League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1432: I care who you are

"Su Ming————"

After Qin Shiyin heard Su Ming's voice, he took another sharp look and saw that Su Ming was indeed here, and the surprise in his heart could be imagined.

When she said that to Ouyang Tianhua very imposingly just now, she was actually just comforting herself in her heart, and she didn't have much confidence in her heart.

It was true before, and Qin Shiyin can still remember that almost every time she felt that her life had come to an end, when it was about to end, Su Ming would suddenly appear next to her, just like the legendary hero.

In fact, Qin Shiyin didn't know why Su Ming appeared so timely every time, but this had already made Qin Shiyin feel dependent.

This time Qin Shiyin thought that Su Ming might not be able to rush over. Who knows that Su Ming is still here, as long as Su Ming is here, she can be sure that there is no life-threatening situation today.

With surprises, Qin Shiyin rushed up immediately, took Su Ming's arm, and grasped it very tightly, as if he was afraid that Su Ming would run away.

"It's okay--"

Su Ming just landed not far away, almost two steps away. At this time, I was worried about exposure. You must get as close as possible. So after getting down, he immediately walked up.

After a closer look, she found that Qin Shiyin was fine, but Feng Nu's "Eye of the Storm" shield had been shattered.

This made Su Ming couldn't help being shocked in a cold sweat. Fortunately, he rushed over in time. If this is a little slower, Qin Shiyin without a shield will face Ouyang Tianhua, he will definitely die.


Ouyang Tianhua didn't know what was going on at first, but when he saw it was Su Ming, he was terrified, and the expression on his face froze for an instant.

He felt that his actions were fast enough, but he didn't expect Su Ming to react, and he rushed over in time.

Of course, Ouyang Tianhua would definitely not post tasks to the system to remind Su Ming. No matter how rich his imagination was, he would never think of this kind of thing. He thought it was chasing Su Qishan in the afternoon and let him run away.

As soon as Su Ming came out, Ouyang Tianhua immediately realized that his action today had failed again, and the reason was very simple, because he was not Su Ming's opponent.

It was impossible for him to fight against Su Ming, let alone to kill under Su Ming's nose. It was almost impossible.

Ouyang Tianhua hadn't lost his reason yet, his heart was full of hatred, but his mind was clear, so for the sake of his own life, after seeing Su Ming, Ouyang Tianhua immediately turned and ran.

No matter what Qin Shiyin is not Qin Shiyin at this time, the main task now is that he can run away from Su Ming.

I saw Ouyang Tianhua immediately mentioned the vitality of his whole body, the whole person was like a spring, burst out suddenly, and quickly slipped away.

"Want to run?"

A trace of murderous intent flashed in Su Ming's eyes, and he said that wanting to run is not that simple. He wanted to kill this Ouyang Tianhua a long time ago, but the last time he was at Lingxu Peak, he missed a good opportunity.

Otherwise, Su Ming wouldn't keep any of the Ouyang family members. Now Ouyang Tianhua is taking the initiative to kill Qin Shiyin. This is what Su Ming can't tolerate.

Su Ming quickly took Qin Shiyin's hand to the side, and even had no time to talk to Qin Shiyin too much to explain, so he galloped out directly.

He also raised the vitality of his whole body, and Su Ming activated Birdman's ultimate move in an instant, and a pair of transparent wings appeared behind him and flew towards Ouyang Tianhua at low altitude.

Ouyang Tianhua doesn’t have this ability. He just uses his vitality to run fast. One runs and the other flies. Naturally, this should not be confused. It is only more than ten meters away, and Su Ming will chase. As for Ouyang Tianhua, the distance between the two is almost gone.

Ouyang Tianhua was running desperately, but after a glance back, he was immediately shocked, because when he turned his head, he saw Su Ming flying behind him, almost slapped him.

Unable to run anymore, Ouyang Tianhua immediately stopped his footsteps, but instead slapped Su Ming with a palm. Since he couldn't run away, he might as well fight.

This consciousness of the ancient martial artist is particularly strong. If the ancient martial artist will choose to fight it under such circumstances, if he fights it, there may still be a chance.

Anyway, Ouyang Tianhua made up his mind and must not let Su Ming use that weird trick, otherwise he might be killed before he did it.

When I saw Ouyang Tianhua actually take the initiative, Su Ming's face flashed with mockery. Su Ming didn't pay attention to the level of Ouyang Tianhua before.

Not to mention that Su Ming has successfully upgraded to the middle of the microcosm, facing Ouyang Tianhua who is also the middle of the microcosm ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ everyone's combat effectiveness is not of the same level, Su Ming can completely crush him.

I didn't use Syndra's ultimate, and I couldn't use it if I wanted to. Su Ming rushed over because of the urgent situation, and Syndra's ultimate would take some time to prepare.

So Su Ming couldn't use it immediately, but it didn't matter anymore. In a real battle, Su Ming could still crush this guy.

Su Ming, the blade of the ruined king, was useless. He directly smashed this guy with his powerful vitality. After only a few moves, Ouyang Tianhua couldn't stand it anymore.

It seems that Su Ming's strength has grown a lot, he is not his opponent at all, and he collapsed completely at once.

Su Ming caught his unstoppable effort and kicked him directly, kicking him to the ground fiercely.

After Ouyang Tianhua landed, he raised some dust, which seemed a little embarrassed, but his heart was even more panicked.

He still couldn't beat Su Ming, and even this time Su Ming didn't use that weird trick. He couldn't beat it. The strength gap between the two sides seemed too obvious.

Ouyang Tianhua was finally afraid. After being defeated by Su Ming at this moment, he had already realized what would meet him for a while.

You can tell by looking at Su Ming's eyes. Obviously, he wants to kill him.

This time I wanted to report the recovery, but I didn't expect that stealing chickens wouldn't lead to the loss of rice. Ouyang Tianhua was panicked. No one would care about his life. Even the ancient martial artist, when he was about to die, his heart was panicked.

Ouyang Tianhua immediately said: "I warn you, I...I belong to the Ouyang family, you...if you are..."

With this trick again, Su Ming couldn't help frowning, and then directly cursed: "Ouyang, you're mad, I care who you are!"

PS: Thank you book friend "A" for the 10,000 book coins reward, thank you!

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