So Su Ming hurriedly retracted his legs, and then he sat up and said, "Xiao Ke, you should fall asleep first. I will go out and see what's going on!"

The reason why I say this is not to change the subject, but Su Ming is really worried. If there is something like a wild boar, it will be a very scary thing. Su Ming still has to be careful.

"Brother-in-law, what are you going to do? Go out so late?" Who knows that when Su Ming was about to leave, Qin Xiaoke grabbed Su Ming, as if he was afraid that Su Ming would not come back after he left.

Even if she slept quite comfortably just now, but in this state, if Su Ming left, she really didn't dare to sleep.

"Don't worry, if you sleep with you, I will come back when I go out and have a look." Su Ming said softly and comforted.

Qin Xiaoke calmed down a bit when he heard this, so he lay down and said, "Brother-in-law, you remember to come back early."


After Su Ming got out of the tent, he suddenly felt a chill. The temperature difference between day and night on the mountain was quite large, and at night, the temperature might drop directly after a while.

So as soon as the tent suddenly exits, there will be a very cold feeling. After two seconds, Su Ming gets used to it.

After walking a few steps forward, Su Ming made his movements as light as possible, so as not to disturb other people's sleep. At this point in time, it is estimated that those bear children have been tired for a day and have already entered your dreamland.

When I stepped on the mountain road, I still followed the leaves and bushes on the ground, making a "rustling" sound.

After looking around, Su Ming scanned everywhere, trying to see if there was any danger nearby, but Su Ming didn't find anything.

It feels that everything is quite calm, except for the sound of insects, there is no wind and grass, let alone dangerous large animals, Su Ming even on the ground, not even a single insect was found.

"Did I really misheard it just now?"

Su Ming said to himself, he was also a little uncertain, after all, after he came out, Su Ming found nothing and there was no danger.

Although the voice was really heard, Su Ming couldn't confirm it at this time. Xin said that there might be auditory hallucinations, which might be true.


So Su Ming heaved a sigh of relief and turned around to go back to sleep in the tent. It was just a false alarm. At this moment, he suddenly saw a pair of green eyes in the woods not far away.

The eyes were dark green, and they could be seen very clearly in the dark. A feeling of permeation immediately rose.

Even Su Ming's back suddenly chilled. This is really not that Su Ming is timid. The main reason is that he suddenly saw this kind of thing, which was similar to Te Niang's sudden appearance, and it was really a bit oozing.

A heart suddenly lifted up. Sure enough, it wasn’t Su Ming who heard it just now. There were indeed beasts. The dark green eyes made people horrified. I guess it’s not something to provoke. s things.

However, the next thing that made Su Ming's scalp numb even more happened. There were more than just these eyes. In the surrounding woods, dense, dark green eyes suddenly appeared.

It seemed that these dark green eyes directly surrounded Su Ming. There were at least dozens of pairs of eyes, maybe hundreds of them. Su Ming couldn't count them clearly after such a short time.

These eyes began to move, and they surrounded Su Ming directly, or it could be said that they surrounded the tent from all sides.

Su Ming wasn't too scared, except for a sudden surprise in his heart when he didn't pay attention at first, but this kind of scene still seemed a bit oozing.

These eyes gradually got closer. After they got closer, they were exposed to the light, and the dark green eyes disappeared. Su Ming took a look and walked over these things, they turned out to be wolves!

Wolves look a lot like dogs, especially dogs of the husky breed, but Su Ming can still distinguish clearly, how can there be so many dogs in this wilderness.

And with so many dogs, it's impossible to act together. It's pretty good without tearing them up, and these guys are acting in an orderly manner.

At first, there was no movement at all. If it were not for the dull screams, it is estimated that Su Ming would not have found them in the tent, and when he gradually approached, it was the kind of orderly action, so orderly, It must be a wolf.

Su Ming was very surprised that a group of wolves suddenly appeared on this mountain. This is too rare. It seems that he has only seen it in the animal world.

With dozens or even hundreds of wolves, Su Ming couldn't calm down, and a pressure filled Su Ming's heart. If these guys were to go together, it is estimated that Su Ming would not be so easy to fight.

In this process, there are still so many bear children, if there are wolves to surprise, Su Ming may not be able to take care of them.

Su Ming only confirmed one thing at this time, that is, Qin Xiaoke is absolutely poisonous, and every time he comes out with her, he definitely has trouble.

In the past, those were all minor troubles and could be solved without much effort, but this time it was all right, and so many wolves came out directly.

The wolf is very fierce, and when it treats humans, it is very cold-blooded and aggressive, and it has the kind of endless spirit in it when it bites.

If it really started fighting, it would be easy for people to die today, and Su Ming had a headache for a while, and he was not sure what to do. The matter is now, Su Ming can only do his best to protect everyone. UU Reading www. If there is another accident in, Su Ming has nothing to do.


After the wolves gradually surrounded, the leading wolf suddenly raised his head and roared, his voice was very loud and long, and Su Ming also felt a trace of desolation inside.

It was estimated that Su Ming heard wolves barking, but because they were in the tent and the wolves were far away, Su Ming didn’t hear it very real.

Generally, there is a wolf in the wolf pack, responsible for leading the wolf pack, and this wolf is definitely the most powerful one.

Sure enough, Su Ming glanced at the wolf that he called just now. It was even more burly, and its hair looked better than other wolves, and the neck was still white.

The sound was so loud that it immediately awakened many people who were sleeping, and the head teacher was one of them.

After running out of the tent, Qin Xiaoke and their head teacher were dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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