With the exception of Wang Jiahao, the other speeding parties had almost the same fate after returning home today. When they returned home, they were educated by their own Laozi.

Children don't know the seriousness of the matter, but their parents cannot be unclear. No one really wants to be cheated by their son.

From then on, no one in this group of speeding parties dared to trouble Su Ming, and even the incident that happened yesterday has become a lingering shadow in some people’s hearts for a long time. I always have to think about this in my heart.

And this incident is equivalent to the past, Su Ming used this method to help Luo Xiaoxiao make a sum of money, and also taught this group of speeding parties, and successfully completed the task.


After two days passed, the Lin family finally couldn't sit still, and planned to set off directly to the ancient ruins.

Because the opening time of the ancient ruins is these few days, everyone has to arrive early, otherwise, once you miss the opening time, you can’t get in. If you want to go in next time, I don’t know how many years you have to wait. , This is an unknown.

Lin Wufu notified Su Ming and asked Su Ming to get ready. In order to understand the incident, Su Ming went directly to Changmao, and invited the three of the Lin family to eat out at night, and by the way to discuss things about the ancient ruins. .

The departure time has been set, and it’s tomorrow. However, there are still some changes in this candidate. Because Su Ming has been added, and a key to the ancient ruins can only enter three people, so the Lin family, at most Only two can be entered.

If the three of them entered together, then Su Ming would not be able to enter. This was impossible. Even if Su Ming agreed, they would be embarrassed.

After all, this is the key to Su Ming's ancient relics. To put it bluntly, they have no relationship with the three Lin family. If Su Ming can take you, he will have done his best.

The three of the Lin family discussed it in private, and Lin Canghai definitely went in. Needless to say, after all, Lin Canghai’s strength lies here. He is in the late stage of the microcosm, and he is even higher than Su Ming. some.

For the remaining quota, they had to choose between Lin Wufu and Lin Batian, and in the end they decided to let Lin Wufu go in with them.

They didn't say what the reason was. They discussed it privately. Su Ming only knew it when he was eating, but Su Ming knew why after a little guess.

Although Lin Wufu and Lin Batian were both in the middle stage of the microcosm, but to speak of their strength, Lin Wufu should be better, not to mention Lin Batian's character, which is still too impulsive.

It’s not that this character is bad, but it’s really easy to cause trouble. Entering the ancient ruins, it can be said that every minute and every second has to be very careful. With Lin Batian’s character, it’s definitely not as safe as Lin Wufu, and finally decided Let Lin Wufu go in with him.

Su Ming has no opinion on this matter. This kind of matter is the Lin family's business. He doesn't need to talk too much, and there must be some trade-offs. There is no way.


After the meal, Su Ming went back and went to Qin Shiyin’s place and cooked a soup for Qin Shiyin. Maybe this was the last meal in a short period of time. He also talked to Qin Shiyin, and he went out in the past two days. .

Of course, I must find some reasons, such as going out to play, and talking about ancient ruins, Qin Shiyin couldn't understand it.

After returning home, Su Ming saw that Su Qishan happened to be back, so he said, "Dad, I just want to tell you, I have to go there tomorrow and play for a few days."

"Go out to play again."

If I remember correctly, Su Ming seemed to have only gone out a few days ago, and that time he really went out with Qin Xiaoke.

In Su Qishan's memory, Su Ming didn't like to go out and run so much before, but Su Qishan didn't think too much, maybe Su Ming has no academic pressure after graduating from high school, he is more relaxed, and now he is rich.

Su Ming nodded and said, "Yes, a few classmates have made an appointment to go to other provinces to play for a few days, and it may take a while to come back."

"Whatever you want, you just need to pay attention to your safety outside." Su Qishan must be casual Su Ming for this kind of thing, so how could he take care of these things.

"By the way, what should you do with your puppy? Put it at home, otherwise I will be able to raise it with a friend for two days. I don't have the time to feed it all day long by myself." Su Qishan thought of the little wolf. So he asked.

Since knowing that it is a spirit beast, and it has always been a wolf, Su Qishan felt unnatural in his heart when he called it a "puppy", always feeling a little weird.

But if Su Ming leaves, Su Qishan won’t come back in the factory during the day~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I can’t bring a pet to work all day, this is not appropriate, let alone a spirit beast, Su Qishan really dare not Take it to the machine factory.

So I thought about discussing with Su Ming whether he could give the dog to an acquaintance to raise it for a few days, at least until Su Ming came back.

Su Ming smiled. Su Qishan was worried about this problem. Now that Su Ming has the system space, these things are very convenient. Simply install the little wolf into the system space and take it away, clean and neat.

And in the system space, Little Wolf doesn't have to worry about eating and drinking.

So Su Ming said: "No, it's troublesome if you give it to others, and I'm afraid that other people will not be able to raise it, so I can take it with me this time out to play."

"You take it out to play?"

Su Qishan froze for a moment, as if he didn't expect anyone to go out to play with pets, especially these young people, it would be too unusual to go out for a few days with a pet.

Su Ming's words made Su Qishan aware of something unusual. Even though Su Ming was trying his best to speak calmly, Su Qishan still felt something.

Su Qishan himself is not that suspicious, but since knowing that the little wolf is a spirit beast, Su Qishan can't calm down. Su Ming has to take this spirit beast with him every time he goes out. What are you going to do?

In fact, this matter has nothing to do with Little Wolf. Su Ming is purely for convenience. It is safe in the system space. Su Ming does not need to worry about anything.

When Su Qishan heard that Su Ming was going to take the little wolf with him, he thought Su Ming had something to do with the little wolf when he went out. I was afraid that Su Ming's going out this time was unusual.

Two things that didn't matter in themselves, but who knew that Su Qishan was so crooked and straight, and found something wrong.

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