After Su Ming finished speaking, he saw that the guy hadn't spoken for a long time, and his expression was still changing greatly, and he didn't seem to be thinking about something.

It's not a problem to keep silent, so Su Ming said: "Why, you came up to count the money, and kept wondering what this is doing. Is it possible to pay you back?"

"Don't worry, I'm not in a hurry for the ten thousand dollars!"

At this time, the small smoker finally spoke, but there was a weird smile on his face, and he said, "You just won so much money?"

"Otherwise, you can't give it to me for free." Su Ming also said with a smile, both of them seemed to be smiling, with a good atmosphere.

But in fact, Su Ming was quite clear in his heart, this guy suddenly asked such a strange question, it was obvious that he had no good intentions.

However, Su Ming was in a very relaxed mood. He was not worried at all. Facing such an innocent punk, there was really nothing to worry about. Su Ming was still afraid that he would not make trouble for himself. That would be meaningless. .

What's the point of just winning money? You have to do something.

"If I remember correctly, I just went out for nearly an hour. You won so much money in such a short period of time. Do you think I would believe it?" The expression on the face of this little smoker It was already a bit cold, and the tone of speech began to stiffen.

Su Ming was as calm as ever, and even looked at this guy with a look of silly eyes, and said directly: "You don't believe it, so many people next to you are watching, you go ask them."

The people who eat melons just now are all watching how Su Ming makes money, so they nodded immediately, indicating that they had seen it with their own eyes. The actions of these people are equivalent to smoking gangsters. He slapped a few severely on the face, which made him feel a bit insufferable for a while.


Hearing a cold snort from the little smoker, he gritted his teeth and said coldly, "So what, you really think you have the ability to win so much money, so the ghost believes you, tell me the truth. , What cheating thing did you use?"


When everyone heard this, they looked at Su Ming with surprised eyes, and they were startled in surprise. The slot machine cheat device really has a lot of small advertisements, and it is said that there are indeed such things.

But most of them are deceptive. Even if you buy it, it may not be usable. After all, if there is such a thing, then people who open slot machines and do business will stop living.

"It shouldn't be possible to cheat, right? I haven't heard of this kind of thing, and we all watched it by the side just now. We kept pressing and didn't see cheating.

"I've been watching him all the time, and I can guarantee that I didn't see him cheating. People should be lucky, or they have certain skills."

"You can't talk about cheating when you win money. Then everyone of us has lost money before and never said that you have a problem with the slot machine here."

"The words are too dead to say, anyway, I still feel something is wrong. Have you ever seen anyone who can win money like this by playing a slot machine? I suspected that he was cheating at first."

"You are really gloomy in your heart. People can't win money anymore. With so many white eyes watching, how can he cheat?"


For a while, these melon-eating crowds around them began to diverge. Although some people still had some doubts about Su Ming, most of them chose to believe in Su Ming. After all, when Su Ming was playing, everyone I saw it with my own eyes from the side, and there was nothing wrong with it.

And after all, everyone took Su Ming’s 100 game coins just now. As the saying goes, it’s somewhat conscientious to take others’ hands. Not many people will really come out to doubt Su Ming. Most people still believe it very much. Su Ming.

"Mapi, you know anything, just shut up for me!" The smoker was already on fire at this time, and he snorted suddenly.

At this time, his mouth was no longer smoking, but he roared suddenly, which was still very scary. No one dared to speak for a while. After all, the smoker had been messing around for a long time, and there was still some hostility on his body. .

"Brothers, please come out quickly!" The smoker yelled again at this time. After a while, from all corners of the game hall, some gangsters came out, and they didn’t know where they came from. Some weapons such as steel pipes were assembled, and they began to surround Su Ming.

In the game hall, there must be more than just a guy like a smoking gangster watching the scene, UU reading still has a lot of gangsters, usually behind the smoking gangster butt.

Usually when there is nothing wrong, just like an ordinary person, go to the front desk to get some game coins, and then start playing in the store, but if there is something wrong.

For example, right now, after the little smoker screamed, these people rushed out all at once, and they also had weapons in their hands, which looked scary.

"Fuck me aside, don't be haggling here and obstructing our work!" The little smoker saw that his brothers had come out, he couldn't help but lit a cigarette and started his work again. Kind of smoking posture.

Sure enough, the aura of the smoker is even more full. After all, there are so many people next to him who are his little brothers. This seems to be unusual in combat power. It is estimated that if anyone gets into it, it will be more miserable.

Those people who eat melons are not so bold anymore. Some people dared not say a word and quickly stepped back. At this time, they didn't dare to speak for Su Mingduo.

Even if you took Su Ming's one hundred dollars, you still have to think about whether these hundred game coins still have the life to spend.

Basically, people with a discerning eye can see that Su Ming is offending people today. It is obvious that someone has to deal with Su Ming. The person who has to deal with Su Ming is naturally a smoker.

Thinking about it, this is indeed the case. You have won all the profits for a month in other people's game halls, but there is no such good thing. People don't mess with you.

At this time, many people sighed slightly, and their eyes looked at Su Ming with a little sympathy, saying that this kid was still too young.

I don’t know that the most basic choice to be a human being is not to be too popular and to be low-key. You have this level to win money, but it’s not right to win so many at once.

(End of this chapter)

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