League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1467: Quite conscientious

Wang Yuji, who had been inexplicably put under various pressures early in the morning, only now realized that he had been pitted by the people under him after working together for a long time.

A small team leader, who is usually unknown, was nothing at all in the Ningcheng Police Station of the University of Nanjing. As a result, he arrested more than a dozen rich second generations in one night.

It's fine if you catch so many ordinary people and come back at once. Having so many rich second generations is simply a terrible thing. These people have unusual families. How could the family not find relationships to get their children out?

As for these parents, it is actually not a strange thing why there was a movement so soon, because not everyone was arrested yesterday.

In order to save trouble, Su Ming asked the police to release all the female companions of the Speeding Party. After these women returned, they would definitely have to talk about it, and then everyone in the circle would know immediately.

Whose children are not in a hurry? These rich second-generation parents have already begun to take action. Those who are looking for relationships should put pressure on them.

Wang Yuji, who caused him, was extremely irritable. Even if he didn't sleep well early in the morning, he didn't eat breakfast, so he hurried to the police station.

After knowing that it was someone under his hands who caused the trouble, Wang Yuji called out a anger and immediately became angry. This is also a normal reaction.

"Xiao Liu, why are you so confused? Those speeding parties all have backgrounds. Even if you kill the chickens and curse the monkeys, you can just catch them all. The impact is really too great." Luo Xiaoxiao also said aside.

Luo Xiaoxiao is already a person with a strong sense of justice, but in fact, in today's society, many things cannot be done with enthusiasm.

After becoming the deputy director, Luo Xiaoxiao understood this truth even more. Some things must be dealt with properly, that is to say, find the right way to do things, and if some people can’t provoke them, don’t provoke them. Under the wrong premise.

Obviously, all of a dozen rich second generations were arrested at once. It was of the kind that was too impulsive. These people themselves were not capable. To put it bluntly, they had a good father.

This is also their capital. The total assets of these people are estimated to be tens of billions of assets. The assets of tens of billions of assets cannot be underestimated anywhere. The influence in Ningcheng is also Big.

It would be very uncomfortable for Ningcheng Police Station if all these people find relationships to exert pressure.

After the place above came down, the first unlucky leaders were Luo Xiaoxiao and Wang Yuji.

The squad leader being scolded was a grievance. To put it bluntly, it has nothing to do with him, because he was also ordered to act.

"No, two directors, you first listen to me and finish talking, these people are not what I want to arrest." The team leader said pitifully.


Wang Yuji immediately snorted again, and then said, "You didn't want to catch it? You led the team at the police station last night. Is it possible that someone else was holding a gun and forced you to catch it."

"Mr. Su called the police and asked me to arrest someone, so I was arrested at once." The team leader said immediately.

If you don't say this quickly, it is estimated that Wang Yuji will be able to eat him, the team leader does not want to carry this black pot.

"Mr. Su, which Mr. Su?" Wang Yuji stunned subconsciously.

The team leader said: "Mr. Su Ming, it is Director Luo's... a good friend of Director Luo."

Originally I wanted to say that it was Director Luo's man, but after thinking about it, maybe Luo Xiaoxiao could eat him, so he changed his view.

How can Wang Yuji know this? When I heard that it was Su Ming who was about to arrest, it was worth it. Wang Yuji immediately looked much more serious.

In Wang Yuji’s heart, there was always an idea, and it was an unwavering one. As long as Su Ming’s matter was involved, it was definitely not a trivial matter. So Wang Yuji said, “How do you pant? You have to talk about important things earlier."

"Hurry up and tell the story in detail, why did Mr. Su Ming call you to arrest someone?"

The team leader said: "These speeding parties clashed with Mr. Su on the side of the bar. They tried to beat and hit Mr. Su by bike, so I caught them all!"

"Is there anything wrong with Su Ming?" Wang Yuji and Luo Xiaoxiao immediately asked anxiously when they heard that Su Ming had been hit by a motorcycle.

The team leader said quickly: "Don't worry about the two chiefs, because I took the people in a timely manner, controlled the scene, and did not let the conflict expand, so Mr. Su was fine."

This team leader is also a very clever person. At this time, he described the situation while still not forgetting to put gold on his face, UU reading www.uukanshu.com invisibly gave himself a wave of favors.

In fact, it has nothing to do with whether he arrived in time or not. When he arrived, the speeding parties had already been beaten up.

"Huh, that's good—"

Luo Xiaoxiao and Wang Yuji unanimously breathed a sigh of relief. As long as there is nothing wrong with Su Ming, Wang Yuji suddenly patted the table in front of him and said, "Okay, you did a very good job!"

The team leader was shocked by Wang Yuji’s sudden slap on the table. He only heard Wang Yuji continue to say: "You handled this matter last night very well. I will write it down first, and I will reward you later. you."


The team leader couldn't help being a little dumbfounded for a while, saying that Director Wang was really unscrupulous. After hearing Su Ming's name, his attitude changed a little bit before and after.

The appearance of almost eating him just now, but now he seems to be complimenting him, and the appearance of rewarding him is a world of difference.

But the team leader can finally breathe a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it's okay. He can finally escape. Listening to this, it seems that he is not only faultless but also has merit.

"Why didn't he call me yesterday?" Luo Xiaoxiao muttered a little strangely. Generally, when encountering such things, Su Ming would directly give her a phone call, and Luo Xiaoxiao was already used to it.

The captain on the side heard Luo Xiaoxiao's secretly muttering words, so he said: "I heard Mr. Su Ming say yesterday, it was late at night, he was afraid of disturbing you to sleep, so he didn't call Give you."

He helped Su Ming invisibly. When Luo Xiaoxiao heard that Su Ming hadn't called because of her consideration, he couldn't help but smile, and said in his heart: "It's kind of conscience!"

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