The long-bearded old man from the Liu family had a blue look on his face, and the Lin family's lack of face and negligence made him feel very upset.

It is naturally impossible for the people who killed his Liu family to pay nothing. They must pay some price.

If you can get True Essence Essence Liquid from the Lin Family, it is naturally the best. The True Essence Essence Liquid is too precious to the Guwu family, so the long-bearded old man in the Liu family would rather be said to be shameless. , He also determined to blackmail the Lin Family's True Essence Liquid.


Seeing that the Lin family did not have any discussion, the bearded old man snorted and said directly: "Killed my Liu family and injured my Liu family. If you don’t give the true essence liquid, then I'm sorry."

If possible, the bearded old man didn't want to conflict with the Lin family, but now there is nothing left to do. Looking at this posture, if there is no conflict, it seems that the Lin family will not compromise.

Moreover, the long-bearded old man made the movement so big that the other four Guwu families were still watching. If he was counseled, wouldn't it be too shameful.

These ancient warriors speak of being detached from the secular, and they should be different from the people in the secular world, but they are more face-conscious than the people in the secular world.

"Elder, I was also injured by that guy this time. Would you like to go up and mix it up?" At this moment, while watching the lively Ouyang family, Ouyang Kaiyin whispered to the elder in the family, Ouyang Mi said.

Ouyang Mi glanced at Ouyang Kaiyin in surprise. He knew that Ouyang Kaiyin was injured after he came out, and he was not stupid to see it all at once.

He was covered in black and looked very embarrassed. The elder thought he was injured in the ancient ruins and didn’t ask much, but who knew it was Su Ming who was injured. He asked in surprise, “How did you get hurt by him? Hurt?"

But then it occurred to me that Ouyang Kaiyin was also injured in the Lingxu Peak Cave. Could it be that this kid did it?

Ouyang Kaiyin couldn't hold her face a little bit. It seemed that being injured by Su Ming was a very disgraceful thing, so he directly exposed it: "Let's talk more about this later, elder, this is an opportunity. "

Ouyang Mi naturally understood the meaning of this sentence, and his eyes lit up. It was indeed the same as Ouyang Kaiyin said. If he was injured by Su Ming, he can also go up and mix up while the Liu family is looking for trouble. a bit.

It's impossible to go up and help the Liu family. Their relationship is very ordinary, and it's not that way.

The main reason is to get a piece of the pie. Now the Lin Family is a big fat sheep. With so many True Essence Liquids, I feel excited just thinking about it.

The Liu family wanted to divide a point, and the Ouyang family naturally thought about it. Who would think that there are too many such good things, just because Ouyang Kaiyin was injured by Su Ming.

So Ouyang Mi thought about it for a few seconds, then immediately made up his mind, and said directly: "My Ouyang family has something to say!"

Everyone’s eyes gathered, and this Ouyang Mi stood up and said solemnly: “This kid not only killed the Liu family’s back, but my Ouyang family member was also injured by him, so I have to ask for someone. Just be fair!"

As soon as he said this, Master Lin Feng's face changed a bit, and he glanced at Su Ming in amazement, saying that this kid seemed to be able to cause trouble. He killed the Liu family and wounded the Ouyang family.

It’s okay to say a Liu family, but with the Ouyang family, this is different. Although Ouyang Mi is only in the early stage of the True Element Realm, it should not be underestimated. If he really wants to fight, he can’t deal with two True Yuan alone. Master of the environment.

The situation seemed to suddenly become more delicate.

Su Ming squinted at this Ouyang Mi. This guy is also a shameless old thing in Su Ming's heart. The fact that he took the key to the ancient ruins in the first place has made Su Ming still sad.

As soon as this guy jumped out, Su Ming knew that there must be nothing good. As expected, this guy wanted to intervene.

Ouyang Mi looked cold and seemed very angry, and said, "This incident has touched the bottom line of my Ouyang family. You Lin family must give an explanation!"

When talking, a pair of greedy little eyes were already looking at the true essence spiritual liquid. Although they didn't say it clearly, everyone knew what they thought in their hearts. The so-called Sima Zhao's heart is known to everyone.

"Shameless, shameless--"

This Ouyang Mi and the old man from the Liu family are almost carved out of the same mold. The two shameless faces look alike. I don’t know that they are brothers who have been separated for many Both Staring at the Lin Family's True Essence Essence Liquid, it seemed that it didn't end well. It had never happened before.

To put it bluntly, this time the situation is rather strange. The ones who have obtained a lot of True Essence Liquid in the past are all powerful in the Guwu family, and no one dares to move.

The Lin Family, being the last existence in the Guwu family, unexpectedly got the most True Essence Essence Essence at once, and the amount was too much, naturally some people would be distracted.

Not to mention that Su Ming killed the members of the Liu family and gave them an upright reason. The Liu family took the lead, and the members of the Ouyang family followed suit.

These people don't really care about the death or injury of their family, but they are just taking the opportunity to blackmail. The most important thing in their eyes is the real essence.

"Uncle Master, I was also injured by that kid!" Gongsun Lingmu watched the Ouyang family action, and immediately said not to be lonely.

This kind of good deeds, how could they miss their Gongsun family, so much of the true essence spiritual liquid, it would be a shame if I didn't divide it up a bit.

The elder of the Gongsun family is also very surprised. Among the juniors of the five major families, Gongsun Lingmu is outstanding regardless of strength or Tianzi. Will he be injured by a kid in the middle of the microsphere?

But now it's not the time to care about these details, everyone is human, how can you not understand what Gongsun Lingmu really means.

"I'm really sorry, how could this incident be missing from our Gongsun family, who were not talented in the Gongsun family, and were injured by this kid. We must pay compensation." The elder of the Gongsun family immediately stood up walk over.

The other families were stunned, looking at Su Ming incredulously, wondering how much this kid can cause trouble? The casualties caused by the three families, this kid is the nemesis of the Guwu family, right?

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