League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1333: Mantis catching cicada

Lin Canghai's sudden roar caused Su Ming's expression to change suddenly. Su Ming is not stupid, and he can naturally realize that something is wrong.

So Su Ming was not happy anymore. He turned around abruptly, and Su Ming’s pupils shrank suddenly, and a huge shadow covered Su Ming. The strange snake with two wings stood up again. This made Su Ming. Unexpectedly.

Co-authored this beast was pretending to be dead just now. It didn't die, but deliberately pretending to be dead. Obviously, he wanted to make a sudden attack from behind while Su Ming was not paying attention.

The IQ is so high, it is really unexpected, and it seems to have been given a chance by it. This is really unexpected. At this time, Su Ming turned around, but the double-winged monster has already begun to attack. Up.

This time the double-winged monster's attack method was different from before. It was not forcibly hitting Su Ming with the head or body. A long snake letter came out of his mouth, and it pierced Su Ming's back.

This snake letter looked as hard as a long sword, and it goes without saying that it must be very poisonous. If it is touched, even the ancient warrior will not be able to stand it.

The speed of the double-winged monster is too fast, and it is also its desperate win. This sneak attack must be used to kill Su Ming, otherwise, it will die next.

Su Ming really didn't react right now. It took only a while, but only then turned around, and the guy's Snake Xinzi stabbed over, making Su Ming too late to react.

Su Ming was in cold sweat at this time, and he was really frightened. Now he was too careless. He thought that the two-winged monster had been cut with a sword by him. Who knows that all this is the routine of this beast. .


There was a sound of cracking glass. Su Ming had nothing to do, but he still stood there.

At this time, the heart that Su Ming mentioned was finally loosened. How could he forget that he still has such a magical skill as Wind Girl's Eye of the Storm. When life is in danger, this thing will automatically explode. Open, and then become a shield.

Sure enough, when the Snake Xinzi of the double-winged monster pierced over, the "eye of the storm" was just outside Su Ming's body, covered with a transparent shield, directly helping Su Ming withstand this deadly attack.

It made Su Ming very happy, thanks to the "eye of the storm", this thing has helped Su Ming more than once, if there is no such shield to block the skill.

Su Ming can't die. After all, Su Ming still has a chain mail that can help block the damage. It won't be life-threatening, but he can't run away if he is seriously injured.

Su Ming hid him immediately. In the remaining eye of the double-winged monster, the look was extremely shocked. The intelligence of this thing was too high, especially the look in the eyes, which gave people the feeling Humans are similar.

Obviously, it didn't want to understand it. Su Ming didn't react to such a sudden attack, but why Su Ming was all right? This is too weird.

Su Ming will not give this double-winged monster a chance again. This time Su Ming flew into the air again, his eyes were extremely cold, and he drew softly: "Beast, you dare to attack me by pretending to be dead. I'm impatient."

There was no need to be more polite with this double-winged monster. Su Ming slashed over again with a single sword, still at the seven-inch position of the double-winged monster.

It can be seen that the double-winged monster has run out of oil and the lamp has dried up. The sudden attack just now has probably exhausted the entire body of the double-winged monster. After the failure, the double-winged monster is completely helpless.

Su Ming's powerful sword made the double-winged monster do not know how to resist it at all. Now, the double-winged monster finally couldn't struggle and fell to the ground again.

The picture was repeated once, and it seemed that there was an earthquake in this cave again, and the tremors were a lot more severe than before.

This time Su Ming deliberately checked it, and he was sure that the double-winged monster was absolutely out of breath. If one trick can make it play a second time, then Su Ming doesn't need to be confused.

"It's okay, look, if I left just now, wouldn't you all be unlucky?"

Su Ming walked over to the Lin family and said in a joking tone.

In fact, Su Ming was also relieved at this time. After solving the double-winged monster, it was like solving a big problem.

This beast is too powerful, not to mention its strength and IQ, but its huge body, in this cave, gives people a very invisible sense of oppression.

The expressions on Lin Wufu and Lin Canghai’s faces were a bit embarrassing. They thought of persuading Su Ming to run~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and thought that Su Ming would be killed by the double-winged monster without any suspense. Who knew that Su Ming really had both wings. The strange snake was killed and saved the three of them at once.

An emotion of rejoicing flashed in the hearts of the two people. If Su Ming really ran away just now, wouldn’t it be...

I don't dare to think about it anymore. I feel cold and sweaty all over when I think about it. It's good to be alive.

Lin Batian didn’t think about so many things. He came up directly and put his arm around Su Ming, put his hand on Su Ming’s shoulder, and said, “Brother, I’m really convinced. You are in the early stage of the microcosm. , It was so awesome, it saved our lives!"

"By the way, that little black box!"

Only then did Su Ming react. They came this time, isn't it just for the keys to the ancient relics? I don't know if they are in it.

Lin Canghai and the three of them are not very convenient, so this matter was left to Su Ming. Su Ming stepped on the huge body of the double-winged monster, ran over, came to the side of the cold water pool, and found it. Small black box.

After picking it up, there was a heavy feeling, indicating that there must be something in this box.

But after starting, Su Ming didn't open it immediately. It was not very polite. After all, there were three people watching it not far away, so it's better to take it over and open it together.

Su Ming returned the same way again. After arriving here, everyone felt a little expectant, and they didn't know if it was inside.

If it weren't for the key to the ancient relics, it is estimated that everyone's mentality would collapse. After all, so much time and energy was wasted, and they were almost killed by the double-winged monster.


Unexpectedly, at this moment, a dark shadow suddenly flashed, and suddenly slapped Su Ming with a palm, making Su Ming suddenly startled.

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