League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1404: Don't want to leave

After seeing the fruit, Su Ming was in a daze. Then he remembered that this thing seemed to be carried by the guy wearing the straw hat just now.

Because the shape of this fruit is a bit unique and it looks particularly dazzling, it was only seen in Su Ming's life, so Su Ming paid attention to it at the time.

It’s just that Su Ming had already forgotten what he was doing just now, so he remembered.

"What is this?"

Su Ming asked, and immediately took the dark red fruit directly from the wolf's mouth. It was obvious that this move of the wolf was intended to give Su Ming the dark red fruit.

If you don't bring it, there is something in the wolf's mouth, and there is no way to speak to Su Ming.

And when the wolf was in its mouth just now, it was biting the cane, and it did not damage the dark red fruit. Obviously, the wolf knows itself. If it is touched by its teeth, it is estimated This fruit is ruined.

The wolf said, "This is Chiyue Fruit, growing on a nearby tree, and it contains a certain amount of spiritual energy."

"Not only is it good for humans to eat it, but it is also very helpful for our animals to eat it. It is estimated that this guy came to the mountain for this red moon fruit." The wolf said.

It has been on the mountain here for a long time, so it is clear about some of the above things, and directly explained the origin of this fruit to Su Ming.

Su Ming is also relatively easy to accept these things. After all, he has seen ancient warriors and the like, as well as fierce beasts like double-winged monsters, so seeing a spirit fruit is not too surprised.

Moreover, the speculation of the wolf is indeed not wrong. This person from the Gongsun family did indeed come for this Scarlet Moon Fruit at the beginning. After the ancient martial artist has eaten it, it will also be of great help to improve the certain vitality in the body.

While looking for Chiyueguo, this guy ran into a pack of wolves by chance. He should have seen the little wolf. He didn't know why he had a bad idea and snatched the young wolf.

I was very excited at the time, and robbed another looking extraordinary young wolf, and got the Chiyue Fruit, but who knew that when I met Su Ming, everything was over.

It was also thanks to this guy that after taking away the little wolf, he went to find Chiyueguo, wasting a certain amount of time, and this gave Su Ming a chance.

The head wolf meant to give the Red Moon Fruit to Su Ming. On the one hand, it was regarded as a thank you to Su Ming. After all, their wolves had nothing valuable except the fur and flesh on their bodies.

Moreover, this red moon fruit can only be obtained after Su Ming killed the person. It should be given to Su Ming to be reasonable. The wolf is embarrassed to ask for it, even though the animal ate it, it is very useful. big.

Su Ming was also unpretentious, so he accepted the Chiyue Fruit directly with peace of mind, and after returning home, let's study what a good thing is.

The research here doesn't seem to be very good, so Su Ming directly put this Chiyueguo into his backpack.

Su Ming has made a lot of money today. He successfully broke through to the middle of the micro-level and completed the tasks given by the system. 90 points have been obtained, not to mention the red moon fruit. It seems that it should also be a good stuff.

Now that the little wolf has been found, Su Ming doesn't need to stay here again. Qin Xiaoke and the group are still waiting for Su Ming, so Su Ming must go back quickly.

"I'll go back first. The little wolf has already been found, so please leave this neighborhood as soon as possible. Maybe that guy's companion will find him in a while." Su Ming said to the wolf.

The head wolf is quite good. Although he is a wolf, he almost started fighting, but after fully approving Su Ming, his performance was different.

The wolf looked at Su Ming with complicated eyes, and nodded at Su Ming. Naturally, he was very grateful to Su Ming, but if you asked him to say too much grateful for Su Ming, it would not be able to tell. Wolves don't understand human hypocrisy.

"Hey, hey————"

Unexpectedly, when Su Ming turned to leave, the silver-grey little wolf who was on the head of the wolf suddenly screamed.

The voice sounded relatively immature. Even if Su Ming could understand wolf language, he didn't quite understand what it was called, just like the kind of kid who only learns to speak.

Su Ming couldn't help but stopped. He looked back and didn't understand what the little wolf wanted to do.

What's more interesting is that after Su Ming turned around, the little wolf seemed to be much quieter and stopped screaming, but he kept moving, crawling down from the wolf, and crawling towards Su Ming.

After seeing this scene, Su Ming couldn't help but have an illusion~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It seems that a pet dog is crawling towards him, a very cute feeling, if this is seen by a girl, it is estimated to be Can't restrain myself.

Although the climb was slower, it was only a little distance away. After a few strokes, he climbed in front of Su Ming, and then Su Ming couldn't help but hug it.

When Su Ming was in his arms, the little wolf seemed quite quiet, and there was no movement at all, and Su Ming stretched out his hand to touch his forehead, and he couldn't help treating him as...a dog.

The little wolf didn't react at all, and seemed to be enjoying it. When Su Ming touched it, he directly closed his eyes, his face was full of ease and comfort.

The wolves and the other wolves were stunned at this time. This is unscientific. Normally, their wolves are very repulsive to humans.

Not to mention contact, even if it is close, it will be very repellent. The little wolf is no exception, but now it is actually touched by Su Ming as a dog, and there is no reaction at all. This picture shows the wolf pack All were shocked.

After touching it for a while, Su Ming also disappeared. He couldn't keep touching it all the time. This was not a woman, and Su Ming didn't have the skill.

So Su Ming took two steps forward, put the little wolf on the back of the wolf again, and said, "Okay, you can go back with your dad quickly. If you have time, I will come back and see. your."


But who knows that Su Ming hasn't finished speaking yet, the little wolf is reluctant again, and began to cry, making Su Ming feel painful, and wondering what is going on with you, this little thing.

I really want to say something to the wolf. It’s not good for children to cough.

But the look in the wolf's eyes looked particularly complicated. It seemed to see that the little wolf didn't want to leave Su Ming.

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