League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1538: Hurry up and call grandpa

Su Ming's two hands were put on it, and this giant cauldron moved like this, which was really unexpected.

Everyone's eyes widened for a while, and the eyes seemed to be about to come out, which is incredible.

No one can move this giant cauldron, but who knows it really made Su Ming move, which is really unexpected.

For a while, everyone was surprised, although they didn't know how Su Ming did it, but Su Ming's action caused everyone's desperate heart to suddenly rise a heroic flame and rekindle hope.

Maybe this person can really carry the giant cauldron. Whether everyone can get in is up to Su Ming.

Perhaps only one person's heart sank suddenly. This person is Ouyang Shuo. If anyone here wants Su Ming the most to fail, it must be Ouyang Shuo.

After all, I only bet with Su Ming that if Su Ming really carried it up, it would be over. Wouldn't he kneel down and call grandpa?

"Impossible, it's probably just to move the giant cauldron with all my strength. It's almost impossible to carry it." However, Ouyang Shuo immediately shook his head and comforted himself in his mind.

Although Su Ming was able to move this giant cauldron, moving and carrying it were completely different things. The latter required at least several times the strength of the former.

Maybe Ouyang Shuo this guy never thought that Su Ming just moved the giant cauldron just a little bit of strength, because Su Ming wants to try the weight of the giant cauldron first, there is probably a number in his heart, don’t rush Just go up and force, it may cause harm to the body.

As Ouyang Shuo thought, Su Ming had exhausted all his energy, and that was the opposite.

"Get me up!"

While Ouyang Shuo was still comforting himself to be steady, Su Ming yelled directly, and then both arms worked together to directly carry the giant cauldron, and landed on his shoulder. on.

In fact, Su Ming felt a little more relaxed when he carried it on his shoulders, because he was using his body to bear the weight of the giant tripod, not his arms.

This giant tripod weighs about two thousand catties, but for Su Ming, it can still bear it. Even though it took a lot of effort, it was okay.


Countless people gasped, and Su Ming actually carried the giant tripod up. At first, he didn't think it was too awesome.

But after everyone tried and failed, now watching Su Ming suddenly pick it up, I can even appreciate how difficult it is.

But Su Ming really did it. He accomplished the unlikely thing, and then everyone was in ecstasy. Su Ming's success meant that they could enter the Temple of Fallen Temple instead of going back so sullenly.

"Take two steps quickly, brother, take a few steps steadily, don't let it go!" Someone immediately reacted, suppressing his own voice and said to Su Ming, for fear that his voice would be too loud to frighten Su Ming.

Don't forget the rules. Just picking up this giant cauldron, even though it is already awesome, is not enough. You have to walk more than three steps.

Seeing that the distance to success is only a few steps away, at this time, you must not be overwhelmed. If Su Ming suddenly forgets this matter, it will be cheating.

After putting the giant cauldron down, basically the strength of his body was almost consumed, and it was almost impossible to carry it up again.

A relaxed smile appeared on Su Ming's face, which formed a sharp contrast with the tension of others. He kept it in his heart, how could he forget it.

So Su Ming didn't show off anymore, carrying a giant cauldron like a fool, and walked straight forward a few steps.

Everyone mentioned their throats with their hearts. They thought that it would be difficult for Su Ming to walk with a giant cauldron weighing more than two thousand kilograms. Who knows that he walks briskly, looking flat and flat. Light as a swallow, he walked a few steps in this way easily, and it seemed not to be more relaxed.


Seeing Su Ming walking back and forth with the giant cauldron lightly and easily, everyone no longer knew what to say.

Te Niang's person is simply abnormal. I thought it would be difficult to take every step. Who knows that he is very playful. It is no longer a matter of taking a few steps. This guy has walked several times directly.

It suddenly subverted everyone's cognition, and even many people couldn't help but have doubts about themselves. Everyone is an ancient warrior. Why is that guy so awesome, but I can't.

That's how much more shocking things happened. The key is that Su Ming slammed the giant cauldron to the ground after walking for several laps, then patted his hand, and said relaxedly: "It's not very heavy~www. wuxiaspot.com~What else can you say, this pretense is simply something that people can't be caught off guard, and everyone can't move things. As a result, it becomes very light when it comes to you. This is not a blow.

But no one said anything, Su Ming forced him to pretend, after all, he successfully passed the test.

"Congratulations, young man, for successfully passing the entrance test, thanks to him, all of you can enter the Temple of Falling God." The old voice rang.

After hearing this voice, everyone's heart finally fell. They didn't expect to encounter this kind of perverted test and successfully entered. It can only be said that their luck is against the sky.

Of course, the expression on only one person's face is not very good, and that is Ouyang Shuo. Although he can enter the Temple of Luoshen, he would rather not enter.

Because the price paid was too great to get in, it meant that he lost his bet with Su Ming, and what to do if he lost, it only took a while, how could he forget it.

Seeing everyone moving forward and preparing to enter the Temple of Fallen God, Ouyang Shuo did not say a word, following everyone behind, preparing to go in troubled waters.

Maybe Su Ming was too excited, so he forgot about it, and if he could hide it, he would hide.

"Everyone, wait a minute--"

Surprisingly, Su Ming said loudly at this time: "Now that the test has passed, you can go in at any time. Please don't be so anxious, and don't be in a hurry for a while. Please watch it next. I have to do an important thing. ."

Ouyang Shuo immediately had a vague premonition. As expected, Su Ming still hadn't forgotten about this incident. He was 100% talking about betting on that incident.

Sure enough, Su Ming looked directly at Ouyang Shuo and said loudly, "I haven't forgotten the bet just now, don't talk nonsense, hurry up and call Grandpa."

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