Lin Batian is an outspoken and straightforward person. He basically said whatever he thought of in his heart, and said the truth cruelly all at once.

This sentence sounds a bit heartbreaking, but it seems to be correct. There is not a single drop of True Essence Liquid left. This is definitely the bottom line, there is nothing to say.

In the past, the Lin family was not highly ranked, but occasionally they could fluctuate, for example, from the bottom to the bottom.

But now it must be the last one, and even a bit of suspense is gone. It is inevitable that people from other families will make jokes for a while.

Every time there are ancient relics, it is considered a big event, especially for the people of these ancient Wu family, even if it is over, it will be discussed for a long time.

It was already inevitable for the Lin family to lose face this time, and in the Guwu family, it would not be able to hold its head for a long time. This was another huge blow to the Lin family who was kicked out by the five major families.

Forget the shame, the key True Essence Spirit Liquid is very important, and how many Guwu Family’s True Essence Realm masters count on this True Essence Spirit Liquid.

Although the Lin family was the bottom of the Guwu family in the past, they could get some, but now it’s fine, and it’s embarrassing. For the Lin family, how should they survive these years? A huge problem.

This was a huge blow. If you didn't get enough True Essence Liquid, the Lin Family's strength would definitely decline in the future. Over time, in the Guwu Family, the Lin Family would definitely fall behind.

"Blame me, blame me!"

Lin Canghai kept taking the responsibility on himself, and he didn't mean to throw the pot away. He had indeed destroyed the true essence spiritual liquid.

But at that time Lin Canghai had already reported that he was going to die. He really didn't expect him to survive. Even if Su Ming appeared for a few seconds earlier, it was estimated that Lin Canghai would not be so cruel.

It's too late to say anything now, Lin Canghai's heart is extremely painful, he suddenly destroyed the future of the Lin family, he is a sinner!

Su Ming also understood what was going on, Lin Canghai could not be blamed for this, but Su Ming felt that Lin Canghai's decision was very correct.

At the very least, it was correct under the circumstances at that time. I would rather destroy it than let those people get it. Otherwise, I would be angry.

Just like Su Ming, if he has money, he would rather throw the money away than give it to some disgusting people. There is a simple truth.

The Lin family were in great pain, especially the two parties, Lin Canghai and Lin Wufu, looking like this, it was even more painful than being put on a green hat by his girlfriend.

But Su Ming's heart has no fluctuations or even a bit of imagination, but only two hundred drops of True Essence Essence, are there many?

With Su Ming’s current net worth, I can say with confidence that it’s not a lot at all. I have obtained countless amounts of True Essence Liquid from the Dark Dragon. For Su Ming, a few hundred drops are just like playing. .

For example, if you have a huge sum of money on your body, will you still feel distressed because you have lost hundreds of dollars? Not at all.

Su Ming smiled and said, "It's okay, okay, you two don't have this expression, what a big deal."

Unable to understand why Su Ming could speak so relaxedly, Lin Canghai said directly: "Brother Su, don't comfort me. This incident has really affected too much. I have no face to meet the elders of the family."

Su Ming looked at Lin Canghai speechlessly, and said that he could come out alive, it was already pretty good, and he didn't care about that much.

Maybe Su Ming is not a member of the Guwu family, so he can't understand the people of the Guwu family, who are dedicated to the family.

Su Ming won’t be able to comfort Lin Canghai any more. Seeing Lin Canghai and Lin Wufu look like this, I really can’t think about it, so Su Ming said, “Do you still have the kind of porcelain bottle that contains the true essence liquid?”

"No, I brought two porcelain bottles, all of them were destroyed by me." Lin Canghai didn't know why Su Ming asked, but he answered truthfully.

As soon as he talked about this, Lin Canghai's mind came up with a picture of him burning with jade and stone, and he closed his eyes in pain.

"Come on--"

Su Ming couldn't stand these two people at all. Su Ming would soon collapse like this, so Su Ming didn't want any white porcelain bottles, and directly took out a mineral water bottle from his system space.

Immediately after finding that one water bottle was not enough, Su Ming took out a few more, and filled several mineral water bottles with True Essence Liquid.

There were three full bottles, Su Ming calculated that one bottle was about 100 drops, and these three bottles were enough. It is impossible for any family to get so many True Essence Essence Liquid, Su Ming can be sure.

Su Ming installed it all at once, handed it over casually, and said, "Take it."

"This is... Where did you get this?"

Lin Canghai recognized that this was the True Essence, but he couldn't believe it in a daze, so he was taken aback.

Su Ming smiled and said, "Do you know why that dark dragon chased it out, because I went in and grabbed its true essence."

There were no other people at this time, so Su Ming dared to tell the truth. At the same time, Su Ming deliberately lowered his voice, but he couldn't be heard by others.

Lin Batian didn't understand what was happening inside, and he didn't have any reaction yet, but Lin Canghai and Lin Wufu were different, their faces twitched twice.

After doing it for a long time, Su Ming brought that dark dragon, and Su Ming also robbed other people’s things, this courage...

More importantly, Su Ming made a lavish move, and took out so many True Essence Essence Essence Essences at once, and just glanced at it, and he felt a lot of them.

Moreover, such precious things were filled in mineral water bottles by Su Ming, which gave people the feeling that it was really ridiculous.

"Take it!" Su Ming said.

Where did Lin Canghai really dare to take it? The true essence spiritual liquid he obtained in the Temple of Falling God was the blessing of Su Ming. As a result, Su Ming's share was destroyed by Lin Canghai before he took it.

Now Su Ming gave it to him. Lin Canghai was so embarrassed to ask for it, so he immediately said: "No, you have worked so hard to get this, I can't ask for it."

Su Ming couldn't help being speechless for a while, saying that I didn't work hard at all, and running after stealing was very exciting.

If Lin Canghai had known how many True Essence Essence Su Ming had obtained, he would probably not be able to say such kind words.

But Su Ming still said: "You take this true essence first. You Guwu family will compete for a while. How embarrassing if you can't get it out at all?"

"Take it, you can go and pretend to be forced." Su Ming said calmly.

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