League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1434: Thinking too much?

After dinner in the evening, Su Ming asked Qin Shiyin to drink the medicinal soup he specially made. Qin Shiyin drank it and felt that the taste was very good. It was rare to have an appetite, so he drank two bowls alone.

Let Su Ming take care of the rest. This thing can't stay overnight. By the next day, the efficacy of the medicine will definitely be much worse, and the taste will not be as good as before.

Anyway, this thing was made to treat the body. Men and women can drink it, and Su Ming can drink it without any harm.

After eating dinner in the evening, Su Ming still helped Qin Shiyin instill some star power as before. For Qin Shiyin's body, it can be said that he broke his heart.

Because of this incident today, Su Ming deliberately stayed at Qin Shiyin’s house for a while longer, and it was almost ten o’clock in the evening before Su Ming went home. It is certain that at this time, there should be no action on the Ouyang family. At least not for the time being.


What makes Su Ming more puzzled is that after taking a taxi back home, Su Ming discovered that Su Qishan hadn't come back, which was not normal.

Although Su Qishan's current work is quite busy, one person has to be in charge of a machinery factory, but he will go home after working overtime for a while at night. It is impossible to delay until this time.

"Could it be that Lao Su went to drink wine?"

Su Ming was puzzled. Anyway, in Su Ming's memory, he had hardly seen Su Qishan before returning home so late, so Su Ming took out his cell phone and planned to make a call.


But who knows that at this moment, the door was opened all of a sudden, and it was Su Qishan who came back, looking very leisurely, not at all like working hard all day.

Su Ming's phone number was dialed out, and it was not connected yet. As soon as Su Qishan came back, he immediately pressed the red button on it to hang up.

Su Qishan didn't expect Su Ming to come back. After he opened the door of his house, he saw Su Ming standing there as soon as he entered the door, which frightened Su Qishan.

The whole person was taken aback, so Su Qishan said, "You kid, why are you still standing here if you don't go to bed so late?"

"You know it's so late too."

With a smile on Su Ming's face, he immediately said: "Why did you come back so late? Tell me honestly, what did you do at night?"


It seemed a bit unnatural to be stared at by Su Ming's eyes. Su Qishan coughed twice, and then said, "Something went away today, and there was a social gathering, so I came back a bit late."

This statement is pretty passable. After all, Su Qishan's current status can be regarded as a chairman. He is stronger than the bosses of those companies. It is normal for people at this level to socialize.

But Su Ming couldn't smell any alcohol on Su Qishan. It is reasonable to eat in hotels and clubs, even if you don't drink, you still have to smell a bit of alcohol.

But Su Qishan didn't smell anything, even smoke, which was too abnormal, it didn't look like going out to socialize.

In fact, Su Qishan has been sitting in the coffee shop. In the evening, I went to find a restaurant for dinner. This afternoon plus the evening, I spent more leisurely time. How could it smell of tobacco and alcohol? In the coffee shop, it’s normal. Smoking is not allowed.

And Su Qishan deliberately made it so late to come back, because he was more cautious, for fear that someone would follow him, and Su Qishan was also cautious on the way back.

He even wandered around his home a few times and found nothing unusual, so he went home with confidence, and wasted some time, making him come back later than Su Ming.

This little detail was noticed by Su Ming. Su Qishan was fooling him. It is hard to imagine that his father, who has always been honest, would fool himself.

Su Ming didn't think that Su Qishan would cheat himself for anything. Just like Su Ming, he would pull something out in order to hide something. This does not mean cheating.

After realizing this thing, Su Ming didn’t say it directly. It would be boring to say it. On the contrary, it made Su Qishan more embarrassed, but this really makes Su Ming quite strange. Why, Su Qishan intentionally concealed something, This made Su Ming very curious, and he didn't know what happened.

Su Qishan thought that Su Ming hadn't noticed something wrong. He glanced at Su Ming and saw that Su Ming was quite normal. He asked again: "You haven't encountered anything today, why did you come back at this time? "

Su Qishan is still a little sensitive, or he is too worried about Su Ming, for fear that the person staring at him today will stare at his son, so he asked, just in case there is any danger.


Su Ming was a little baffled, so he shook his head and said something.

I remembered that in the afternoon, Su Ming was still bored at home~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Su Qishan called.

The phone call sounded strange at the time. Su Qishan had been talking for a long time, but he didn't know what he wanted to express. Anyway, he made a lot of talk about it.

I focused on asking where Su Ming was and whether he had encountered any strangers. Su Ming was also inexplicably asked.

After saying nothing, he hung up the call. Su Ming didn't think much about it at the time. He thought that Su Qishan was bored, so he called himself.

Thinking carefully now, it doesn't seem to be that simple. Su Qishan's performance all day today is a bit abnormal.

Su Ming suddenly thought of what happened when Qin Shiyin was off work not long ago, and was almost killed by Ouyang Tianhua.

Originally, this was something that had nothing to do with Su Qishan, but Su Qishan's strange performance made Su Ming's heart suddenly startled.

Is it possible that Su Qishan asked like this because... he already realized what danger was there?

Reason tells Su Ming that this is an unlikely thing. How could Su Qishan, an ordinary person, realize Ouyang Tianhua's hands-on.

But this time was a little too coincidental, so Su Ming had to doubt it.

So Su Ming couldn't say it clearly, so he asked: "Dad, why do I feel that you are a little bit wrong today? Did something happen?"

It is also interesting to say that both of these masters have something hidden in their hearts, and both think that the other party is not clear, and has no direct and explicit plan.

Su Qishan realized that he might have said too much today and was a little abnormal, so he patted Su Ming and said, "You stinky boy, can't I care about you."

"Hurry up and go to bed, I have to get up early to go to the factory tomorrow." Su Qishan said again.

Seeing Su Qishan enter the bathroom to take a bath, Su Ming was stunned, did he think too much?

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