League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1413: Win him 100,000 yuan

As soon as Su Ming and Su Tengfei stepped into this game hall, there was a small **** with a cigarette in his mouth. He noticed Su Tengfei and walked immediately.

"Oh, I said that your brat is really fat, you just got beaten up, and now you dare to come back."

The little smoker said in a very rude tone: "I can warn you, I will pay back the 10,000 yuan that I owe, otherwise I know what your name is and where the class is. I won't pay it back then. Will not work!"

Su Ming frowned. No wonder Su Tengfei looked scared. When he was at his own home, he couldn't help but borrow money from Su Ming. It turned out that the personal information was already in the hands of these little gangsters. You can threaten him unscrupulously.

Su Tengfei had never seen anything in the world when he was born, and his mind is not very mature, so he will definitely be scared. I guess he still has no fear in his heart.

It's normal to think about this kind of thing. After all, Su Tengfei said that when he had lost all his money, he was lured by the game hall to borrow money.

But these people in the game arcade are not fools. They are scammers. Naturally, they know the whole process. If you don't provide accurate personal information, how could they lend you money.

"I...I'm here to pay back the money!" Su Tengfei seemed a little scared. It is estimated that among the few people who hit, one of them was the smoking gangster in front of him.

"Come to pay the money!"

As soon as the smoker heard that Su Tengfei was here to pay back the money, his tone became much better, and his heart said that the meal was really useful, so he said: "You are his family member, want to pay it back. Come with me, the money, as long as you give the money, we won’t be difficult for you."


Who knows that Su Ming, who hasn't spoken all the time, spoke at this time and said, "Wait for a while. Don't worry about paying the money. The first time I come here, I will play for a while. Maybe I can win a little bit."

"Ha ha----"

The smoking gangster sneered involuntarily, saying that your special mother is joking, the game hall is a place to burn money.

Although it is not such an exaggeration to call it "selling vault", since you come in to play, no matter what you play, you must spend money, but some people are addicted to spend more, and some people can restrain themselves.

Therefore, winning money is definitely something that does not exist. It should be considered a very good thing to win a few hundred dollars. The probability is low. This guy is thinking of coming here to win money. It is simply wishful thinking.

However, this kind of remarks would definitely not be said directly by the smokers. It would be silly to scold Su Ming secretly, after all, the game hall still has to do business.

Since Su Ming wants to play, he must be eager, and there is another money delivery door, how could someone refuse to send the money in front of him.

So the smoking gangster said, "Of course it's okay. We open the door to do business. There is no reason to refuse someone who wants to play, otherwise our boss won't kill me."

"If you want to play, you can go to the front desk to exchange for the game currency. You can't play with the money directly." The smoker said, then left.

There are so many people in the game hall, he definitely can't control Su Ming alone, and let him play here, anyway, he still has to pay the money in the end.

If you lose all your money and you have no money to pay back, don't worry, anyway, they have a way to get Su Ming and Su Tengfei to pay back the money.

"Brother, what are you doing? Why are you still thinking about playing? This is a lie. It is impossible to win money."

After the smoking gangster left, Su Tengfei immediately persuaded Su Ming, and then said something that sounded anxious, obviously he was afraid that Su Ming would also be scammed.

Su Ming seemed to have a smile on his face, and asked with interest: "Since you know it is a lie, why have you lost so much money?"

Su Tengfei was flushed for a while, he really didn't know at the beginning, he was a bit addicted, and the whole person only reacted after losing so much money, but it was already late by then.

The money is already so much money, and the reaction doesn't make much sense.

Su Ming deliberately talked about Su Tengfei so that he could teach him a little bit, so Su Ming directly said: "I'll just play for a while, try if the water is deep here, don't worry too much!"

Su Tengfei didn’t say anything when he heard this. Since Su Ming said this, he probably wouldn’t lose too much money. What Su Tengfei was most afraid of was putting Su Ming in the pit. It's more miserable.

In fact, Su Ming still didn't tell him the truth~www.wuxiaspot.com~ deliberately talked this way, Su Ming's real idea is to use the slot machine here to win money.

It is impossible for Su Ming's temper to make him pay the money obediently.

This incident is indeed because Su Tengfei himself did not control himself, so Su Tengfei has certain responsibilities, but the people on the game hall are obviously also deliberately cheating him, and several thousand yuan is directly turned into 10,000 yuan. He also gave Su Tengfei a beating, which was more responsible.

Since you are going to pit money, then I naturally have to think of a rogue way to deal with you. Su Ming thought directly, if it is OK to win a 10,000 yuan here, then I will pay the 10,000 yuan directly. At once, the people in this game hall were completely dumbfounded, and they didn't get anything in the end.

So Su Ming took out his wallet, took some money out of it, and said, "First, take a few hundred dollars and exchange for some game currency."

If you want to win money, you must have a certain amount of capital. If you don't have game currency, you can't play at all, but you don't need too much, it's enough to win money.

The game currency is about the same size and weight as a dollar coin. When you exchange it, a dollar is directly a game coin, and the value is the same.

It’s just that if you use coins directly, it’s too much trouble. After all, the amount in circulation every day is relatively large. Where can so many coins be exchanged for others, so the game coins are used uniformly.

Su Tengfei didn't know what to say, looking at the hundreds of red bills in his hand, Su Tengfei felt that his time should be gone for a while, and he couldn't help but feel distressed.

But Su Tengfei also knew that Su Ming's character could not be persuaded, so according to Su Ming's words, he went to exchange game currency for him.

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for successfully triggering random tasks"

Originally from

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