League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1509: Maybe you are ugly

Unlike the worries of the two iron-armed white apes, Su Ming is quite calm at this time. There is nothing to be afraid of. The life-saving means, if you can shoot Su Ming directly to death, Su Ming really doesn't have to live.

Su Ming doesn't have any fear in his head. Instead, he is thinking about which skill to use. I don't know if the Stone Man's passiveness can be held up, or that Jian Ji's W skill can also be used.

Unexpectedly, when Su Ming was thinking about using the skill, the huge palm suddenly stopped in mid-air, as if someone had pressed the pause button on the remote control.

What's more funny is that after the Titan Great Ape's movements stopped, a huge palm stopped on the surface of Su Ming's head, and a huge shadow appeared under Su Ming's feet. It was obviously that guy's palm.

This thing is really good. Su Ming now has a very bold idea. If he can accept this guy as a pet, he can put his hands on his head if he goes out in the summer. The effect of the parasol will definitely be much stronger.

However, this idea was still unrealistic, and was rejected by Su Ming, because the Titan Great Ape was too big and Su Ming had no place to put it.

The area of ​​the system space is not enough to put it in, it is even more impossible to put it outside, which will cause a huge disturbance.

Su Min was quite surprised. It was about to start fighting. I didn't expect this Titan Great Ape to stop suddenly. Su Ming looked up and seemed to want to know why this thing stopped. Could it be that it was discovered by conscience. ?

In fact, this Titan Great Ape is also very intelligent. It can become the king of this little black wind forest. It must have an IQ. It seemed to have lost its will just now and wanted to kill Su Ming, but actually it was deliberately frightened. Take a look. Su Ming's reaction is just that.

If Su Ming wanted to run, then it slapped it without hesitation. The tiny human being could not get out of its palm at all.

But Su Ming didn't run. Not only did he not run, he didn't even have a scared expression on his face. He stood there straight, looking like you did it.

The thief, the Titan Great Ape, was clever, and it deliberately paid attention to it with its own eyes, only to find that Su Ming was not too scared to move.

Because the look on Su Ming's face was unconfident at that moment, he had nothing to fear, such a detail was captured by the Titan Great Ape.

Maybe Su Ming didn't expect it, but he just pretended to be a force, and in the end, the Titan Great Ape stopped its movements.

"Why are you not afraid of me?"

On the Titan Great Ape's side, after retracting his hand, he seemed to be surprised and asked. Normal people should be scared when they see this action.

Su Ming's mouth raised a smile. No matter how clever this Titan Great Ape was, it was a spirit beast after all, and certainly not a human. Su Ming seemed to be able to guess why it stopped.

So Su Ming remained calm, the expression on his face remained unchanged, and continued this mad and cool look, and looked at the Titan Great Ape coldly, as if he did not pay attention to it at all, and said lightly, "Why should you be afraid? Are you uglier because of you?"


The two iron-armed white apes widened their eyes and were a little frightened. Even at this time, both of them were plopping and jumping.

Su Ming is crazy, if you heard it right, Su Ming actually said that their king is ugly, this...this is already suspected of insulting.

Although the appearance of the Titan Great Ape is indeed a bit ugly, it is the king, how can the king be insulted casually.

In the hearts of the two iron-armed white apes, this is something that I dare not imagine at all. If they are not familiar with Su Ming, it is estimated that both of them will have to do it impulsively.

The Titan Great Ape was also taken aback for a moment. Unexpectedly, the ant-like human being in front of him would say that it was ugly. The Titan Great Ape immediately said angrily: "You dare to call me ugly, do you want to die?"

"Don't you look ugly? Go take a **** yourself, if you really feel that you are not ugly, I can do whatever you want." Su Ming continued to say disdainfully, as if he didn't put this giant giant ape on it at all. eye.

If it wasn't blacked out, if you really talk about appearance, this guy is really low, and it is considered uglier among apes.

Titan Great Ape's teeth were itchy, but Su Ming happened to catch this guy's temper.

If people are very scared and afraid of death when they are talking to it, then the Titan Great Ape doesn't bother to look at you at all, and it might just slap it neatly.

But Su Ming is the first ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ who dares to be so casual with it and doesn’t pay attention to it. This makes the Titan Great Ape more exciting. He is also a little interested in Su Ming. The more Su Ming said about it, the less it would affect Su Ming.

This incident fully tells us that animals, like humans, are also guilty.

"Boy, you are really the most interesting human I have ever encountered. Okay, I can give you a chance to heal me." The Titan Great Ape said reluctantly.

After all, it is the king of this black wind forest. It is too embarrassed to say any soft words, or that it has been used to speaking like this, so it must have a king's aura.

But when Su Ming heard this, he couldn't help being unhappy. He said that your special mother is really interesting, what is meant by reluctance to give me a chance, the whole old man wants this opportunity very much.

I have confiscated the money for you to heal, and it is no good. Can you say that Su Ming is the more reluctant party?

For this kind of person or this kind of animal, Su Ming will definitely not get used to it. Without giving you a lesson, he really thought he was terrible, so Su Ming said, "That's really embarrassing. Changed my mind, I don’t want to heal you anymore."


The Titan Great Ape was shocked. It originally thought that since Su Ming was here, he was willing to give him this opportunity. He shouldn't be very happy and accept it immediately.

But he didn't like this, and he suddenly changed his mind. This made the Titan Great Ape a little unexpected, and his brain was so huge that he didn't turn around for a while.

So the Titan Great Ape became confused and asked: "Why?"

"No why!"

Su Ming smiled imperceptibly, and then said: "Maybe it's because you are uglier."


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