Batian couldn't help their hearts being moved. What Su Ming did in this matter can only be described as being affectionate and righteous.

Even Lin Batian looked like an emotional person. Like Lin Wufu, his eye sockets were moisturized. Su Ming could rather die than abandon them in this situation.

Although this behavior is indeed silly, but it is also very touching. Many loyal behaviors are things that fools can do to those who do not talk about loyalty and affection, but they will never understand.

It can be said that Lin Canghai and Lin Batian have bought them off because of Su Ming's cooking skills before, but there are still some guards against Su Ming. It is impossible to believe Su Ming directly because of this.

But at this moment, they have completely put down their guard, and can not abandon them in such a difficult situation. If Su Ming is a person with ulterior motives, they would not believe it.

If he really had any evil intentions, he could kill the three of them directly, so this proved that Su Ming was really sincere to help them.

For a while, the two of them were ashamed, ashamed that they had misunderstood Su Ming before, but now there is no chance to say sorry to Su Ming.

Su Ming was staring at the huge double-winged monster. Similarly, this humanoid fellow was also looking at Su Ming.

The eyes seemed to be getting colder and colder, and they turned a bit, making people feel numb.

Obviously this double-winged monster can see that Su Ming is its only opponent at this time. As long as Su Ming is dealt with, everyone will become its food and the nourishment for its improvement.

Standing face to face with one person and one snake, this battle seems inevitable.

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