Is the food baked by Liu Jian really that delicious? To put it bluntly, it is actually that way. From a real point of view, it is not as delicious as the roadside stall.

It’s just that in this environment, it’s good to be able to eat warm things, plus so many people eating together, plus people’s psychological feelings, so it feels very delicious.

Part of the reason for this is that the grilled meats, chicken wings, and skewers brought by Liu Jian and his friends are all high-end products with relatively high prices.

It's similar to eating the meat in a self-service barbecue. In fact, it is marinated in advance, and you only need to bake it there. There is not much attention to it, just don't bake it.

It's just that these people are not bad money, the meat they buy is naturally not comparable in ordinary self-service barbecue restaurants, and the natural taste is okay.

Liu Jian's face was contented, it seemed to be more refreshing than the feeling after just getting health care. After all, he was praised by others, this is the most refreshing feeling.

When I was feeling proud, I looked at Qin Xiaoke and the group of people next to him. They were actually roasting things on the fire, and I couldn't help but feel even more frustrated.

The attribute of this gangster seems to be unchangeable. I was frightened before, but now it is starting again, and he directly said: "Hey, have you baked it over there."

"Xiao Ke, or you can come and eat it. The food I baked tastes really good. If you don't believe it, come and taste it." Liu Jian continued.

Qin Xiaoke cast a blank glance, and then he didn't say anything at all. He didn't have any interest in dealing with this guy. The more he dealt with this kind of person, the more exciting he would be. The best way is to ignore him.

Su Ming couldn't help but smiled, and glanced at Xiaobo who was full of discomfort, so Su Ming said: "Calm down, wait for my things to be baked in a while, and guarantee that they are better than theirs."

Those little kids are just making some barbecue. What kind of crafts can they have, if they can't even cook something, then Su Ming doesn't need to mix it up.

Su Ming’s words immediately refreshed the children, and Qin Xiaoke was the first to speak, “You haven’t tasted my brother-in-law’s craftsmanship. The meal that brother-in-law made is delicious. Naturally, things won’t be bad."

Qin Xiao is very confident of Su Ming's craftsmanship. After all, he has tasted it, and even people with picky tastes like Qin Shiyin can praise it.

A few bear kids must believe in Su Ming. Su Ming’s image in their hearts is too big and even has a kind of blind worship, so they trust them very much. They believe that Su Ming can cook better than Liu Jian’s. The food came, full of anticipation for a while.

Baking things is a very boring process. After all, this thing is very big, unlike the lamb skewers and chicken wings on the barbecue stalls, it is relatively small, so it will take a while.

And sitting next to the fire, naturally bursts of heat are constantly rushing to the body, this is not winter, and there will be no such warm feeling.

When Su Ming was free, he glanced at Qin Xiaoke's classmates and found that most of them had already eaten it, after all, they baked it earlier.

But so many people are definitely not enough to eat, so I still have to bake while eating. At this time, Liu Jian was too lazy to move, and directly asked some girls in the class who wanted to try to bake.

Liu Jian is a little yellow hair, which is quite recognizable. Su Ming was found in the crowd at once, but after taking a look, Su Ming was shocked.

Because Su Ming saw some pictures of spicy eyes at this time, this Liu Jian was actually feeding others to eat barbecue, and it didn't matter if the special lady was feeding others, he was still feeding a man, this...

Do the two elders need to be fed to eat? This is too disgusting. The goose bumps on Su Ming are almost getting up. The key point is that these two guys are no one else, and seem to have been immersed in their own world.

I couldn't help it anymore, so Su Ming asked: "What's the matter with Liu Jian in your class and the boy next to him? It seems a bit outrageous."

"Don't mention it, it's just a pair of gangsters!" Xiaobo suddenly said something, and he could hear a disgusting smell in his words.

Qin Xiaoke took over and said, "I don't know if it's a **** guy. Anyway, the relationship between the two of them is not normal. The boy next to Liu Jian is called Lu Liang."

"At first everyone thought that they were simply having a good relationship, but later found out that the good ones were too much."

Qin Xiaoke said, "But everyone has watched a lot, so now it's not surprising, there is nothing strange."

"It's just a **** gay, what do you say so nice!"

"A good It must be used as a **** stick."

"How do you know that Liu Jian is a gun? Maybe it's just a small toothpick."


Several bear children began to talk about it one after another. Men usually feel disgusting when they hear this. After all, it is not good for two men to be too close.

Unlike women, if they are close friends, they might go out and hold hands together, feed each other something and so on.

But men and women are inherently different. If a man does this, it is obviously abnormal. It is estimated that only a fool will feel normal.

Su Ming also felt a numb scalp, and said that the young kid at this age actually knew that he was getting involved, and Su Ming could not accept it anyway.

I quickly turned my gaze back, I'd better not see it.

Seeing that it was a little cooked, Su Ming quickly brushed up the seasonings, some of the seasonings were urged, and immediately the fragrance began to exude, floating in the air continuously.

"Hey, why is it so fragrant?!"

Many people at Liu Jian have already smelled this scent, but they thought it was coming from something they roasted, so Liu Jian said directly: "Look, I bought this barbecue very good. Well, this scent is just the same."

"That's not right--"

A boy wearing glasses said at this time: "I ate a bunch, and I feel that the fragrance is still a little different."

"I can feel what you said, the fragrance is not the same at all, not from the barbecue!" Someone echoed.

Suddenly someone closed their eyes and smelled it carefully. Then they opened their eyes and pointed to Qin Xiaoke's side, and said, "I smell it. This scent belongs to them."

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