League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1527: The situation is serious

In this way, everyone understood what was going on. After working together for a long time, this mysterious thunder unicorn was actually brought by Su Ming and Lin Wufu.

"Two bastards!"

Many people cursed in their hearts, even though Su Ming and Lin Wufu didn't even know about this matter, they only knew the specific situation.

However, this does not prevent everyone from scolding them both. They were ready to enter the Temple of Falling God, but as a result, such a powerful spirit beast was recruited, and it was almost killed.

Especially the guy Ouyang Kaiyin was very upset with Su Ming. At first glance, Su Ming had an accident with the guy from the Lin family. This guy Ouyang Kaiyin was a little happy at this time, which shows his heart. The degree of darkness.

Ouyang Kaiyin said directly: "Su Ming, what do I mean by the two of you, causing trouble outside, do you want to drag us all into the water?"

Su Ming is now talking to Xuan Lei Qilin. How can he care about Ouyang Kaiyin? When he heard that this guy was still talking coldly, Su Ming couldn't get angry.

"Everyone quickly retreat, this matter has nothing to do with us, let's not wade into this muddy water, let them both solve it by themselves." Ouyang Kaiyin shouted loudly.

This guy doesn't have any charisma, but he said this sentence to the heart of most people. None of these people here want to provoke Xuan Lei Qilin, and there is no need to fight his own life.

Ouyang Kaiyin's words are equivalent to reminding everyone, so these people dispersed in a rush, and immediately retreated. The efficiency is not too high. It seems that there is something poisonous on Su Ming, and no one wants to provoke it at all.

Almost all the people who entered the ancient relics from the Guwu family this time are almost there. Except for a few people who have not yet arrived, there are also more than a dozen people. Among these more than ten people, except for Lin Canghai, the rest have slipped away. .

They have nothing to do with Su Ming and the Lin family, so naturally they don't want to be dragged into it.

At a time, the other people on the field stood in a pile, and the three of Su Minglin Wufu and Lin Canghai stood together, forming two relatively distinct waves.

Su Ming didn't have the time to control them. Su Ming's current concern was the mysterious thunder unicorn. If he wanted to dismiss it, it was absolutely impossible to use force to fight them.

I'm afraid Su Ming just started to get cold, this level of spirit beast is not comparable to the micro-level realm, and the lowest level can be played at the true essence level. Otherwise, even if Su Ming has more skills, I am afraid it will be nothing. Usefulness, it will only go up for nothing.

Now Su Ming and the others are in an overall disadvantaged position. There is no way. They don't want to ask for the spirit beast eggs. They can only hope that Xuan Lei Qilin will not care about this after he takes back his child.

At first, I did see that the spirit beast egg that Lin Wufu picked up was not trivial, but I didn't expect it to be so awesome. It was a descendant of Xuan Lei Qilin, which was too awesome.

As a result, Lao Tzu came to the door, but it caused disaster. Lin Wufu, the spirit beast egg, might as well not pick it up.

"Ha ha----"

Xuan Lei Qilin, the spirit beast, is too abnormal. It can still sneer like a human. After only listening to it sneered twice, it immediately said: "Are you talking about terms with me? If I want to kill you, Do you think you can run away?"

Su Ming's face suddenly changed. This Xuan Lei Qilin was not good at talking, and was fundamentally different from the iron-armed white apes and Titan giant apes that he had encountered before.

The matter was more complicated than Su Ming had imagined. The attitude of Xuan Lei Qilin caused Su Ming to have an unusual headache. This guy didn't seem to be so easy to dismiss.

"I took my child and just returned it to me? You have to pay for what you deserve." Xuan Lei Qilin's tone sounded very cold.

Su Ming could have heard it out. The animal's purpose of finding children was not the fundamental purpose. It was just one of them. He was still thinking about doing things.

Ouyang Kaiyin and Ouyang Shuo, these two members of the Ouyang family almost couldn't help laughing. Su Ming had escaped just now, but Su Ming would be unlucky so quickly.

Is there anything better than this? Obviously there was no such thing. Xuan Lei Qilin was eyeing it, and Su Ming and the entire Lin family were in misery.

The two members of the Ouyang family, at this time, in their hearts how much hope Xuan Lei Qilin would directly take action and slap Su Ming to death. They would not say that after seeing the addiction, they also lost a major worry.

The expression on Su Ming's face right now is ugly. This expression is like finding that the whole test paper is not the same at all during the exam.

"Nonsense, I found this spirit beast egg. I didn't take it at all. A spirit beast egg fell from the sky. I didn't know it was your child, so I picked it up and took it by the way~www.wuxiaspot. com~ Lin Wufu said immediately.

He was also very angry, it was obviously not his possession, Xuan Lei Qilin was framing him.

Lin Canghai, who was a little bewildered by the side, finally understood what was going on. The eighth achievement was that Lin Wufu was so lucky that he saw a spirit beast egg, but who knew that something happened directly.

Lin Canghai grabbed Lin Wufu and motioned him to stop saying that. If you continue to say this, the effect will only be counterproductive. If you talk to a spirit beast, it is useless at all.

"I said you took it, you took it, my child, how could you pick it up casually?" Xuan Lei Qilin said in a very rude tone.

Su Ming's brows frowned directly. This Xuan Lei Qilin was simply unreasonable. From his tone of voice, Su Ming was naturally more willing to believe in Lin Wufu.

If you can’t do well, then there’s no need to say it properly. Su Ming’s tone has also become much colder, and he said directly: "Don’t forget, your spirit beast eggs are still in our hands. I’m sure you won’t find your own children.”

The system space exists following Su Ming, and only Su Ming can open it. If Su Ming is really dead, it is unclear whether the system will find the owner again. Anyway, Xuan Lei Qilin will definitely not be able to open the system space.

Su Ming is reminding it that if you do it, you have to consider the price.

"Are you threatening me?"

Who knows that spirit beasts are still very different from people. Su Ming's words directly angered Xuan Lei Qilin. He only heard Xuan Lei Qilin directly anger and said: "A few small humans, I really think I don't I dare to kill you."

As he spoke, the sky and the earth changed color, and the entire sky seemed a little gloomy, and it was accompanied by thunderous sounds.

Things seem to be worse...

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