"Move faster and don't affect our other guests. If someone doesn't cooperate, you can take corresponding forcible measures!"

After thinking for a while, Manager Sun added another sentence before the security guards took action.

This sentence is quite easy to understand. A little translation is that if these people are unwilling to go down, then you will force me to throw it down.

The security guards all act on orders. Manager Sun is the person in charge of everything here. He has absolute rights when Zeng Tianqi is away.

Therefore, these security guards also had to obey the orders, staring directly at them, and were ready to force their hands up.

Su Ming's classmates suddenly refused to agree. They are not the kind of people who can be bullied casually, even if this is the "Royal Pearl".

They are all students and have never entered society, so naturally they will not bow their heads casually.

I just heard someone say: "Why, why are you driving us away? We paid a hundred dollars to get up. If we spend money, we can drive people away. Believe it or not, I will go to the Consumers Association to complain to you."

"Yes, we all spent money, you are not qualified to drive people, warn you not to mess around!"

"It's not impossible to let us go, but we haven't eaten anything yet. We just stayed for a while when we came up, and gave us back the one hundred dollars each of us!"


Many people joined in one after another. Everyone is very strange. There is such a thing. I have never heard of this kind of thing. How can people be driven away casually after spending money? Is this the attitude toward God?

When Su Ming heard this, his face was full of black lines, and he said, big brothers and sisters, that one hundred dollars was a nonsense. You know in your own heart that you don't have to do it, why you have to say it.

Su Ming was afraid that these people would raise a hundred dollars, but it was all right now. Which one is the pot or not.

Sure enough, all these people on the cruise ship were stunned. You can get on the "Royal Pearl" for a hundred dollars. This is not a joke. You must know that if you want to get here, you will have to spend at least tens of thousands of dollars a night. Right.

Of course, for many wealthy people, tens of thousands of dollars is equivalent to a few hundred dollars in their eyes. Those who can play here, who cares about tens of thousands of dollars.

However, in a practical sense, the difference between tens of thousands of yuan and one hundred yuan is not a little bit different. You can get in for a hundred yuan? "The Royal Pearl" is funny.


The woman with delicate makeup was also the instigator of this incident. With a smile on her face, she said in a mocking tone: "So you all came up with a hundred dollars."

"That's no wonder, no wonder the co-author is really a bunch of poor ghosts like having never eaten before!" The woman continued to sarcastically, saying so disgusting, it is estimated that her heart is also very ugly.

Many of Su Ming's classmates were flushed with ridicule at this time, but they didn't know what to say to refute them. Obviously, they were very angry inside, which already involved the issue of dignity.

It may also be seen that these students of Su Ming are indeed ordinary people, so women with delicate makeup have no scruples in their hearts.

"Okay, get them out quickly, don't affect other guests!" Manager Sun said straightforwardly, it was obvious that he didn't want to see these people at all.

It seems that these people exist, and it feels that the "Royal Pearl" is a lot dirty.


Su Ming has been watching these guys' performances, especially this manager Sun. Su Ming paid attention to him for a long time. This guy has a very problematic attitude, which makes Su Ming very unhappy.

In any case, they cannot be allowed to drive people out. If all the people in a class are driven out, where should Su Ming's face be put?

Not to mention that there is another task there. If the whole class is driven out, then his task will not fail.

So no matter what, you can't be kicked out casually. The boss of the "Royal Pearl" was directly kicked out by the security guard on the cruise ship. If this happens, it is estimated that Su Ming will become a joke.

Seeing that these security guards were really about to come up, Su Ming shot suddenly and slapped a long table not far in front of him to pieces.

Staring at these people coldly, then he said: "I want to see who dares to disturb my classmates today!"

"Wow, Su Ming is so handsome!"

After the icy sentence was finished, many young girls in the class suddenly had stars in their eyes, and the look in Su Ming's eyes was different.

It's so domineering to stand alone in front of dozens of people. This is a real man. If Shen Mu could not be there, it is estimated that there will be little girls who could not help but pounce on.


However, Su Ming's domineering look is quite interesting in the eyes of Manager Sun, but he didn't expect this young man to act like a coercion.

Manager Sun smiled, but his smile gradually became cold, and then he said unceremoniously: "You are nothing special. Don't think it's great to come in through the back door. I said to throw you out and throw you away. Get out!"

Such an arrogant tone of speech really made Su Ming a little unbearable, and then Su Ming slapped it directly and slapped this guy in the face, allowing Manager Sun to follow in the footsteps of Huang Ye.


The quality of Manager Sun is not very high. When people are angry, the external disguise will be torn apart.

I heard Manager Sun directly explode, as if he couldn’t wait to tear Su Ming off, and said directly: “What a damn, you **** wait for me, dare to beat me, I must kill you today. No!"


Another slap rang~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This time it was Manager Sun who was beaten, but it was not Su Ming, but Jiang Xiaojun.

When Jiang Xiaojun heard that this guy kept scolding Su Ming, and also said those nasty things, Jiang Xiaojun felt that this was even more angry than being scolded, so he couldn't help but slapped him.

Manager Sun's heart collapsed, and Te Niang stood up without saying a few words, but was slapped again.

"Who are you going to kill, believe it or not, I will kill you first?" Jiang Xiaojun said in a deep voice.

Since Jiang Xiaojun entered the Jiang family, he has already had the posture of a superior, and there is still some aura on his body. When he said this just now, he immediately shocked Manager Sun.

"Leave this to me!"

Su Ming glanced at Jiang Xiaojun, and then said lightly, because Su Ming had already seen that Jiang Xiaojun wanted to use Jiang's family relationship, but it was unnecessary.

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