Ningcheng Machinery Factory is such a big goal, there is no situation that can not be found. Although this Ouyang Tianhua is not very familiar with Ningcheng, he found it quickly according to the route Song Zhe gave him.

I walked like flying along the way, the speed was very fast, I didn't even take a car, and I arrived quickly just by walking.

"Ningcheng Machinery Factory, it should be here!"

After Ouyang Tianhua arrived, he didn't directly rush to do it. That way, the risk was still too great. After all, it was possible for Su Ming to find him when he was killed in full view.

This time, Ouyang Tianhua didn't want Su Ming to know who did it, because if Su Ming knew it, 10,000% would definitely retaliate against him, and he couldn't stand it.

It's best to kill Su Qishan without knowing it. Even if Su Ming knew about it, he wouldn't be able to find evidence of who did it even if he had a backache.

This is destined that he cannot go to the machinery factory to forcibly kill people. If that happens, he will definitely leave evidence.

Moreover, it is impossible for him to kill all the people in the entire machinery factory. There are hundreds of people in a factory.

An ancient martial artist does not have the guts to kill so many people in the duny world, let alone hundreds, even dozens of them, it can be regarded as a tragedy. This will definitely alarm the ancient martial world. People, so he must be careful, kill Su Qishan and leave.

If you can't force it in, there is only one way left, and that is to find a hidden place outside the machinery factory to stay at Su Qishan, and I don't believe that he won't come out.

If it doesn't work, just squat until the afternoon after get off work. Ouyang Tianhua still has this patience. The usual practice of ancient warriors is much more boring than this.

So Ouyang Tianhua was not far from the machine factory, smiled at a place, hid it, it is not easy to be found, and the address is also good, he can directly see the situation at the gate of Ningcheng Machine Factory.

As long as Su Qishan passed here, he would definitely notice it, because even if he drove a car, he couldn't directly enter the machinery factory.

The parking lot is outside the machinery factory. If you want to drive, you have to come out as the first step. Moreover, Ouyang Tianhua asked Song Zhe to inquire about it. The machinery factory only has a normal exit, the gate.

The other exits are for working vehicles. For example, those who pull some goods can enter through the side door. The position is a little bit off. Normal people will not go out there.

If Su Qishan really didn't come out of the gate today, it didn't matter. Ouyang Tianhua could wait until the next day to do it again. Anyway, in these two days, he still didn't believe that it was time to catch Su Qishan.

Ouyang Tianhua's luck is still pretty good, even he didn't wait until after get off work, after lunch, Su Qishan left the machinery factory.

Su Qishan’s current status is not an ordinary worker. He is the person in charge of the machinery factory and also the chairman of the board. He coordinates the affairs of the entire machinery factory. Naturally, it is impossible to stay and work in the factory all the time. There may be some busy things. Su Qishan needs to go out and do it.

After lunch, Su Qishan left the machinery factory. He had to talk to the boss of a farm tool company today about cooperation. He was not used to discussing business at the dinner table, so Su Qishan also deliberately set the time at this time after eating. .

With a black leather briefcase in his arm, Su Qishan's current grade is also up, and he also specially equipped a special car.

It's not that Su Qishan likes to put up scores, mainly because his identity is different now, even if Su Qishan wants to be like before, he can't estimate it at will.

After all, his identity represents the entire Ningcheng Machinery Factory. If Su Qishan does it so casually to go out to discuss business, where should the face of Ningcheng Machinery Factory be put away, and it will not occupy a favorable position to talk about business like that.

However, Su Qishan did not have a driver. He could drive himself, so he felt that there was no need to bring another person.

Ouyang Tianhua's eyesight is indeed very good, especially when there are not many people at the gate, Su Qishan was really seen by Ouyang Tianhua all at once.

"It's finally out—"

A murderous intent flashed in the eyes of Ouyang Tianhua, who had been squatting for a long time, and immediately got up, pretending to be okay, and quickly followed Su Qishan.

The distance is not too tight, no one can notice Ouyang Tianhua's anomaly, and the machinery factory is already an old industrial area, and it is normal for people to come and go.

After walking with Su Qishan for a while, I soon came to the parking lot. This is an open-air parking It has been around for a long time, and there is no camera or something, so Ouyang Tianhua can't help but rest assured Up.


But after two people walked like this for two minutes, Su Qishan, who was walking in the front, found something wrong. Su Qishan's perception seemed unusually sharp, and in the blink of an eye, he felt that something was wrong behind.

Even though Ouyang Tianhua had already opened the distance between the two people, he just kept following along, and with a strong murderous aura on him, it would be difficult for Su Qishan to notice.

Realizing that there might be people with bad intentions following him, and this breath is very unique, so that Su Qishan instantly confirmed, this is probably not an ordinary enemy, but for his life.

"Could it be that they chased me? I have been in the dunya for more than 20 years, how can those people chase me?"

Su Qishan's heart was a little messy, he didn't know who was following him, and he didn't even look back at all.

Because Su Qishan himself knows very well that he must never look back when he realizes something is wrong. That way he will only expose himself.

Su Qishan immediately made up his mind that he must escape quickly, and he absolutely cannot be attacked, so Su Qishan silently changed his direction and left the parking lot.

"What is he going to do?"

Ouyang Tianhua didn't notice something wrong at first, but when he found out that Su Qishan had come to the parking lot, he left without driving, and it seemed to be getting faster and faster, only then did he realize what was wrong.

But it was only then that he realized and accelerated abruptly, obviously it was too late, after he chased a place where Su Qishan turned.

Ouyang Tianhua rushed over, but after a fixed glance, there was no hair left, Su Qishan was chased by him.

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