As soon as Su Ming heard this, he couldn't help but tighten. The dark dragon's thoughts were really scary.

It actually wants to kill everyone. This is obviously, it would rather kill 10,000 by mistake than let one go.

I thought I wouldn't admit that fishing in troubled waters could be fooled. Who knew that Su Ming was thinking too much.

In fact, it’s not very strange to think about it carefully. For a powerful creature like the dark dragon, the temperament is naturally tyrannical. In its eyes, humans are nothing but ants. To it, killing it seems to be a sigh of breath. Things.

"This is how to do?"

Su Ming's brain kept spinning, but he couldn't figure out what to do. The key was that Su Ming didn't even have much vitality at this time.

Even if Su Ming was at his full strength, he would have no chance of winning against this dark dragon. Everyone was not at the same level at all. How to fight this.

Not to mention that Su Ming is now, it's not just a problem that he can't fight. Even if Su Ming wants to run now, it is estimated that he can't escape.

Stealing a True Essence Essence Liquid also stole things, Su Ming directly recruited the Dark Dragon in a small move.

Fortunately, Su Ming didn't directly admit it. If Su Ming admits it, it is estimated that he hasn't waited for the Dark Dragon to take action. These people from other families will kill Su Ming first.

What do you mean by this special mother? Before entering the ancient ruins, you scared everyone by inviting Xuan Lei Qilin, and now you have brought out a dark dragon. Isn't it uncomfortable not to die?

"Try this trick!"

There was really no way, Su Ming thought of the huge token given to him by the Titan Great Ape. This seemed to be Su Ming's only hope, and Su Ming had to try it.

Although it seems unlikely, Su Ming also thinks so when facing Xuan Lei Qilin, and the result will be effective. I only hope that the face of the Titan Great Ape will be better.


Su Ming threw out the huge token directly from the system space. By the same method, after many people saw it, they reacted and his eyes lit up.

Why didn't you think of it, Su Ming had some weird methods, and Xuan Lei Qilin was taken away by him. It is estimated that it is also useful for this dark dragon now. Everyone once again pinned their hopes on Su Ming.

On this huge token, there was the aura of the Titan Giant Ape, anyway, their spirit beasts felt it all at once, and when they threw it out, the dark dragon violently moved and came to the huge token.

After smelling it, the dark dragon seemed to be sure at once, looked directly at Su Ming, and asked: "This token smells like that dead ape, where did you get it?"

Su Ming was stared at by the dark dragon so directly, the pressure was still very high, and he felt a guilty conscience.

However, after hearing the words of the Dark Dragon, Su Ming's eyes lit up. The reaction of the Dark Dragon was similar to that of the Xuan Lei Qilin.

It seemed that the face of the Titan Great Ape was really good, even the Dark Dragon knew it, and he was saved again.

So Su Ming immediately said: "Titan Great Ape, it's my friend, and I have a good relationship with it. If you are its friend, then let us go. We really didn't get your baby."

When many people heard Su Ming's time, they still thought about protecting them, they couldn't help but moved a little, saying that Su Ming was really affectionate and righteous.

If they knew about it, it would have happened because of Su Ming. I guess I would have the heart to cut Su Ming.


When Su Ming was full of hope, who knew the dark dragon, his tone became taunting, and he said directly: "Who told you that I am his friend? That dead orangutan, I just had a fight with it some time ago. I will kill it next time!"

"I wipe--"

Su Ming's heart immediately sank to the bottom. Contrary to what Su Ming had imagined, Su Ming's luck was not so good this time. Who could have imagined that the Dark Dragon and the Titan Great Ape had a holiday.

Suddenly, I thought of the place where the Titan Great Ape’s footsteps were injured. It was a layer of dark gas. Could it be that this dark dragon was injured?

The more you think about it, the more you think Su Ming is more likely.

It's okay now. The flattering hit the horse's leg at once, and it was directly irritated to the opposite effect. Playing the sign of the Titan Great Ape, it turned out to encounter its enemy, and there are more cheating things than this.

"You are its friend, right? Then you and I will kill you!" The dark dragon looked at Su Ming coldly, not at all joking.

Su Ming broke out in a cold sweat, and his heart was desperate. It was all right now, and he had reached tons of hatred. Su Ming had a hunch that he would be the first to be killed by the dark dragon.

The key is that Su Ming has no ability to resist at all. He can't run away, and Timo's stealth skills have also been used. Otherwise, Su Ming can be directly invisible, so that the dark dragon can't find him. UU reading www. uukā

No one is gloating anymore, although Su Ming is about to be unlucky, but no one can laugh, especially at this time.

There is only a feeling of sorrow for the rabbit and the fox. When Su Ming is dead, can the others be able to run away? Obviously it was impossible, and would only be killed by the dark dragon.

"You **** snake, dare to kill my friend, do you want to die?!"

When Su Ming's life was at stake, a thunderous loud noise echoed in the air. Su Ming suddenly raised his head and saw a huge figure falling from the sky!


The earth trembled again, and every ancient warrior was very helpless. It seems that all day today, there is a feeling of earthquake.

Su Ming completely ignited hope, the Titan Great Ape, it was the Titan Great Ape who came over, proving that it was here to help Su Ming.

At the same time, the guy Xuan Lei Qilin also flew down from mid-air. It was obvious that it came with the Titan Great Ape.

These two guys also came here, this is what caused Su Ming to kill him.

"Are you okay?" After the Titan Giant Ape appeared domineering, he glanced at Su Ming and asked.

Su Ming was stunned for a moment, did not answer the question of the Titan Great Ape, but said in surprise: " can speak human language?"

"I didn't say I wouldn't!"

"Then why didn't you talk to me?"

The Titan Great Ape gave Su Ming a white look and said: "Nonsense, you would talk about us back then, why would I still talk about humans?"


Su Ming was speechless. Before, he was wondering why Xuan Lei Qilin could speak human words, but Titan Great Ape couldn't. It turned out that it could too.

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