League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1560: The voice is trembling

"You two are left. Hurry up and show the True Essence Essence Liquid you got. No one has robbed you." Ouyang Mi, the elder of the Ouyang family, said.

What he said was undoubtedly aimed at the Lin family and the Liu family, because in the family present, there was nothing more about their family.

Generally speaking, there is a rule. The more people who haven't made any actions at the end, the more they represent their lack of confidence.

The Ouyang family obviously wanted to target the Lin family. The grievances between the two families have been around for a long time, and the Ouyang family replaced the Lin family in the five major families.

Naturally, I hope that the Lin family will be suppressed forever, and it would be best if the Lin family will not have another day of rising.

The elder of the Liu family had a very ugly face. At this time, he couldn’t hide it anymore. He directly said: "This time our Liu family had an accident. We had bad luck in the ancient ruins. Let everyone see. It's a joke."

After speaking, the real essence spirit liquid was revealed. When everyone saw it, only a dozen drops, not even twenty drops.

Many people are a little surprised, and the strength of the Liu family is not weak, at least better than the Ouyang family. How did you get this.

In fact, they were really out of luck. Except for Liu Rufei, the remaining two people met Su Ming dead, one dead and one injured.

In the end, only Liu Rufei entered the Temple of Falling God. He alone was very difficult to fight against a gargoyle. It is estimated that one person was not prepared enough to fight, so this was only achieved.

"This time, the Liu family is afraid that it will be the bottom?!" Someone said secretly.

It's not an insult to the Liu family. It's just a few drops of truth-seeking. It's basically a bottom line. Even if the Lin family is weak, it's impossible to get a mere dozen drops of True Essence Liquid.

But this sentence reminded Ouyang Shuo, Ouyang Shuo directly said: "That's not necessarily the case, maybe there are fewer families."

The voice of this sentence is very loud and everyone can hear it. Obviously he is talking to everyone.

Many people were stunned for a while after listening. There were others who were lower than the Liu Family's True Essence Liquid. What does this mean?

Now that the Lin family hasn’t revealed its true essence spiritual liquid, the family that has been shown has the lowest number of more than a dozen drops. What Ouyang Shuo means is that the number of Lin’s true essence spiritual liquid is more than a dozen. Is the drop even lower? This seems unlikely.

"Fuck your **** shit!"

With Lin Batian's violent temper, he couldn't stand people like Ouyang Shuo, so he directly exploded the foul language, regardless of whether there were elders at the scene.

Ouyang Shuo sneered twice, but he saw with his own eyes how Lin Canghai burned his jade and stone to destroy all the essence of his body, so he was very confident, and said directly: "It's useless to say this is useless. Bring out the True Essence Spirit Liquid, I guess you Lin Family won’t be able to take out a drop, right?"

As soon as I heard this, everyone immediately remembered. The Lin family's two porcelain vases should have been very rewarding this time, but it is a pity that Lin Canghai was besieged and destroyed all the spiritual liquid. It seemed that there was really no drop. Up.

Many people are beginning to gloat for misfortunes. If this is the case, the Lin family is well-deserved from the bottom?

People from the Gongsun clan also ridiculed: "Your Lin family is really amazing. The Liu family is out of luck this time, so they have helped you in this way, but you still want to be the last one!"

"Haha, hurry up and show the True Essence Essence Liquid, if you can take out a drop, even if I lose!" Ouyang Shuo is almost like a mad dog, and bites when he catches the Lin family.

Su Ming frowned and said, "If you can take it out, you kneel down and call grandpa?"

Ouyang Shuo's face changed suddenly, and he was still a little bit embarrassed at Su Ming, anyway, no matter what, he never dared to bet with Su Ming again.

The scene of kneeling down and calling grandpa is still vivid.

And think about it carefully, maybe there are some Su Ming's body, if he really took it out, then he would be speechless.

However, people from all major families are there, and there are some elders. Ouyang Shuo can’t just coax it directly. It’s too shameful, so he bit his head and said, “Huh, what's the use of saying so much? Right."

"Start your performance!"

Su Ming patted Lin Canghai on the shoulder, so many people were waiting to see Lin's jokes.

Lin Canghai did suffocate for a while, so naturally he didn't hesitate anymore, took his backpack directly, and said, "Who said that my Lin family didn't get a drop of True Essence Liquid?"

After finishing talking, Lin Canghai directly opened the backpack and took the True Essence Essence Liquid that Su Ming had just given to the outside.

"this is……"

When the first bottle was taken out~www.wuxiaspot.com~ everyone was stunned, and was stunned by the appearance of this mineral water bottle.

Other precious things like Zhenyuan Lingye are packed in small porcelain bottles, so I'm afraid they will come across it.

But the Lin family was doing well and got a big plastic bottle directly, which seemed a little too ridiculous.

The key point is that everyone took a closer look, and it seemed that it was filled with True Essence Liquid, and everyone was shocked.

A plastic bottle of Zhenyuan Lingye seems to be a lot. Why did the Lin family get so many at once? Isn't it unreasonable?

The people in the Temple of Luoshen broke out in cold sweat. They saw with their own eyes that Lin Canghai had destroyed two bottles of True Essence Liquid.

But now he can still take it out. How many true essence spiritual liquids did the Lin Family get this time?

Who knows that Lin Canghai's movements are not over yet, for the second and third bottles, Lin Canghai also took out the remaining two bottles of True Essence Spirit Liquid.

It's all right now. Everyone's faces are twitching constantly. There are three bottles of True Essence Essence in a row, and they are all in large plastic bottles. This is too scary.


Even the Lin Feng Master Uncle of the Lin family did not expect that after seeing it, he immediately laughed wildly. This time the Lin family was really out of the limelight.

Looking at these people who had looked down on the Lin family before, they were stunned this time. Don't mention how much anger was lifted in their hearts, as if all of the evil in their hearts was vomited out all of a sudden.

Lin Batian deliberately squeezed his own voice and mocked: "Hurry up and count, why everyone is stunned."

So the guy who was in charge of counting the true essence spiritual liquid went up, so many people stared at it and wouldn't move anything.

After counting for a while, this guy's voice trembled, and said, "The Lin family...The Lin family got...three hundred and forty-two drops of True Essence Liquid."

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