League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1352: Su Ming, you beast

In fact, Su Ming was telling the truth. There was no need to lie to these people. Su Ming threw the admission ticket at home directly. After the exam, he didn’t touch it. Who knew that he had to check his scores today, so Su Ming did. Too lazy to bring it.

Not to mention the large number of exam numbers that made Su Ming memorize by rote. Su Ming didn't have that thought. He really didn't remember. If the exam number was not allowed, this result was impossible to inquire.

"Can not remember?"

Yuan Qiang was stunned for a moment, and he couldn't help feeling a little funny in his heart. Can you know this important thing? Generally, even if you can't remember, you will find a way to store it in your phone, after all, things that are so important.

What's more, today is still a big day to check the results, almost no one will not know his admission ticket number, this is pure nonsense, anyway, Yuan Qiang is the first to not believe it.

This guy always likes to use his own ideas to measure others, but he does not know that Su Ming and him are not people in the same world.

If ordinary friends, I heard that Su Ming doesn't remember the admission ticket number, don't you forget it? You can only go back and check again. Everyone should eat as soon as they need to eat.

However, this Yuan Qiang may feel like that, it is too unpleasant, so he continued and said: "I don't remember this thing, Su Ming, you are really careless."

In Yuan Qiang’s view, Su Ming’s behavior was awkward. It must be because they didn’t do well in the exam. Seeing that they did well in the exam, I didn’t dare to investigate it. The more I want to see how much Su Ming has scored.

So Yuan Qiang continued to speak: "But this is not a big problem. You can ask in the class group. You will definitely have a unified test admission ticket form. Everyone's admission ticket is there, or go You can ask your teacher."

This guy looked very thoughtful of Su Ming, and seemed to be more anxious than Su Ming.

Su Ming's brows frowned unconsciously, and he asked if this guy had a problem. I said that I can't remember the admission ticket number. Your special lady is still here, so I can check the results.

Don’t you know that it’s easy to disgust others? But after thinking about it, this guy is indeed a bit low in EQ, and I don't know what he has experienced in high school in the past few years. Su Ming's way of being a man is very disliked.

Jiang Xiaojun couldn't listen anymore, and naturally understood this guy's intention, but Yuan Qiang's wishful thinking was mistyped. Don't forget, Su Ming is not the same Su Ming before.

Little did the previous classmates know that Su Ming had undergone a transformation during the third year of high school. That is to say, Su Ming's grades have undergone earth-shaking changes in this year, and it can be said that he has become a leader in Ningcheng Middle School.

Jiang Xiaojun knows all these things, so he understands that Su Ming will definitely not have bad results in the college entrance examination this time. In that case, it's better to slap these two guys in the face.

Anyway, these two guys have pretended to be so hard to pretend to the present. It is really disgusting and annoying to show Jiang Xiaojun. So Jiang Xiaojun said: "Su Ming, since the old classmate wants to see it so, please check it out, I'll go Ask someone else for your admission ticket number and see if you can find it."


Yuan Qiang had misunderstood Jiang Xiaojun's meaning, and thought that Su Ming was overly pretending, even his friend Jiang Xiaojun couldn't stand it anymore.

So Yuan Qiang directly said: "Yeah, this kind of thing is checked in the first place, there is no need to wait."

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host, successfully triggered a random task [check the college entrance examination results]"

Task name: [Query the results of the college entrance examination]

Task requirements: The host’s two junior high school classmates, Yuan Qiang and Li Dexue, expressed doubts about the host’s strength and intended to mock the host’s performance. Please the host directly inquire about the results and slap these two guys in the face!

Task time: ten minutes

Mission difficulty: five stars

Task reward: 50 points

The system suddenly issued a task to Su Ming, and Su Ming is used to this style, anyway, it is the kind that is abruptly without any signs.

The content of the task is not surprising to Su Ming, the ordinary face-slap task is just normal.

What makes Su Ming feel strange is that there is still a task on him that has not been completed, that is, the task of helping the Lin family enter the ancient ruins, and he has issued another task to Su Ming.

It seems that she has sensed Su Ming's inner doubts, so Xiao Na said: "Host, the system has never told you before, only one mission can be performed."


Regarding this explanation, Su Ming expressed his acceptance, but the points sent to the door were not for nothing. Su Ming was not stupid, so Su Ming went uncharacteristically.

Said: "Yuan Qiang said something reasonable, then I'll check it out, Xiaojun, you can quickly find out my admission ticket number, hurry up!"

Su Ming's tone still sounded rather hurried, and Su Ming can't be blamed. The system gave ten minutes. If this special lady couldn't find the admission ticket number in time, Su Ming would have timed out.

Su Ming's uncharacteristic behavior caused Yuan Qiang and Li Dexie to be stunned. Anyway, as long as Su Ming is willing to check, they are still quite curious about Su Ming's results.

Let's see how he finished the exam after three years in a good school like Ningcheng Middle School.

Jiang Xiaojun thought that Su Ming had figured it out and was about to slap her face, so he looked for the head teacher in the group and asked for Su Ming's admission ticket number.

Today this day ~www.wuxiaspot.com~The head teacher Xia Qingchan must be online 24 hours a day, and he directly replied to Jiang Xiaojun, saying, "Does Su Ming want to check the results? Tell him not to check it."

"He scored 676 points and ranked 12th in Ningcheng City!" Xia Qingchan replied directly.

In fact, after the results are released, the head teacher and the school must know the results of every student. Su Ming's results are already considered high.

So Xia Qingchan remembered very deeply. I thought that Su Ming had already checked it out. Who knows it hasn't been checked after a long time. When Jiang Xiaojun asked the admission ticket number, Xia Qingchan knew that Su Ming was going to check the results.

Jiang Xiaojun knew that Xia Qingchan would definitely not deceive, so he was full of ecstasy, grabbed Su Ming, and said excitedly: "Su Ming, you beast, do you know how many points you scored on the test?"

"You scored 676 points, but you are the 12th place in Ningcheng City." Jiang Xiaojun's voice was loud. He didn't mean to tell Yuan Qiang and the others on purpose, but was really excited.

Even if Su Ming guessed that his test would not be bad, he didn't expect it to be so high, so he asked: "How did you know?"

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