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After the two toads faced each other, they couldn't help looking at each other at the same time, with big eyes and small eyes. They seemed to be surprised by the existence of each other, and they didn't seem to expect to see the same kind here.

They are considered to be animals of one species, but they are not strictly classified as one category. Su Ming is not quite clear about toads, frogs, and toads. Anyway, just looking at the appearance, they are very different.

The red fire-breathing toad is more than twice the size of the Demon Marsh Frog, and looks much uglier than the Demon Marsh Frog. Compared with it, the appearance of the Demon Marsh Frog makes people feel this way for the first time. high.

Anyway, Su Ming can see that these two toads are not very pleasing to anyone, and their huge mouths have begun to bulge. This is an angry look.

After all, these two things are both males. As the saying goes, there is no room for two tigers. Unless there is one male and one female, two males must not coexist. How can a toad get involved.


The fire-breathing toad started first, and it opened its mouth directly and sprayed out the fire, rushing toward the magic marsh frog. The fiery flame swallowed the whole body of the magic marsh frog at once.

Seeing Su Ming couldn't help but squeeze his heart. This hotness made Su Ming feel a little jealous. The Demon Marsh Frog didn't hide at all, and she didn't know what happened to the Demon Marsh Frog.

However, what was more unexpected was that the flames swallowed the body of the Demon Marsh Frog, and before a blink of an eye, the flame went out immediately, which seemed to go out much faster than normal.

And Su Ming took a closer look, and what made people feel relieved was that there was nothing wrong with the magic swamp frog, it looked normal, and even the hot flames from the fire-breathing toad did not harm the skin of the magic swamp frog. To.


Su Ming remembered at this time. The magic marsh frog is not afraid of fire at all. At that time, a person swallowed all the flames on the floor of Qin Shiyin's office, and nothing happened. It seemed to be very happy. The gadget has a certain immunity to fire.

Su Ming was relieved right away. In this way, Su Ming asked the Demon Marsh Frog to deal with this fire-breathing toad. It seemed to be quite good, and it was a good choice. At least it saved Su Ming a lot of things.

For Su Ming, his combat effectiveness is getting weaker and weaker. This is no way. Because Su Ming fights, in addition to his own strength, he also needs to rely on some skills, so he will appear relatively abnormal.

However, the skill this thing is used less often, and after using it, it has to enter the cooling state, and cannot be used unlimitedly, so for Su Ming, after using it, it is a weakening of combat effectiveness.

Su Ming didn't fail to beat this fire-breathing toad. It was just that Su Ming didn't want to enter the ancient ruins and wasted so much energy. If the Demon Marsh Frog can solve it by itself, then it is naturally the best.

The huge eyes of the fire-breathing toad flashed with surprise. This beast still looked quite human. He obviously did not expect that the Demon Marsh Frog would be so powerful that it could ignore its natal flame.


There was not much suspense in the next battle. This fire-breathing toad was very strong, but what was more helpless was that its biggest reliance was flame, and the sprayed flame could melt everything.

But when facing the Demon Marsh Frog, it was useless at all. This is equivalent to when two people are fighting, one person is **** with both hands in advance, and it is natural that it can't be beaten.

It can only be said that this guy has a bad life, and when he encounters a demon marsh frog that Tian has restrained him, he can only helplessly swallow the bitter fruit of failure.

How could the Demon Marsh Frog be the kind of master who was obediently bullied? After the fire-breathing toad took the lead, the Demon Marsh Frog was unwilling to show weakness and opened its mouth directly, and the light green saliva flew directly over.

This thing still looks so disgusting, like thick phlegm, Su Ming's scalp numb, but this thing is still very powerful.

After the skin of the fire-breathing toad was contaminated with this saliva, a small hole appeared at a speed visible to the naked eye, causing the fire-breathing toad to cry twice in pain.

The Demon Marsh Frog made a decisive decision and jumped directly, sticking out its long tongue and flicking it violently. After a few rounds, the fire-breathing toad could no longer stand it.

Looking at Su Ming, he was a little excited. This Demon Marsh Frog was more fierce than he thought.


Seeing that the fire-breathing toad was about to be defeated, it was inevitable, this guy actually made a very unscrupulous decision.

Drilling directly into the ground, there was another burst of sand flying, and then the entire fire-breathing toad, that huge body, disappeared. It was obvious that it had fallen to the ground.

Su Ming was suspicious of the fire-breathing toad's morals, but you still guarded the treasure.

If you guard the treasure, you shouldn't regard the treasure as more important than your own life, but this fire-breathing toad obviously still feels that his life is more important, so he just slipped away without taking away a cloud.


The Demon Marsh Frog jumped to the place where the fire-breathing toad had drilled down. It looked very anxious, and even jumped twice on the spot. He wanted to chase it but didn't know how to chase it, because the Demon Marsh Frog did not have the ability to burrow. , Can only be anxious here.

Su Ming was also careless, forgetting such a stubble. When this magic marsh frog came out, it relied on the trick of burrowing in the ground, and now it has let it run away like this.

But since it runs away~www.wuxiaspot.com~ there is nothing to do. If you want to chase you will definitely not be able to catch up, so Su Ming said: "Forget it, don't chase the poor!"

At the same time, Su Ming took a look. Su Ming was relieved that the small fiery red stone was still there. Anyway, the main target this time was not the fire-breathing toad, as long as the small fiery red stone was still there.

When the fire-breathing toad ran, he was too rushed. It would be good if he could save his life. It would be impossible to take this little stone away.

At this moment, no one could resist Su Ming. Su Ming walked over and picked up the small rock under the big rock promptly. It was indeed not very big.

Even if the entire stone was dug out by Su Ming from the ground, it was only the size of an adult's hand and could be grasped with one hand.

The first moment I started, a very hot feeling hit, Su Ming felt like he was holding a bowl of soup before it came out, and it was very hot in his hand.

Moreover, Su Ming still wrapped his palm with vitality. This thing is so hot, it can be seen that the temperature is high.

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