League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1513: Lin Wufu is injured

Su Ming is not at all polite here, so he went straight up and used the system space to put away the token given by the Titan Great Ape. Before that, Su Ming really didn’t expect that spirit beasts would have this kind of thing. .

At this time, the system space played its role again. If it weren't for the system space, the Titan Great Ape would be a huge token. It is estimated that Su Ming would have more than enough energy to take it away.

Seeing that Su Ming had accepted it, the Titan Great Ape's expression also eased. Although Su Ming was a little bit cheap, he still gave this face somehow.

"Okay, then I won't talk nonsense, and I will leave if there is anything else, let's see bye bye!" Su Ming said.


Unexpectedly, just when Su Ming was about to leave, the Titan Great Ape had opened his mouth to stop Su Ming, as if he didn't want Su Ming to go.

Su Ming turned his head in surprise, and said, "What's the matter with you?"

"I have something to tell you!"

The Titan Great Ape thought for a while, and said: "You humans almost come in looking for treasures. I can give you a hint. Go straight to the east. After you walk out of this black wind forest, there is a temple of fall over there. , There should be some good things inside."

"The good things in the ancient ruins should be there!" The Titan Great Ape said.

Su Ming's eyes lit up suddenly. Compared with the huge token just now, Su Ming could clearly feel that these words of the Titan Great Ape were more meaningful.

Obviously this Titan Great Ape has some inside information, and with this reminder, it is better than Su Ming's aimless running in the ancient ruins.

Otherwise, I'm afraid that when the ancient ruins are over, Su Ming may not be able to find anything good.

Su Ming, who was very happy, said directly to the Titan Giant Ape: "Big guy, I found that although you are a little ugly, you are very gentle."

"I'm Ugly, But I'm Very Gentle", this is an old song that is very popular, and Su Ming found it to be used to praise the Titan Great Ape, which is also very good.


The black line on the face of the Titan Great Ape directly spit out a word. It was obvious that he didn't plan to see Su Ming again. There are humans that can be so cheap.

Su Ming only took two steps, then suddenly stepped back, and said: "Right, then what, I will ask the last question, which side is East?"

Titan Great Ape: "..."


After getting the directions from the Titan Great Ape, Su Ming walked in this direction all the way forward. With a goal, the feeling is different, and people will feel more at ease.

Although Su Ming still had some little doubts in his mind, such as whether the Titan Great Ape would deliberately point himself in the opposite direction, but think about it, it shouldn't be so unruly.

Now Su Ming’s goal is the Temple of Falling God, and to reach the Temple of God Falling, he must pass through this black wind forest. The black wind forest is too big to see the end at all, and Su Ming doesn’t know the end. How big it is, it can only be counted as one step like this.


The ancient ruins are different from the outside. There is no night here. Su Ming doesn't remember how long he has been in, so he can only take a rest when he is tired.

Su Ming finished eating and drank a few more sips of water. When he was closing his eyes to rest his mind, he suddenly heard a thump. It seemed that something fell from the tree at three o'clock.

Suddenly I became interested, and I didn't know whether it was a human or an animal. No matter what it was, Su Ming would definitely have to go over and see what was going on.

"Tuko, why are you???"

As a result, after Su Ming ran over, he approached quietly. It didn’t matter if he saw it. Su Ming was frightened as soon as he saw it. The person who fell on the ground was not someone else, but was Su Ming’s good friend and brother Lin Wufu. .

Lin Wufu looked a bit miserable at this time, with some blood stains on his face and body, and looked unkempt and extremely embarrassed, as if he was being chased by someone.

Su Ming saw that the situation was OK, and immediately went forward and held Lin Wufu's body, letting Lin Wufu do it reluctantly. Fortunately, Lin Wufu's breathing was still there. He was only injured and not alive for the time being. Danger.

Lin Wufu was shocked when he heard someone approaching, and tried to run when he tried to lift his strength, but when he heard Su Ming's voice, Lin Wufu was relieved.

While breathing a sigh of relief, Lin Wufu's body became even more exhausted. He was still strained just now, but now if he is letting Lin Wufu run, he may not be able to run when the enemy comes.

"Don't talk, take a moment--"

Su Ming didn't come up and asked about this and that, because Lin Wufu's current state ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is still relatively weak and not suitable for talking more, so Su Ming quickly turned on Nanny's W skill, and starred. The power was instilled into Lin Wufu's body and healed Lin Wufu.

After two minutes, Lin Wufu's complexion looked much better, but at this time, there was a movement from behind.

"I see, that kid is there, let's get on!" The voice of the two people's dialogue was also passed over.

Obviously, Su Ming and Lin Wufu were discovered. Someone had trouble finding Lin Wufu. Su Ming looked up and saw that these two guys had arrived at an extremely fast speed.

"Huh, the Lin family boy, I see where you are going now, can't you run?"

"Hey, there is actually another person next to him. It turns out that I met an accomplice, and I had to run away."

Su Ming squinted at these two guys. It was really interesting. These two guys were obviously young men. They had to say that Lin Wufu was a "boy", and he had an old-fashioned tone that made people very unhappy.

These two guys Su Ming were a bit impressed. After all, the people who came in had been seen before they came in, but Su Ming was a little confused about which family he belonged to.

With Su Ming here, Lin Wufu doesn't need to worry about anything. Fortunately, I met Su Ming. Otherwise, I might have lost my life today, so Lin Wufu reminded him in a low voice, "Su Ming, they are from the Liu family. "

"I got a spirit beast egg, but it was bad luck that I ran into the two of them, not their opponents. I definitely disagree with asking me to hand over the spirit beast egg, so they both chased me here." Takeo probably said something.

Su Ming nodded, expressing that he understands. To put it bluntly, it is the dispute caused by the treasure. The deaths in the ancient ruins are probably caused by the fight for the treasure.

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