League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1482: Ancient Ruins Open

Su Ming is leaving Ningcheng. If it really comes up, this is a very important piece of news, at least for the Song family and Song Zhe.

"Sit down, sit down, Brother Song Zhe, don't get excited, let's sit down and say something."

When Ouyang Shuo saw that Song Zhe was so excited, he hurriedly said something. He didn't know he thought Song Zhe was going to fight.

Seeing Song Zhe finally calmed down, Ouyang Shuo said, "Don't be so excited. I don't know if it's the case. This is just my guess."

Ouyang Shuo didn't know what was happening between Su Ming and Lin's family. After all, Ouyang Shuo didn't even dare to see Su Ming, let alone contact him. I'm afraid he would be gone if he touched Su Ming.

The reason for this speculation is because of the ancient ruins that will be opened recently.

Ouyang Shuo and the Ouyang family do not know that Su Ming still has a key to the ancient ruins, and it is even more unclear. Su Ming and the others are also going to leave tomorrow.

But Ouyang Shuo had a bold guess in his mind. He felt that the Lin family would definitely not give up. After all, the key to the Ouyang family was shot from the Lin family.

It is very likely that the Lin family will have a sudden attack on their Ouyang family near the opening of the ancient ruins. This is their last way to enter the ancient ruins.

This was not a sudden thought. In fact, these members of the Ouyang family all had this idea, and after discussing it, they felt that they must be careful of the Lin family.

If the Lin family really had this idea, they would have to deal with it carefully. If nothing else, the Lin family might take Su Ming with him.

After all, Su Ming's combat effectiveness was placed there. With Lin Canghai and the others' combat effectiveness, there was no difference between the outcome of the battle and the Ouyang family. It was not certain whether they would win or not, so don't mention grabbing things.

So if the Lin family really had such an idea, 100% of them would take Su Ming with them and help them.

Only then did Ouyang Shuo come to a conclusion that Su Ming might leave Ningcheng during this time, so he mentioned it to Song Zhe by the way.

There is no basis for all this, only Ouyang Shuo's own guess.

Song Zhe finally calmed down and was not so excited, because Ouyang Shuo himself could not be sure, but since he said that, it was definitely not groundless, so Song Zhe said: "Brother Ouyang, why do you have this Kind of speculation? Can you elaborate?"

"Specific things, involving some secrets, I can't say, but recently our ancient warriors have to deal with a very important matter, Su Ming may also go."

Ouyang Shuo talked roughly, but he couldn't specifically say this kind of thing: "Is it specific? You'll find out after a few days of inquiries."

"Okay, then I would like to thank Brother Ouyang for this information." Song Zhe held up the wine glass and toasted Ouyang Shuo.

The information provided by Ouyang Shuo is really important, at least for Song Zhe.

The Song family's life in Ningcheng has not been very easy during the recent period, and was completely suppressed by the Qin family. Is this really because the Qin family is relatively strong?

Of course not. To put it bluntly, it was because a powerful Su Ming made the Song family only constrained on the surface, otherwise Su Ming might directly let the Song family disappear.

If Su Ming really wants to leave for a period of time, it would be an opportunity for the Song family. At least he can take advantage of this period of time to do something. This is the most important thing.

After Su Ming came back and found that everything had happened, he had nothing to do, let alone listen to Ouyang Shuo's tone, it is not certain whether he will come back.

Of course, I can't get too excited now. I will wait two days to find out what Su Ming is doing. If Su Ming has not been found in Ningcheng for a few days, it means that someone may have really gone out.

At present, there is only this possibility, everything is still uncertain, but this is enough to make Song Zhe excited.

Even Song Zhe had already decided in his heart that after a while after eating, he had to go back to Song's house and tell Song Jiji the news to see what Song Jiji should do.


Su Ming set off early the next morning. He wanted to get a car to drive, but the three of the Lin family all refused by agreement. The reason was that this thing was too incompatible with the identity of the ancient warrior.

While Su Ming was speechless, he couldn't say much, because Su Ming didn't know the place, so he could only follow the three of them, and could not drive by himself.

I can only walk. Fortunately, walking is not a very strenuous task for the ancient warriors, because the ancient warriors have relatively strong physical fitness and can lift their energy to walk quickly, and the speed is not slower than that of ordinary cars~www.wuxiaspot .com~ After getting out of the call from someone in the city, a few people started walking fast.

This time Lin Batian also went with him. Although Lin Batian could not enter the ancient ruins, after discussing it, he thought it would be better for him to come with him.

At least there can be a caregiver nearby, which is better than waiting dry alone in Ningcheng.

It was precisely because of this that Su Ming's power in Ningcheng was completely emptied, giving the Song family a chance to do something in the future. Of course, these are all things to follow.

"I said, where exactly is the opening of this ancient ruin?" Su Ming followed the three of them speeding along the way, couldn't help but say something, and he was about to leave Ningcheng.

Lin Canghai opened his mouth and said, "We don't know exactly where it is. It should be near Ningcheng. I also found it according to the records on the family medieval scroll."

"Well then, you can lead the way, and we'll talk about it when it's time." Su Ming said.

If it wasn't for the three of them, even Su Ming could fly by himself, which is more convenient.

After walking fast for a while, Su Ming felt more and more wrong. This place was clearly Qingping City, that is, the place where Qin Xiaoke went out to live in the wild last time, no longer belonged to Ningcheng City.

However, this place is close to Ningcheng. If it is close to Ningcheng, it doesn't seem to be a big problem.

The mountains and the ancient ruins in Qingping City are here. It doesn't seem to be a strange thing after thinking about it.

"Let's slow down a bit."

Lin Canghai had already stopped first, dissipating the ancient martial artist's vitality instilled on his legs, and began to slowly climb the mountain. This should be the place where the ancient relics opened.

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