League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1400: First come first?

Seeing that it was in the middle of the microsphere, Su Ming was finally relieved. It was almost the same as he had guessed. Being young is not too strong.

It's just a mid-level of microcosm, and it doesn't pose any threat to Su Ming. During this period, Su Ming has had a lot of battles with ancient warriors, and he is also very aware of his strength.

Don’t think that the realm is only the early stage of the micro realm, but in fact, in terms of real combat power, Su Ming can fight in the late micro realm. Don’t mention the middle of the micro realm. Su Ming will not take too much effort to fight. It is estimated that Syndra's ultimate move can be done directly.

So Su Ming's reaction was very fast, and he immediately began to condense Syndra's ultimate move. This skill does not mean that you can throw a few **** to the enemy immediately. It takes a certain amount of time.

Fortunately, Su Ming is used to it. Every time he encounters an opponent, Su Ming's first reaction is to quickly condense the dark vitality bomb, which can be used in an instant when the fight starts.

"It's so special, it's endless, isn't it? I didn't kill you yesterday, and I found it. Get out of here!" The ancient warrior wearing a straw hat said something.

Obviously he recognized the wolves at a glance. Yesterday, when he forcibly snatched the wolf, he fought with these wolves. If it wasn't for the fact that he was still holding a struggling little wolf in his hands, the action was not very convenient. He just killed all these wolves yesterday.

This guy’s voice sounded prickly, giving people a very uncomfortable feeling. While Su Ming frowned, he also looked at this guy. As a result, Su Ming found out that this guy’s hands were still Carried a fruit.

The fruit was connected to a cane, and it seemed that it was pulled down directly by this guy. The fruit was red all over, and it was still that dark red.

The whole fruit can't tell what's special, but it has a clear feeling and looks very pleasing to the eye.

No matter how stupid, Su Ming knows that this thing is definitely not bad, it looks much better than the imported fruits in the big supermarkets. It is estimated that this ancient warrior wearing a straw hat was just to get this dark red fruit, so he was delayed on the mountain. Time.

And he also tied the little wolf deliberately, which meant that he didn't want to take a little wolf to delay things, and tossed for a while before he got the dark red fruit.

It was also thanks to him that he wasted some time on this mountain, otherwise, if he brought the little wolf down the mountain directly, Su Ming's heart would collapse.


After the wolf was slapped into the air, it was not injured. Instead, it continued to get up and rushed towards the ancient warrior wearing a straw hat, very vicious.

Now that the murderer has been found, the wolf must not let him go this time, so the wolf has exhausted all of his energy, and he has to kill this guy and rescue the little wolf.

The wolf head was not bad at all, and he kept attacking from various positions. Su Ming couldn't help but be stunned.

It turns out that this wolf is so powerful that it can be entangled in the face of ancient warriors. Su Ming has underestimated the fighting power of the wolf. This guy, it is estimated that the tiger and lion will be brought over, and he can't beat this wolf. The fighting power is too strong. Fierce.

No wonder this ancient warrior only wounded the wolf before. After all, after robbing the little wolf at the time, facing the ferocious wolves, this ancient warrior must be inconvenient to move, so after wounding the wolf, He left quickly.

But animals are animals after all, and the head wolf is not a fierce beast that has already cultivated to a certain level. The first entanglement is that it is too fierce, and it is definitely not the opponent of the ancient martial artist.

Not to mention the ancient warrior wearing a straw hat. Now that he only grabbed a fruit in his hand, it was more convenient to move, so he slapped the wolf out again in no time.

This kind of tyrannical vitality broke out, and the wolf couldn't resist it for a while, and was injured again. Fortunately, there was no life-threatening danger, but if he wanted to rush to bite people, his body was no longer allowed.


When the wolves saw that their boss was injured, they all became excited. The hatred value had reached the highest point and they wanted to rush up together.

Su Ming frowned. It was unnecessary for the wolves to rush up like this. They could not be the opponents of the ancient warriors. Even if they caused some trouble, they couldn't escape a tragic death in the end.

So Su Ming had to come by himself, so Su Ming suddenly yelled, "Just quiet down and let me go, don't move!"

Su Ming's voice was once again mixed with vitality, otherwise it would be impossible to shock these wolves whose emotions were already somewhat out of control.

Sure enough, many wolves finally recovered their sanity after being yelled at by Su Ming, and calmed down a bit.

However, Su Ming's use of vitality exposed himself. The ancient warrior wearing a straw hat immediately noticed ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ his face changed in shock, and there was one hidden among the wolves. Ancient warrior.

The wolf's movements were too violent just now, and he almost rushed to bite when he caught him, so this guy didn't pay attention to this kind of thing, and only then discovered the existence of Su Ming.

However, I glanced at Su Ming, because his realm was higher than Su Ming's realm, so I could see that Su Ming was only in the early stage of the micro realm, and he immediately relieved.

It's just an early stage of the micro-level. What is there to worry about? In the middle of the micro-level, he can't even beat the initial stage. Basically, for every level of strength, the difference in combat effectiveness is still quite large.

Su Ming is looking down on him, and he also looks down on Su Ming. Both think that the other is not worth mentioning.

"Dude, did you also come for that little wolf?"

The guy in the straw hat said, "I think you are a bit face-to-face. I don't know which family you belong to. But since you are an ancient warrior, you should understand this principle. There must be a first-come-first-served one for everything."

"I found this little wolf first, and I also grabbed it first. If you come to intervene, it makes no sense, right?" the guy said.

Su Ming immediately came up with two more important messages when he heard this. First of all, this guy is also from the Guwu family, but it shouldn’t be from the Lin family or from the Ouyang family. Because of those two families, Su Ming almost I've seen it all.

It may be another Guwu family, but this has nothing to do with Su Ming, he still has to fight.

At the same time, Su Ming also came up with an important piece of news. This little wolf is probably not ordinary, otherwise this guy wouldn't force it to grab it.

Su Ming smiled and said, "How come I feel a bit funny after listening to you. If I remember correctly, the rule of the ancient warrior world should be the strength to speak?"

"Where does it come first?"

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