League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1416: Absolutely false

Crazy, really crazy.

In everyone's eyes, Su Ming must have had an abnormal brain now. Could it be that he was frightened?

I have never seen such a person before, and there are people who voluntarily ask others to shoot him, and only to make money, this is obviously a loss.

Money is more important or fate is more important. Basically, most people will directly say that fate is more important. If you need more money, you will lose your life to spend. That is meaningless.

But Su Ming is now obviously asking for money and not killing him. For the money, he actually asked Boss Wu to shoot.

You must know that the money in the hands of boss Wu was aimed at Su Ming's head. If it were shot down, the person would definitely be dead.

Guns are not absolutely capable of killing people all at once. If they hit the arm, they won’t kill people. They just hurt people. But if they hit the brain, they’re dead immediately. You don’t even have to think about it. Think of things.

"You...what are you talking about, do you really think I dare not shoot?" Boss Wu licked his tongue and said immediately, but this sentence didn't sound so imposing.

Don’t listen to him saying that, but in fact, he doesn’t necessarily dare to shoot, because in most cases his gun was used to scare people. It was not a murderer at all, and he did not. The courage to kill directly.

In this current year, there is no such thing as a powerful underground force, let alone casual murder, so Boss Wu has never done such a thing.

But he had used this method to scare people before, even more than once, but every time it was quite effective, why did it fail when he came to this kid.

"Fight, hurry up, are you going to shoot or not!" Su Ming seemed to be unaware of fear, but he kept talking in his mouth, stimulating boss Wu all the time.

Everyone was stunned by Su Ming. Su Tengfei was very scared at this time. After all, he was a junior high school student, when he had experienced this kind of scene, and he had never seen a gun in his life. He was really frightened just now.

But he still mustered up the courage and was still worried about Su Ming's safety, so Su Tengfei pulled Su Ming and said quickly: "Brother, don't be impulsive, calm down, he has a gun in his hand."

Don't mention how regretful Su Tengfei is now. He would never bring Su Ming with him if he knew it before. Compared with the money owed, it's nothing more. Obviously fate is the most important thing.

If Su Ming really lost his life today, he would not dare to imagine what would happen next, I am afraid he would not be able to survive.


Su Ming moved, and patted Su Tengfei's shoulder with his hand, so that he would not be so nervous, anyway, it was just playing a game.

After comforting Su Tengfei, Su Ming started his performance again, continued his arrogant attitude, and said in an impatient tone: "Why are you going to shoot like a lady? ."

"You...you force me so much?"

Boss Wu was really irritated by Su Ming. As the saying goes, the clay figurines still have a three-point anger. He is a big living person, and his temper is not too good. How could he make Su Ming so angry.

Seeing Boss Wu's expression getting more and more gloomy, the anger in his heart getting bigger and bigger, his hands are already starting to move, it is obvious that he did not intend to shoot, this has been stimulated by Su Ming.

"Forget it, you should give me the gun!"

Surprisingly, Su Ming couldn't help it. He took his gun straight away and took it from Boss Wu with almost no effort. He didn't even react at all.

"What are you doing, what are you doing?"

After discovering that his gun had been taken away by Su Ming, Boss Wu immediately became ashamed, and his whole person was terrified. He quickly stepped back. Obviously, he was afraid that Su Ming would shoot him. .

Unexpectedly, Su Ming suddenly turned passive into active. Without a gun, he could no longer threaten Su Ming.

After all, boss Wu couldn’t react. He didn’t expect that Su Ming would dare to do something even when he was pointed at with a gun. This kid was too courageous, and he was doing things that normal people could not think of. Boss Wu's reaction speed cannot keep up with Su Ming's movements.

Let me say a very realistic sentence. At the level of Boss Wu, if Su Ming wants to rob him, he can't resist it.

Boss Wu thought that after Su Ming took the gun, he would shoot him directly. The whole person was going to be frightened. The situation today is beyond his control.

He is a bit like a villain to save the belly of a gentleman. If Su Ming wants to kill him, he really doesn’t need to be strong~www.wuxiaspot.com~Bang————"

Next, Su Ming did something that everyone hadn't expected. He even pointed the gun he grabbed from Boss Wu directly at his forehead, and then shot.

Everyone could hear the loud sound clearly, and even the little heart couldn't help but beating. It was not wrong at all. Su Ming shot himself in the head.

However, after the gunshot, the imaginary scene of **** flesh and brain bursting did not happen at all, and even Su Ming stood there perfectly, and did not move at all.

Su Ming didn't use any skills this time, there was no need for it, it was a waste of skills, just use the ancient martial artist's vitality to resist.

The final result was also like this. Su Ming had nothing to do, and then he threw the gun on Boss Wu's face casually.

Boss Wu was shocked again, and almost couldn't help calling out, thinking that Su Ming was attacking him again, and then he realized that it was not the case.

"I'm embarrassed, how old are you, and are you still taking a fake gun to scare people?" Su Ming said with a disdainful face, every expression on his face was contempt for this boss Wu.

"Fake gun?"

Many people froze for a while, and then they finally reacted, no wonder, no wonder Su Ming behaved so calmly from beginning to end, he already knew that this was a fake gun.

It’s said that it’s impossible for anyone to be so courageous, but if Su Ming knew in advance that this was a fake gun, it would be different. He can pretend to be as aggressive as he wants. Just now everyone was really scared to death by him. Up.

Everyone immediately believed the explanation of the fake gun, and everyone was convinced that it must be fake. If it were not fake, how could Su Ming shot himself, or nothing happened.

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