League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1496: Therefore, re-implement

Both of the eyelids of the Demon Marsh Frog were fighting, and they seemed to be unable to open them, and their voices were also weak, which looked very sleepy. .w.

Before, Su Ming was still worried about whether the Demon Marsh Frog was in danger of life. Since it was going to sleep and digesting the fiery red spar, Su Ming was not so worried anymore. Anyway, there is no accident. All right.

So Su Ming said directly to the Demon Marsh Frog: "Okay, then you go to bed quickly, and wait when you wake up."

After speaking, Su Ming directly thought, summoned the Demon Marsh Frog into the system space, and looked at it from the outside. The Demon Marsh Frog had fallen asleep groggyly, lying there motionless.

Fortunately, I communicated with it and knew it was sleeping. If I didn't know it, I thought something was wrong.

As a result, Su Ming has lost a helper, and the Demon Marsh Frog will not wake up until it looks like this. It will not wake up in a short while, so Su Ming is equivalent to missing a right arm.

With the combat power of the Demon Marsh Frog, it can help Su Ming share a lot of pressure at the critical moment.

But this is no way. Who made the magic marsh frog swallow the fiery red spar? Now it seems that the fire red spar is good for the magic marsh frog. It is estimated that after the magic marsh frog wakes up, it will be slightly It has evolved a bit.

Su Ming suddenly thought that when he pulled out the Demon Marsh Frogs, the system once said during the introduction that the Demon Marsh Frogs can eat something to grow and evolve, but the system doesn’t know exactly what they eat. .

Now Su Ming can see some clues. It is estimated that the magic marsh frog prefers fire attributes, so he swallowed the fiery red spar directly.

This discovery also made Su Ming very tired. This time he got a spirit fruit and was eaten by the little wolf without saying a word. This time the fiery red spar, Su Ming held it in his hand for a while, and was given a bite by the magic marsh frog. Swallowed.

The two pets are all foodies. After sharing the two of them, Su Ming has really lost the blood mold. I guess there will be something good in the future, let alone enjoy it, I guess it is not enough to feed the two of them.

Su Ming was a little tired. He sat on the huge rock and took a break while taking a bottle of mineral water from the system space and drinking it. In this environment, his mouth became dry after a while.

Thanks to the function of the system space, Su Ming is now particularly convenient, so before leaving, Su Ming directly purchased a large number of supplies, eating and drinking all these things, all in the system space.

I also helped Lin Canghai and the two of them prepare, but after entering the system space, everyone was scattered, and Su Ming didn’t have time to give them some, and he didn’t know where they both were now and how they are now. .

"By the way, my task should be completed."

When Su Ming thought of Lin Canghai and Lin Wufu, he suddenly thought that after they entered the ancient ruins, his mission should be completed.

So Su Ming quickly checked the system and took a look at his own points. There were 170 points left, which is enough to show that Su Ming's task has been completed.

Helping the people of the Lin family to enter the ancient ruins, this is a big man who will give Su Ming a hundred points as a reward. This Su Ming remembers it clearly. After so many days, he has been thinking about this in his heart.

In addition to the 70 points that Su Ming completed the task before, and now 170 points are left, Su Ming is still more sensitive to points, especially at the critical point of 150 points, because exceeding 150 points means Now you can complete a lottery.

At this time, when not to draw any more, Su Ming would not stupidly leave the points to the outside to say, now in the ancient ruins, there may be danger anytime and anywhere, and you must draw a lottery quickly.

If a useful skill is drawn out, it can be of great help to Su Ming, and it may be a life-saving at the critical moment.

"Corona, come out quickly, I want to draw a lottery!" Su Ming said heartily.

Xiaona's voice immediately rang: "This draw will consume 150 points. Does the host confirm the draw?"

"Confirm the lottery!"

The 170 points suddenly changed to only 20, but the interface for the lottery appeared, a dynamic interface with a sense of science and technology, which kept scrolling up and was dazzled.

"Come on a little bit harder, come on a little bit harder."

Su Ming kept calling in his heart, hoping to have a more powerful skill this time, preferably a damage type, and then be stronger, which can directly increase combat effectiveness.

In places like ancient ruins ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, it's useless to do anything, you have to be strong, this is the best way to save your life.

"The black rose will bloom again!"

At this time, the lottery finally ended, the screen tended to freeze, and the system also made a ghostly sound, which sounded very tempting.

"Scheming Demon Girl!"

Su Ming's eyes lighted up. As a hero who can show up to the turbulent flow of water, Su Ming must have remembered it, so when he heard this line, Su Ming realized that he was a demon girl.

Sure enough, the system prompt sounded next: "Congratulations to the host, successfully used the R skill of the Demon Girl of Tricky [reapply]."

Skill name: [Re-implement the plan]

Skill introduction: In the game, LeBlanc duplicates one of his skills and creates a simulated illusion to release the skill with her.

In reality, after this skill is optimized, when the system uses this skill, it can obtain the function of disguise, and directly change its appearance, which can be changed at will without any trace of disguise.

The time for disguising can last for half a day. This skill is a one-time skill, and it will be cooled down when used up.

Su Ming took a look at this skill. Speaking of Disguise, it is indeed a very good skill. It is definitely useful to change his appearance.

However, Su Ming was still a bit disappointed, because it was not the same as Su Ming had imagined before. This is not an awesome combat skill, at best it is a practical skill.

PS: I still have to complain about the demon girl, the demon girl who has not been revised before is so fun, if there is no change, I will directly use her passive [King Hua Shui Yue].

As for the function of avatar, don’t worry, it will come out later. Doesn’t this still have the skill of the clown, the skill of the enchantress, first use it as a disguise technique, the plot needs it.


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