"No, where did this little thing go?!"

Su Ming didn't take it seriously at first, because where did this little thing hide, or he didn't hear his own voice when he fell asleep.

But the more I searched, the more things went wrong, especially after I searched the whole family, I still couldn't find it, which made Su Ming even more unable to calm down.

It's unscientific. If you are at home, you can't find this little thing, and Su Ming has looked for it more carefully.

The old house he lived in was the house previously allocated by Su Qishan and his machinery factory. It was only tens of square meters, and it was only two rooms when it was full, plus a small living room, bathroom and kitchen.

It's just such a big place, and it's not that kind of oversized villa. You can turn over the whole house in a while, but you still get nothing.

Moreover, Su Ming also searched for these relatively hidden places under the bed, and flashed the flashlight of his mobile phone to take pictures inside. He was afraid that he would miss something, but after searching for a long time, he found nothing.

So Su Ming didn't look for it, because Su Ming was not stupid now, and he could think of what might be wrong, otherwise.

With Xiaolang's lively character, if he is really at home, no matter where he is hiding, as long as Su Ming calls out, he will probably rush out immediately.

In other words, Little Wolf may not be at home anymore. It is not clear where he went, and Su Ming didn't know.

There was a very bad premonition in my heart, I hope that someone else, noticed the little wolf, forcibly came over and gave the little wolf away.

However, Su Ming immediately thought about it carefully and found that everything in the house was normal, and there was no trace of others breaking in. That kind of speculation was overturned.

There is only one possibility, that is, Little Wolf may have run away by himself while Su Ming was not paying attention.

Su Ming thought about it carefully for a while. It seemed that when he got up in the morning, he didn't see the little wolf, but Su Ming also slept in a daze at the time, so he didn't pay attention to this matter.

After washing a bit, Su Ming went out to buy groceries. When he came back just now to get something to eat for Little Wolf, he discovered something wrong.

Su Ming couldn't calm down for a while, let alone getting along with the little wolf for a while, he had already had feelings for a while, and the wolf king handed the little wolf to Su Ming.

The purpose is to let Su Ming guarantee the safety of the little wolf, but this is a good thing, only ten days have passed, the little wolf is gone, if it is really gone, it is estimated that Su Ming will die of guilt.

The card's ultimate move was only used two days ago. I went to save Qin Shiyin. The cooling time of this skill is very long, and Su Ming can't use it immediately, so this road has been blocked.

Su Ming had no choice but to find it by himself. First, he called Su Qishan. After Su Qishan answered the call, he said, "Su Ming, why are you calling at this time? What's the matter?"

"Dad, the little...puppy I raised is gone, did you see it when you went out in the morning?" When Su Ming spoke, he almost couldn't hold back and said directly to the little wolf.

Fortunately, Su Ming also reacted at a critical time, dragged a long tone, and temporarily changed his words and said that he became a puppy.

Su Qishan didn't feel anything abnormal. After thinking about it for a while, it suddenly became clear to him, so he said: "I remember, when I was going to work in the morning, you weren't up yet."

"At that time, Xiaobai also got up and kept following my feet. I followed me when I went out. Someone in the factory called me. I opened the door and answered the phone without noticing it. I thought It's in." Su Qishan recalled carefully.

Xiaobai was the name Su Qishan gave to the little wolf. She was covered in silver-gray hair. His name was not very good, so he was called Xiaobai, obviously feeding him as a dog.


As soon as Su Ming heard this, he immediately understood it. Obviously, it was Su Qishan's carelessness. When he opened the door in the morning, he didn't pay attention to stopping the little wolf.

If I answered the phone, my attention must have been distracted. It was probably just that time when the little wolf found the time to get out.

The little wolf is still young, at most two months old. I don't know so much. Besides, he couldn't stay idle at first, so he probably got out of it all at once, and now he doesn't know where to go.

Su Qishan also heard that something was wrong, so he quickly asked: "What's the matter, Su Ming, is it missing, Xiaobai?"

"I didn't see it when I came back from shopping at noon. I guess I lost it. I won't talk about it. I have to go out and look for it." Su Ming hung up the phone after speaking.

Now I can’t even bother to eat lunch. Su Ming ran out with an empty stomach. I hope the little wolf didn’t run far nearby. If he ran far away~www.wuxiaspot.com~ it didn’t know the way back, then But it's terrible.

First, I searched the corridors of a whole floor, but Su Ming didn't even see any hairs or anything. Su Ming couldn't help but went to the community and started looking.

It took several tens of minutes, and Su Ming got nothing for a long time. This kind of search without any clues is really desperate, and Su Ming's power alone is really limited.

Now that there is no way, you have to find someone to help, this kind of thing can't be delayed, otherwise, who knows where the little wolf can go, maybe someone will take it away.

I wanted to ask Luo Xiaoxiao to bring someone over to help. After all, finding something is the strength of the police, but after thinking about it, Su Ming can only declare that he is a lost dog. If he finds a dog, this is not what the police should do.

It is estimated that Luo Xiaoxiao would ruthlessly despise Su Ming if he knew it, and if he did that, it would not have a good effect on Luo Xiaoxiao. Someone would say that Luo Xiaoxiao abused his private power.

As a result, Su Ming gave up this idea and directly called Changmao. The boy Changmao only went to work at night. During the day, it was time for rest. It should be just right to get up and eat at this point.

"Gao Mao, are you up yet?"

"Get up, you are almost ready to eat, brother, what do you want to call me."

Su Ming heard that Shao Mao was still eating, so he said, "Don't eat Shao Mao. I have an urgent matter here. You can bring your brothers quickly. The more people you have, the better. Go to my community. Gather downstairs, the sooner the better!"

"When things are over, I invite everyone to have a big meal." Su Ming said again.

Long Mao was obedient to Su Ming's words, especially when Su Ming's tone was so anxious, there must be something important, so he said nothing, and passed by with his brothers.

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