League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1389: The old driver is unstable

This is just an episode, and the other students didn't know how Qin Xiaoke allocated tents at night.

But Xiaobo and the few bear kids didn't think there was anything. After all, Su Ming was Qin Xiaoke's brother-in-law, and living with Qin Xiaoke, it seemed that there was nothing too weird, and no one else thought about it.

Maybe Su Ming and Qin Xiaoke were the only two of them. They were a little unnatural in their hearts, and they always felt a little weird, but they couldn't tell exactly where they were not used to.

However, both of them held this feeling in their hearts and didn't say much.

Su Ming has read the "Diamond Sutra" silently more than a dozen times in his heart, reminding himself that this is just a sleep, don't think too much, in case something happens, it is estimated that Su Ming has committed a crime.

Starting in three years, the highest death penalty.

After the tent is set up, everyone has basically discussed how to live in the evening, and then dinner will begin.

The dinner time is relatively late, after all, everyone eats a lot of barbecue at noon, so if you eat too early, it is estimated that you will not be able to eat.

Naturally, it is impossible to continue eating barbecue at night. If you eat barbecue for two meals a day, it can really hurt your stomach.

If anyone had diarrhea on the mountain, it would be sour and refreshing. I can hardly think about it. So even if they want to eat, Su Ming won't make it again. Everyone brought vacuum-packaged food.

Although it’s not as effective as eating, it’s okay to fill up your stomach.

After eating, there was no entertainment. Naturally, I went to bed. Before everyone entered the tent, the head teacher gave an order: "This is on the mountain after all. When you sleep at night, you must be careful. If something goes wrong, you will immediately shout loudly. Call for help, the rest of us can come over in time."

Despite the calm and tranquility of the day today, the head teacher still can't fully relax. It is night after all. People sleep and rest at night, but many animals are different.

Especially the animals on the mountain, they are likely to start activities at night, and they have to be careful. If something happens to these little kids, the head teacher will be unlucky, and the parents have to come over and tear them alive.

Some protective measures were also taken, and instead of making some fires nearby, they used that kind of bright flashlight to hang on the surrounding tents to keep this area bright.

This can be regarded as a method. Many animals that act at night are actually afraid of light. With these lights, they can indeed come in handy.

It’s different from when Su Ming was at Lingxu Peak last time. When he was at Lingxu Peak last time, he was afraid that other Guwu family members would approach him. So Su Ming and the others were very careful. Dare to make a fire.

And there are not a few people on this mountain at all. Even if there are, there are other people who come up to play in the wild. Even if they are discovered, it is impossible to harm them. The main thing is to beware of some animal reptiles.


After nightfall, Su Ming and Qin Xiaoke entered the tent and took off the outer coats. In fact, the clothes on their bodies were quite neat.

After all, in this environment, there is no time to change clothes and take a bath. Basically, they sleep in the same clothes. Although sleeping like this is uncomfortable, the real survival in the wild may even have the opportunity to sleep in a tent. No.


After lying down, the feelings in the hearts of the two of them were a little subtle. No one spoke for a while. After a few minutes, Qin Xiaoke took the initiative to speak and whispered Su Ming.


Su Ming didn't know how to answer, so he dryly agreed, and then Qin Xiaoke continued: "Brother-in-law, how do you sleep when you sleep with my sister?"


Su Ming didn't know why Qin Xiaoke asked this kind of question. He said that my sister and I had never slept twice, and basically slept when I was too tired, or it was just like normal sleep.

So Su Ming said: "Just two people lie down there, and then they fall asleep."


Qin Xiaoke made a very contemptuous voice. It was obvious that he didn't believe Su Ming's words very much. He said that you two would go to sleep without doing anything. Who would believe it?

"Xiao Ke, I'm telling you something, you have to promise me!" After a moment of silence, Su Ming spoke.

Qin Xiaoke said: "What a coincidence, I also want to tell you something."

"Then you speak first."

"No, it's your brother-in-law."

At this moment, the two people unexpectedly coincided with each other and said at the same time: "Don't tell you (my) sister about this!"


After speaking, both of them were stunned at the same time, and then Qin Xiaoke couldn't help it, and then smiled.

After working together for a long time, both of them are worried about this problem. If they are worried about this, it will be easier to handle.

Since both people were worried about what Qin Shiyin would know, it proved that they would definitely not take the initiative to speak, and Su Ming was relieved.

"Go to sleep!"

Su Ming said softly, after working for a long time today, it is still quite tired. Su Ming is a bit sleepy, but the main thing is to let Qin Xiaoke rest earlier.

After all, Qin Xiaoke is a girl who has never suffered from this kind of bitterness. If Su Ming hadn't instilled some vitality into her today, it is estimated that Qin Xiaoke would have been dead.

There is still one day tomorrow, so you still have to go to bed early, and keeping your strength is the most important.

Although Su Ming has to go to bed tonight~www.wuxiaspot.com~, he must not fall asleep to death. He has to be in that state of half asleep and half awake. If there is any trouble, Su Ming can still react.

This time there are too many people, so you have to be careful. Those bear kids, it is estimated that one or two of them are about to die. It is impossible to expect them to be more vigilant.

"Xiao Ke, what are you doing?"

At this moment, Su Ming said that it hadn't been three minutes before he slept. Who knew Qin Xiaoke turned over, went up and hugged Su Ming from the side, and put his legs on Su Ming's body.

The two legs up and down directly clamped Su Ming's leg.

Rao is a veteran driver like Su Ming who has seen the world. He is also a little unstable. His heart is trembling. At the same time, his inner muscles become tight in an instant. This pose is very tempting.

So Su Ming said painfully: "Xiao Ke, you don't sleep well, what are you doing?"

(End of this chapter)

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