League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1366: It turned out to be an acquaintance

The "Royal Pearl" is a high-end venue. The staff here are carefully selected, whether it is a waiter or a security guard who seems to be of low status.

The security guards here seem to be tall and tall, almost all over 1.8 meters tall. I don't know what their skills are, but depending on their aura, it should be no problem for one person to hit several people.

There are very few people who dare to make trouble here, or even almost none. These security guards usually maintain order. Who knows that conflicts have been triggered today, so the security captain did not hesitate to take people directly. Over there, more than a dozen security guards opened a way out.

The security was called by Huang Ye, so when he saw that the security was coming, he immediately said, "These people insult my girlfriend and are deliberately trying to find something, so hurry them off!"

This guy should be used to ordering others at ordinary times, so when he talks, he has a very powerful expression on his face, it seems that these security guards are people under his hands.

"Whoever is driven off, I will see who dares to do it!"

At this moment, a voice came from behind, Su Ming and Jiang Xiaojun came over, and the box was not far away from here, it only took a few minutes.

After Su Ming approached, he heard that someone was going to drive away all his classmates, and he immediately stopped getting angry. You dare to move the person who asked me to come here, but Su Ming wanted to see. Look, who was it this time?

Su Ming seems to have seen enough in this place in Ningcheng.

After approaching, Su Ming glanced at Li Kun's face. As expected, the bright red slap print was still on it. He was slapped by someone at first glance, and by looking at it, he must have been slapped.

Su Ming became even more angry for a while, and brought someone to eat, but was beaten for no reason, so Su Ming asked in a deep voice, "Is it all right?"

"I'm fine!"

Although Li Kun was very angry when he was beaten, he was a little bit embarrassed when he saw Su Ming, and he quickly said, "Excuse me, Su Ming, this happened today."

Su Ming asked a relationship to bring them up to experience it at a preferential price, but they got into trouble. Indeed, many people feel very sorry for Su Ming.

"It's okay, you don't have to worry about this, go sit next to it for a while." Su Ming patted Li Kun on the shoulder.

He really doesn't need to care about this, just leave it to Su Ming.

"Who made the beating, show me!" Su Ming immediately asked the monitor next to him.

As a result, the squad leader hadn't spoken yet, but Huang Ye who was beating people was happy, and said directly: "Don't ask, I beat the people."

"What's wrong, you're here to help him get ahead, then if you have the ability, come up and hit me and give him revenge." Huang Ye's tone was full of sarcasm.

Since Su Ming was with this group of people, they were probably ordinary students, and there was nothing to worry about. He didn't believe Su Ming dared to beat him, after all, so many security guards were watching.


Unexpectedly, he was slapped in the face immediately after he finished speaking, and Su Ming slapped him over. He hated this kind of scumbag.

And if someone is really guilty of begging and beating, then Su Ming won't be polite, just hitting him as if I had never hit anyone.

Su Ming's oily face was slapped firmly by Su Ming. Su Ming's slap was not fun. It directly caused Huang Ye's center of gravity to become unstable and his whole person fell.

"Honey, you... are you all right..."

The woman with delicate makeup was shocked when she saw that Huang Ye was beaten. She squatted on the ground quickly to see how Huang Ye was beaten.

Naturally, Huang Ye was beaten miserably. Although his teeth hadn't been knocked out, blood had leaked from the inside of the tooth socket, which showed that Su Ming's slap was not at all imaginary with him.

Of course, Su Ming only used physical strength, and didn't use skills or vitality, otherwise this guy would be a complete corpse.

"Maid, dare to beat Lao Tzu!"

Huang Ye's eyes were red, and his appearance didn't look so personable anymore. After being in a high position, he really had never been beaten.

With the support of a woman with delicate makeup, Huang Ye staggered to his feet. He looked human before, but after being slapped by Su Ming, he looked quite embarrassed.

However, you can see Huang Ye's full face with anger, coupled with the blood leaking from his mouth, when speaking with one mouth, it still looks quite scary.

But Su Ming won’t be scared by him, on the contrary, he feels a little funny, because he has seen too many people like this kind of cruel talk to him, but every one of them has no intentions, because you dare to hit me, believe me. If you don't believe that I will kill you, you can't scare Su Ming.

Su Ming said directly: "I will hit you, you bite me?"

Provocation, this is an obvious provocation.

Su Ming doesn't even bother to find excuses. To hit you is to hit you. If I see you are upset, I have to hit you. If you don't agree with your special mother, I will bite me.

Huang Ye's angry face was almost green, and he said directly to the security guard next to him: "Did you see it? Have you seen it? This kid hit me, he took the initiative to hit me, so why don't you give him to him? Go down?!"

The security guards couldn't escape either, because Su Ming was indeed in front of them just now, blatantly beating people, this is nothing to say.

So the security captain in front said directly: "This gentleman, I am really embarrassed. You hit someone just now. You may have to cooperate with our investigation!"

"If you don't cooperate with the investigation, please throw them out to me~www.wuxiaspot.com~ What are you being kind to such people!" Huang Ye cursed directly.

After this guy was beaten by Su Ming, his temperament seemed to change drastically, and he became the kind of shrew.

"What's the matter, it's noisy here?"

At this moment, a man in a white shirt walked over and spoke to the security guards in a very dignified tone.

"Hello Manager Sun!"

When these security guards saw the guy in the white shirt, they stood straight and said, because this guy is a manager on the "Royal Pearl", and he is a manager who mainly manages various affairs on the cruise ship. Up.

As soon as Huang Ye saw the manager Sun, he immediately said, "Manager Sun happened to be here. I was beaten by someone just now. What should you do?"

"It turned out to be General Manager Huang."

As soon as Manager Sun saw Huang Ye, he immediately said something. When everyone heard this, they realized that they were acquaintances.

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