
The white ape nodded naturally, and then said: "This wine is made by ourselves. There must be a lot of it. The human being beaten by you just now only got a part. Please. Everyone search () to see the most complete! The fastest updated novel"

When Su Ming heard this, he was relieved immediately. If there are still iron-armed white apes, there is no need to worry, because Su Ming just feels distressed for a while.

No wonder the iron arm white ape is so casual. When they are happy to catch a drink, co-authoring this thing is not a particularly precious thing for them, so Su Ming is also relieved.

Picking up the wooden barrel handed by the iron-armed white ape, Su Ming also raised his head and poured a gulp of wine into the mouth.

Su Ming noticed this detail. In fact, when the iron arm white ape was drinking just now, his appearance was really bold, but in fact, they also carried the barrels in the air and poured them down, and did not directly touch them with their lips, so they still Quite hygienic, Su Ming doesn't need to be hypocritical.

"This wine, you can--"

After entering the mouth, it is different from the strong feeling of ordinary liquor, it has a wine taste, but it is very soft when it is drunk, and countless kinds of aromas explode in the mouth, which seems very wonderful.

And after the wine went down his throat and into his stomach, Su Ming could feel that his body seemed to be a little more energetic, which was incredible.

After taking another sip, Su Ming noticed a detail. The White Ape said that this Baiguling wine is not a good thing. It is just a kind of saying. Otherwise, when Gongsun Lingshi grabs something, they I can't protect it, this is definitely a good thing.

This wine not only kills the average wine in taste and taste, even the most expensive wine in the world is incomparable with this Baiguling wine.

And Baiguoling wine has one of the most important characteristics, this wine actually contains the unique vitality of ancient warriors.

It is not scientific to say that vitality is unique to ancient warriors, because this thing originally exists between heaven and earth, but the ancient warriors refine vitality through special cultivation methods and make this thing they can use.

Baiguoling wine also contains vitality, which shows that the effect of this wine on ancient warriors is actually very great. After drinking this wine, it can help ancient warriors to cultivate.

Maybe this thing did not affect Su Ming as much as expected, because if Su Ming wanted vitality, it was very easy, and it was enough to use the troll's big tricks to directly suck. It would be a lot of spiritual energy to catch a person.

But it's not like this to other people. Ancient martial artist cultivation is not a simple matter. It is very difficult to absorb the vitality of the world and refine it.

This is like a rich kid. Maybe he can get money more easily. He doesn't care much about money when he opens his mouth. He doesn't care much about money, but it's not like that for ordinary people. He doesn't care about what is easy to get.

For the ancient martial artist, drinking and drinking can increase the vitality of the body and help one's own cultivation. There are also more comfortable things, which is simply too comfortable.

Not only the ancient martial artist drank it, but ordinary people would also have the effect of prolonging life and strengthening the body after drinking it. It is not difficult to live longer for several years.

While drinking, I chatted with the two iron-handed white apes, Su Ming only then realized that their iron-handed white apes are very fond of drinking.

So their ancestors began to make their own wine, and after so many years, this method has been passed down.

Now the number of iron-handed white apes is running out, even their husband and wife are the only ones, but winemaking cannot stop.

This Baiguling wine, like its name, is really made from the various spirit fruits of this forest. It has such a good taste and effect, which is not enough.

"Benefactor, this is something we brewed. There is nothing to thank you for. I will only give you some Baiguling wine. Don't dislike it." The iron arm white ape said to Su Ming.

"What a joke, how could I dislike such a good thing?" Su Ming said immediately. This Baiguling wine, but something that can make the ancient warrior break his head, Su Ming is too happy.

This thing is really good, and Su Ming is also a little moved. If there is any, Su Ming must have taken some. Even if he doesn't drink it, he can also give it to other people around him.

For example, his father Su Qishan, it is quite good to improve his body.

And because of the task, Su Ming might indeed need some Baiguling wine.

"Then come with us, and I will fill you with some Baiguling wine!" said the iron arm white ape.

Now the two iron-armed white apes obviously trust Su Ming completely. It looks like this ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ should have taken Su Ming to their residence.

Su Ming was not polite, and walked with them, only a few steps away, the tree came to a huge tree.

According to Su Ming's visual observation, this tree has a growth history of one or two thousand years, and it is so big that it is estimated that more than a dozen adults cannot hold it.

After Su Ming's treatment, the two iron-handed white apes have probably recovered now. On the branch, their movements were unusually agile, and they were jumping all the time.

And Su Ming is a little bit behind. After all, he is not one of those apes, and he is not so familiar with here, so he can only try his best to follow behind.

This tree is not only big, it is estimated that the height must be at least several tens of meters. If it is placed in the world, it is a tall building with a high number of floors.

To Su Ming's expectation, the home of the two iron-armed white apes, but Su Ming imagined it was much more unique. It turned out to be a huge tree hole on the surface of this huge tree trunk.

And after Su Ming entered, he discovered that the lighting conditions here are still good. The iron arm white ape deliberately left a few large holes in the south to let the sun shine in, so this tree hole is not black paint. Is it black?

The area of ​​the tree hole is huge, and what is even more unexpected is that it is divided into several floors, just like a human staircase.

It is indeed not easy for two iron-handed white apes to create such a place to live. The IQ of apes is really high, not to mention that they are still spirit beasts.

"Benefactor, our Baiguling wine is here, you look at it and take it--"

The two iron-armed white apes brought Su Ming to the bottom, and then the dense wine jar was caught in Su Ming's eyes.

Su Ming was a little dumbfounded, because the Baiguling wine here is so dense that it can no longer be described in more than one word.

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