League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1500: How dare you attack me

It's not easy to describe what it feels like for Su Ming, but the first time I use this disguise technique, it still feels strange, as if the five senses have changed.

Of course, there is only some feeling, and there is no pain at all, so this disguise technique is relatively easy to accept.

"Is Cortana all right?"

Su Ming didn't know what he had become, so he asked, Su Ming had no experience using this enchanting girl's R skill for the first time.

And Xiaona's voice floated out again at this time: "It will take a few seconds. Now that the disguise has been successful, you can look in the mirror to see what you are now, the host."

Xiaona's voice seems to be full of smiles. Although there is no obvious expression, Su Ming can still feel it. Xiaona should have seen Su Ming now.

After Xiaona’s reminder, Su Ming also remembered. Although there is no mirror, Su Ming has a mobile phone. To some extent, the mobile phone can also be used as a mirror.

I saw that Su Ming took out the cell phone that had no signal on his body and turned on the front camera. Su Ming's face appeared directly in the camera.

The performance of mobile phones is now more powerful. The cameras start with 10 or 20 million pixels, which is actually no different from looking in a mirror.

"I'm going, is this still me?"

As a result, after the camera was turned on, Su Ming really frightened Su Ming. So it was Su Ming who appeared in the camera. To be precise, it was Ouyang Yixue's appearance.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is not bad at all. Su Ming took a closer look. Almost some details on his face are exactly the same. This skill is really too powerful.

He has the ability to use fakes and fakes. Su Ming doesn't believe that people can tell the truth.


Su Ming then deliberately moisturized his throat again, just to deliberately want to make some noises. The result is exactly the same as Xiaona said. Not only the appearance has changed, but the voice has also changed completely. The voice of a woman is now, and it feels incredible to say it.

Ouyang Yixue's own voice, Su Mingji, is not very clear. It seems that she has never heard her say anything in the impression, but since it was changed by the system, it should not be bad.

Even if there is a difference, Su Ming does not believe that Gongsun Lingshi can hear it, as long as it is a woman's voice.

The only flaw is that Su Ming touched his chest with both hands, the airport was still empty, nothing was touched.

This is also a relatively normal thing. After all, Yao Ji's R skill only changed Su Ming's appearance, voice, and figure, not completely changed Su Ming's gender.

So in terms of physiological characteristics, Su Ming is still a man. If Su Ming really turns everything into a woman, then Su Ming is probably afraid.

But it doesn't matter, it's just a small detail, it's not a big problem. He directly took out a jacket from the system space, and Su Ming changed the coat he was wearing outside.

This jacket is relatively fat, it wraps Su Ming's body in it, and you can't see the situation on the chest. With the addition of the two things of Ouyang Yixue, it is originally not too big. I don't see any problem.

Moreover, people like the Guwu family are actually quite normal in dressing and dressing, not so fashionable, but their clothes are the same as those of the worldly people outside. They are in this era and they will not wear the same clothes as the ancients .

Although the clothes on Su Ming are different from those of Ouyang Yixue, it is possible for others to change their clothes. It is still a jacket with an unclear gender distinction.

So Su Ming feels almost done, he can make a move. If he doesn't make another move, it is estimated that Gongsun Lingshi will run away with something.

"I didn't expect to have such good luck in entering the ancient ruins this time, and I found this Baiguling wine not long after I left, tusk..."

Gongsun Lingshi's face was full of beauty. After defeating the two iron-armed white apes, this Baiguoling wine was naturally him, and no one could stop him.

I saw Gongsun Lingshi picking up a small wooden barrel. This wooden barrel is not very delicate, but it seems to be of good quality. It is estimated that the Baiguoling bar is inside.


Su Ming, who was hiding in the dark, was finally dispatched, grabbing Gongsun Lingshi and picking up the small wooden barrel. When he was about to run, he patted it directly.


Gongsun Lingshi's face suddenly changed. After all, it was in the mid-micron stage~www.wuxiaspot.com~ His strength was not weak, his perception ability was still good, so Gongsun Lingshi immediately noticed the danger. Attack.

He retreated two steps abruptly, then raised a hand and took Su Ming's palm. He was caught off guard and hurriedly challenged. Gongsun Lingshi suffered a bit and staggered back several steps.

What's more funny is that when this guy backed back, he was still worried about the Baiguling wine in his hand, and the other hand was always protecting.

Fortunately, the sealing effect of this small wooden barrel still looks pretty good, so it didn't spill out, otherwise this guy would have been empty out of the bamboo basket.

After Gongsun Lingshi stabilized, he looked up to see who attacked him. He was really careless just now. According to the experience given by the seniors in the family, when he came in, he rarely encountered humans. He was so lucky that he ran into a sneak attack.

As a result, when he looked up, it turned out to be a woman. This woman is naturally no stranger to him, Ouyang Yixue from the Ouyang family.

The appearance of Ouyang Yixue did not surprise Gongsun Lingshi, after all, it is possible to meet anyone here, but what is more surprising is that Ouyang Yixue dared to attack him.

So Gongsun Lingshi widened his eyes and asked, "Ouyang Yixue, do you know what you are doing, and you dare to attack me?"

"Why didn't I dare to attack you? If I remember correctly, no one seems to have stipulated that no hands are allowed in the ancient ruins. Whoever has the ability will grab things." Su Ming said directly.

It's just that the voice of the voice is a woman's voice, which makes Su Ming feel tired and crooked for a while. It's really hard to get used to it.

Fortunately, Gongsun Lingshi didn't hear anything unusual, but his eyes widened and he couldn't believe it. He couldn't believe that this was actually spoken from Ouyang Yixue.

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