League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1529: Turned out to be a bad guy

At this time, Su Ming's heart was grateful, with the kind of rejoicing that he had survived the disaster, and also very fortunate to have been smooth before, he agreed to the Iron-Hand White Ape and went to help the Titan Great Ape.

There will be rewards for hard work. There is a very simple principle, good results are obtained from good causes. If Su Ming did not help the Titan Great Ape, then Su Ming would not have such good luck to escape.

What makes Su Ming a little surprised is that he still underestimated the Titan Great Ape, that product seems to be quite awesome, and even Xuan Lei Qilin has to give it three points of thin face, the title of Black Wind Forest King. It's really well-deserved.

Of course, Su Ming can also analyze from the words of Xuan Lei Qilin that Xuan Lei Qilin is not a subordinate of the Titan Giant Ape, and it is definitely different from the Iron-gibbed White Ape who surrenders to the Titan Giant Ape.

It is estimated that this mysterious thunder unicorn belongs to the Black Wind Forest or not.

Su Ming estimated that Xuan Lei Qilin and Titan Great Ape should be of the same level. To put it in human terms, they are the same generation. It is hard to say who is strong or weak. It is estimated that there is not much difference.

The two of them should be regarded as friends, and the Titan Great Ape also helped Xuan Lei Qilin, so Su Ming was lucky this time. Under the banner of the Titan Great Ape, Xuan Lei Qilin was not easy to use.

Seeing that Su Ming's attitude was still so good, the anger in Xuan Lei Qilin's heart had also disappeared a lot, and it was much better than the previous angry look.

Xuan Lei Qilin said directly: "Forget it, since you are the human being that the big man likes to see, you are not bad."

"Let's forget about this matter, what should you do in a while, I have to leave soon." Xuan Lei Qilin is obviously not ready to pursue this matter anymore, and you can feel the tone of listening to it. Up.

"Just forget it?"

The expressions on the faces of the Guwu family who had been hiding far before, seemed to be dying of shock. Some of them had eyeballs about to fall, and those with open mouths could directly put a duck egg in.

Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, who would have thought that this incident would end in such a dramatic way, and thought that Su Ming and the others would definitely die. Who knew that Su Ming would not do anything if Su Ming made a move directly.

This is so awesome, and there are backers on the spirit beast, so Xuan Lei Qilin can give face to backers, how awesome is this?

It is impossible to say that there is no shaking in the heart. The feelings of the Guwu family at this time are really various. I really didn't expect this kid who messed with the Lin family to have two things.

Lin Wufu and Lin Canghai's hearts were also shocked. Both of them were a little desperate at first, especially Lin Wufu. This was something he caused, and it was especially hopeless.

Unexpectedly, Su Ming once again turned the tide and resolved the crisis directly. Even Xuan Lei Qilin could speak for him. Su Ming was really simple.

I was grateful again in my heart that it was a blessing for Sansheng to meet such a friend as Su Ming.

Regardless of Su Ming causing such a big shock, the expression on his face seemed very flat at this time, but in fact, Su Ming's heart was very nervous a few minutes ago.

After all, Su Ming didn't have much confidence. It wasn't until Xuan Lei Qilin said that he didn't do anything. Su Ming breathed a sigh of relief. This time, Su Ming was really helpless.

The opponents to face are really too strong, so powerful that people can't resist. This feeling of life and death is really desperate.

Fortunately, it was okay this time, and the danger was successfully turned into a bargain. When Xuan Lei Qilin looked like he was about to leave, Su Ming took the initiative and said, "By the way, your spirit beast egg is still with me. !"

People Xuan Lei Qilin originally came here to search for spirit beast eggs. Although Xuan Lei Qilin hadn't mentioned this since just now, Su Ming couldn't just pretend not to know.

After all, this is its child, and it is very inhumane to take other people's child directly.

More importantly, it was the luckiest thing to save his life. Su Ming didn't dare to be greedy for anything cheap, something that didn't belong to him, and it was useless to force it.

In case this Xuan Lei Qilin just suddenly forgot, and when I think about it, he slammed back, which would be more embarrassing. Su Ming might as well take the initiative and leave a good impression so that nothing happens later.

This spirit beast egg is now a hot potato, and Su Ming doesn't dare to ask for it anyway.

"No need, keep it for yourself!"

In fact, Xuan Lei Qilin didn't forget about this, but after listening to it, he calmly said to Su Ming.


Su Ming was stunned at this moment, wondering if there was something wrong with his ears. This shouldn't be. Xuan Lei Qilin came all the way for the spirit beast egg~www.wuxiaspot.com~ why didn't it suddenly? Is it possible that it doesn't even want its own children. Su Ming can't believe it, and it seems to have a conspiracy.

It should have felt Su Ming's surprised mood, Xuan Lei Qilin said: "The spirit beast egg you picked up is problematic, and it can't hatch the spirit beast."

Su Ming became even more confused when he heard this, and couldn't help asking: "Why?"

Su Ming also carefully played with the spirit beast egg that Lin Wufu picked up. It was very delicate and awesome. It seemed indifferent to mentioning. It was amazing at a glance. Why is there a problem.

Xuan Lei Qilin continued: "This has something to do with our Xuan Lei Qilin clan. The number of Xuan Lei Qilin is very rare, which has a lot to do with our ability to reproduce."

"Don't look at our Xuan Lei Qilin nest can give birth to about ten spirit beast eggs, but in fact, only one of these spirit beast eggs can hatch a small Xuan Lei Qilin. It won't hatch."

Xuan Lei Qilin continued: "These broken eggs are of little use. After the little unicorn is hatched, they will be used as food to speed up growth."

"The egg you picked up should have been accidentally transferred from the nest. My nest is on a high mountain." Xuan Lei Qilin said.

"Nima, cheating"

Su Ming finally understood what was going on, no wonder Lin Wufu was able to pick up an awesome-looking spirit beast egg for no reason. It turned out to be just a bad guy that couldn't be hatched.

Xuan Lei Qilin is a strange race, lay a nest of eggs, and only one can hatch in the end.

Then Su Ming thought of the person in the Liu family who was killed by himself. He was the most wronged person. He took a long time and lost his life for a bad guy.

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