League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1503: Kneel down again

Su Ming frowned. Seeing these two iron-armed white apes, Su Ming also had a headache. What should I do with these two spirit beasts?

The simplest way is definitely to kill them. The two iron-armed white apes can't even beat the fellow Gongsun Lingshi. They definitely can't beat Su Ming, not to mention that they are both injured.

However, this method is also **** and cruel. Su Ming thought about it for a moment, and immediately decided in his heart.

Take a look at the reactions of the two iron-armed white apes. If Su Ming can take the Baiguling wine away, they will not stop them. Fortunately, Su Ming will not move them either.

Of course, Su Ming is also a person with a bottom line. If the two iron-armed white apes have to go up and block, then Su Ming will not be polite, just let them die, just look at the two iron-armed white apes themselves Performance.

So Su Ming was carrying Baiguling wine in his hand, and then deliberately walked towards the two iron-armed white apes, trying to test their reaction.

The two iron-handed white apes seemed to be extremely nervous. As soon as they saw Su Ming coming over, there were some smart iron-handed white apes. They immediately looked nervous and made some small movements unconsciously.

Even like a human, when this iron-handed white ape is nervous, his body also has micro movements.

The iron-armed white ape thought that Su Ming was going to do it, and it seemed that he knew Su Ming’s powerful strength. The iron-armed white ape, who looked a little smaller, suddenly got up, then "thumped" and knelt down on Su. In front of Ming.


Su Ming was really taken aback. This kneeling made Su Ming feel a little caught off guard. Unexpectedly, this animal knelt down to Su Ming.

When did animals lose their morals so much that they can kneel down and beg for mercy just like people?

What made Su Ming even more unexpected happened. After the white iron-armed ape knelt down, tears flowed from his eyes, and he looked pitiful, and pointed to the white iron-armed ape next to him.

At the same time, he shook his head, seeming to be praying to Su Ming not to act on the iron-armed white ape next to it.

And the iron-armed white ape beside him also shed tears, and both iron-armed white apes were so tearful, and the scene seemed a bit sad.

Su Ming was dumbfounded. Su Ming never expected that the plot would develop in this way.

After thinking for a while, Su Ming activated the skills of the beast spirit walker and planned to communicate with the two iron-armed white apes. After all, they are animals in this ancient relic, so Su Ming said: "Okay, don't kneel. Now, get up quickly."

Su Ming is quite unaccustomed to someone kneeling in front of him. Although the kneeling is an animal, he is still very unaccustomed.

The white iron-armed ape froze for a moment. It was obvious that Su Ming could not speak their language. After reacting, the white iron-armed ape kneeling immediately said: "Master, please don't kill my wife, she is now You are pregnant and have a child in your belly. Don’t kill her. If you want to kill, you can kill me."

The words of the Iron Gibbon White Ape directly moved Su Ming, and the expression on his face was shocked.

It turned out to be like this. No wonder the iron-handed white ape directly knelt down to Su Ming and begged for mercy. It was not afraid of death or unscrupulous. It was because his wife was still pregnant. This was just to save his wife. Unborn child.

People can be ruthless, and Su Ming is not the kind of hard-hearted person. This kind of feeling between the iron-handed white apes, even if Su Ming is a human, is very moved.

It was originally planned. As long as they don’t take the initiative to attack, Su Ming will not kill them, and now it’s even more so. So Su Ming said: "You and I will not kill any of you, don’t cry, you too Get up."

"Is this really true?" The iron arm white ape is obviously still a little skeptical. He didn't believe Su Ming at once. The credibility of human beings among animals has never been high. There is a reason for this, and the reason is very complicated. .

Su Ming said with a serious face, "Don't worry, I am different from those shameless human beings. My words count, I will definitely not kill you, get up!"

After seeing the two iron-armed white apes got up, Su Ming glanced at the female iron-armed white apes. On the contrary, her injuries were more serious. At this time, blood was bleeding on her stomach.

It seems to make people feel anxious. If you continue like this, you don't have to kill it by Su Ming. It is estimated that there will be no children in its stomach.

So Su Ming stepped forward and stretched out his hand, intending to treat this iron-armed white ape.

But who knows that Su Ming's action shocked the two iron-armed white apes. They thought that Su Ming was about to start, and they were so scared that they wanted to fight back.

Su Ming realized his abruptness, so he immediately took it back and explained, "Wait a minute~www.wuxiaspot.com~Please listen to my explanation."

"I don't want to do it, I just want to heal your wife. Please believe me, your wife was injured very seriously." Su Ming's eyes were written with two big characters "sincere".

It seemed that they were a little moved by Su Ming's sincerity. The two iron-armed white apes suddenly lost their response and just looked at Su Ming.

Su Ming felt the two of them relax their guards, so Su Ming was also cautious, activated the nanny's skills, and transmitted the nanny's star power with his hands.

The power of the stars healed everything, whether it was a human or an animal, the female Iron White Ape was seriously injured, but after Su Ming’s treatment, within a few minutes, the wound disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

As far as movements are concerned, perhaps their most intuitive reaction is not to look at the wounds, but to feel themselves. If there is no such obvious pain, it means that they are almost healed.

"What did you use to me, I feel that I have almost recovered." The female iron-armed white ape said in surprise. It was so painful just now that it was too painful to speak.

Su Ming smiled, and it was unnecessary to explain so much to it. After a little laugh, Su Ming continued: "Come here, too, and heal you."

It took another few minutes. Su Ming also treated the male white ape. Both of the white apes have recovered. It is estimated that after a few days of rest, they will be alive and kicking.

Su Ming did not completely relax his vigilance. To relax too much is irresponsible to himself. Who knows what the temper of these two iron-armed white apes are.

Don't look at how pitiful the two were just now, but after recovering, they might do it right away. The story of the farmer and the snake is still fresh in Su Ming's memory, so you can't care less.


But at this moment, the male iron-armed white ape actually knelt down again!

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