League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1566: Unfathomable Su Qishan


Su Ming took a breath of air, too domineering, too domineering, Su Ming felt that Su Qishan was so domineering for the first time.

In the past, Su Qishan, being honest and dealing with others, seemed to be bullied by others, and Su Qishan didn't care about those things. In Su Ming's impression, Su Qishan, an honest and simple middle-aged man, seemed to have been finalized.

The first time I saw Su Qishan's domineering side today, Su Ming really didn't expect it. While shocked, Su Ming was also a little moved. He almost cried when his eyes were hot. Su Qishan came here to protect him.

Although Su Ming is already very strong, he could be alone long ago, but Su Qishan is Su Ming's father anyway. Who doesn't want to have a strong father who can protect himself.

No matter how stupid Su Ming is, he can see it at this time. Su Qishan is obviously not an ordinary person. The aura that radiated from his body just now is definitely an ancient martial artist.

A lot of doubts in my heart couldn't be asked, because the timing was not right, and Su Qishan turned out to be an ancient warrior. This was something Su Ming would never have imagined.

I feel that the world has changed now. Even if someone tells Su Ming that tomorrow is the end of the world, I guess Su Ming would not be too surprised.

Everyone else also understood that the middle-aged man who suddenly appeared was Su Ming's father.

Not to mention other people, even the three of the Lin family saw Su Ming’s father for the first time. They finally understood it. No wonder Su Ming could still have this kind of strength when he cultivated in the secular world alone. A powerful old man, this is easy to explain.

This kid Su Ming is really deep.

If Su Ming knew what they were thinking at this time, they would definitely burst into tears, because Su Ming himself had only just learned about it.

Ouyang Mi was immediately embarrassed, especially after Su Qishan revealed his identity, making him speechless.

They are there to protect your son. You really want to kill his son. Can they not beat you? There is nothing to say about killing you.

Ouyang Mi was already injured, and it was already impossible to continue trying to kill Su Ming or to move the Lin family. Maybe he had to take his own life into it.

So this Ouyang Mi gave herself a step down, and said: "If this is the case, then I'm really sorry, it's my Ouyang family's fault, so let this matter go."

At first, I was thinking about dividing the true essence spiritual liquid, but now I don't have this thought. Even if you get it, you have to live to use it.

The Ouyang family was stunned and planned to withdraw directly. This time it was not very difficult. It didn't get anything, but was injured. The key is that you can't have any opinions, you can only bear it.

The elders of the Gongsun family and the long-bearded old man in the Liu family looked at each other. Suddenly, this kind of change happened, and the Ouyang family was shocked.

The two of them were not stupid either. Seeing this middle-aged man from unknown origin, it seemed very difficult to deal with, so the two of them exchanged their eyes secretly.

He immediately decided to give up and stop doing it, otherwise they might end up worse than Ouyang Mi.

Seeing them retreat, Su Qishan spoke directly and said: "Who let you two go, if I remember correctly, what did you do just now, right?"

It was true that the two of them, the three masters of the three true essence realms of the three families, did it together, but when Su Ming was moved just now, Ouyang Mi was on it, so he slammed into the muzzle very sadly.

But this does not mean that Ouyang and the Gongsun family are fine. Listening to Su Qishan's tone, it seems that they have to trouble them.

The expressions of these two mid-True Element Realm masters suddenly changed, and they heard that Su Qishan seemed to want to do something.

The long-bearded old man in the Liu family said with an ugly expression: "This brother, it was just a misunderstanding just now. If you hold on, it will be boring."


After listening to this guy's words, Su Ming couldn't help but want to go up and hit someone. The person in Mapi was almost killed by you just now, but now you downplay it as a misunderstanding. In this tone, don't mention how much. Irritating.

Su Qishan obviously didn't take that set and said directly: "Then if I kill you, is it also a misunderstanding?"

The eyes of the two people flickered at the same time. Su Qishan said that he wanted to do it. They looked at each other again. Then the elder of the Gongsun family said directly: "Brother Chenglang, let's go together!"

Although Su Qishan looked quite strong, they were also masters in the middle of the True Element Realm anyway, so how could they be afraid of Su Qishan casually.

The long-bearded old man in the Liu family also nodded, and then the two of them shot directly, attacking Su Qishan from both sides from left to right.

Su Ming's heart tightened, saying that he was not worried that it was a fake. After all, they were two mid-True Element Realm masters. Together, they were terrible. Master Lin Feng was injured just now without a few moves.

Heads-up is one thing, being besieged by others is another.

Unexpectedly, Su Qishan did not move like a mountain. When the enemy came to him, he was still calm.

"Small bugs!"

When the two of them came up, Su Qishan finally opened his eyes and shot directly, one move one person, two light strikes, and the two guys were repelled.


The same ending as Ouyang Mi~www.wuxiaspot.com~ These two guys were miserable. After being repelled, they fell there, vomiting blood in their mouths, very embarrassed.

Everyone was stunned, and everyone was so shocked not because the two masters of the Gongsun and Liu family had never fought, but because they lost with one move.

The speed of defeat is so fast that people can't help but shake their hearts. At the same time, the look in Su Qishan's eyes is even more different.

Two strokes wounded two masters in the middle realm of true origin. What kind of terrifying power does this seemingly ordinary middle-aged man have?

Su Ming was also shocked, his father was so awesome, Su Ming really didn't know at all before.

So Su Ming immediately activated Quinn's W skill, ready to see what level of Su Qishan's true strength was.


But after looking at Su Qishan, a series of question marks unexpectedly appeared on the screen, not as before, telling Su Ming the true realm of the target.

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