Many people began to boast about Wang Jinteng, whether it was true or false, at least on the surface anyway.

It’s indeed a little surprised everyone that Wang Jinteng can invite the director of this level. It also proves that Wang Jinteng is not easy, and he can make a good relationship with Wang Jinteng. Not a bad thing.

Wang Jinteng didn't say anything, but the expression on his face still looked quite enjoyable, and this feeling was indeed good.

Especially the old Shen who called just now, with a trace of embarrassment on his face, he said: "I knew that President Wang knew a big person, I would not come out to show my ugliness. It was useless after a long time. Finally, President Wang had to come out and use the relationship. "

This flattering shot Wang Jinteng really cool. Speaking of his heart, whoever is in business doesn't want face, and if you give me face, I will give you face. This is a very simple matter.

So Wang Jinteng said: "You are polite, Old Shen, you are polite to say this. This is a matter for everyone. I am just helping out. There are still many brothers who haven't made any effort yet."

After speaking, in order to show his strength, Wang Jinteng took out his personal mobile phone and prepared to make a call to find a relationship.

Wang Jinteng hadn't been bragging, showing off, but he was telling the truth, because he did know a director of the provincial police department, and he was a friend with a decent relationship.

This friend in Wang Jinteng's province, whose surname is Xu, is considered to be an old friend to Wang Jinteng. The Xu Ting hadn't reached this position before, and he had mixed up from Ningcheng bit by bit. At that time, the two of them were in Ningcheng. Knowing, becoming friends over time.

This Xu Ting was also Wang Jinteng's biggest backer. Generally speaking, Wang Jinteng would not use this relationship.

This time, it was not only to get his son out, but also to show his energy in front of everyone.

Although this Xu Ting is only a deputy, he is still a little bit behind the upright, but the power in his hand is already large enough, and it is not easy to deal with this matter.

"Hey, Xu Ting, do you have time to talk now?" After the call was connected, Wang Jinteng immediately said loudly. The voice sounded very loud, as if it was meant for these people present.

The Xu Ting at the other end of the phone naturally had Wang Jinteng’s private number in his mobile phone. The two people had a good personal relationship, so when Xu Ting heard that Wang Jinteng was Wang Jinteng, he said, "Old Wang, just tell me if you have anything to do. What's the meaning of this imaginary."

"It's still old Xu you know me, then I won't be polite to you." Wang Jinteng smiled here, and it's all right now, even the title has changed, from "Xu Ting" to "Old Xu" .

Wang Jinteng continued: "That's right. My son is Jiahao. He went out with his group of friends yesterday. I don't know what happened. He was arrested by the police."

This Wang Jinteng deliberately avoided the importance and put the emphasis on the arrest of his son, and did not say why, because he himself knew that his son must have done something bad, and there was nothing to say about such embarrassing things.

Xu Ting said immediately: "What? There is such a thing. If you were caught yesterday, you can just call me right away. What are you waiting for today?"

"I'm not too embarrassed to trouble you. I plan to solve this problem myself, but I went to find someone. Not only did the police not let them go, they even asked me to give them five million. "Wang Jinteng has entered the topic.

"How is it possible, there is such a thing?"

Xu Ting on the other end of the phone was also taken aback, and then said, "Pharaoh, did you offend someone in Ningcheng?"

How could Wang Jinteng not understand what he meant? Obviously, he was asking indirectly whether Wang Jinteng had offended people, so someone used this incident to target him.

So Wang Jinteng immediately said: "Old Xu, don't worry about that. I really haven't offended anyone recently, and it's not just me. My son was arrested with a group of friends. There are more than a dozen people. Everyone has to pay. Five million will do. Obviously this is extortion!"


On the phone, Xu Ting’s voice increased by several decibels, and he cursed directly: “There is such a thing. It’s really lawless. Did one or two of the people in the Ningcheng Police Department eat the courage of one or two of them?”

It’s no wonder that Xu Ting was so angry. The police went to ask others for a ransom and committed this kind of bandit behavior. This is unimaginable. Looking at the whole world, only Su Ming and Luo Xiaoxiao dared to do this. The two of them are more courageous than the bear-hearted leopard.

"It's really impossible, so I called you, Old Xu, you see if this matter is handled well, if it troubles you, then forget it." Wang Jinteng was deliberately polite.

How could Xu Ting not help? Let alone Wang Jinteng's initiative to call If he doesn't help, it won't make sense.

Moreover, Wang Jinteng seemed to have nothing wrong with this matter. It was reasonable. The police asked for a ransom. This was something that had never been heard before. Xu Ting had to grasp this and deal with it seriously.

So Xu Ting immediately said, "Pharaoh, I can warn you. If you dare to say this to me, you won't have to call me again. How could I not help with this kind of thing."

"Let's not talk about it, I will deal with this matter for a while, and wait for my good news." Xu Ting hung up after saying a word.

The phone over there was already hung up, and Wang Jinteng also deliberately pretended to say: "Okay, then don't say it, wait for your good news."

"Let’s sit and drink some tea first. If you are not in a hurry to go back, you can wait here. Xu Ting has already dealt with this matter. It is estimated that there will be results in a while." Wang Jinteng seemed to speak confidently. .

When everyone heard Wang Jinteng's words, they immediately felt refreshed. They said that since he is so confident, there must be no problem. Wait a while, and there should be news.


Xu Ting didn't grind, and he promised Wang Jinteng's thing. He would definitely do it right away. After all, Wang Jinteng was a good friend.

A call rushed to Wang Yuji. In a sense, he was from the Provincial Police Department, and he was Wang Yuji's leader.

"Xu Ting, what can you do with me?" Wang Yuji was surprised after receiving the call here.

And Xu Ting straightforwardly said: "It's this little king, your police station, did you arrest a dozen young people yesterday?"

As soon as Wang Yuji heard this, he immediately understood that it was because of this incident.

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