League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1575: Is this a monster?

Cheng Ruofeng was speechless, and looked at Qin Shiyin with a very helpless look. He didn't know why this indescribably beautiful woman was so confident.

Cheng Ruofeng is very clear about Su Ming's strength. If Su Ming can come, these people are not worth mentioning. Su Ming can solve it with every move, and Cheng Ruofeng is so uncomfortable now.

It's just that Su Ming is not here. Cheng Ruofeng knows that Su Ming has gone away, and he has been away for quite a few days. It is estimated that he won't be back soon.

If it was an ordinary person, Cheng Ruofeng would be too lazy to take care of it, and he was forcibly dragged away, but the person in front of the problem was Qin Shiyin.

Let's not talk about the relationship between Qin Shiyin and Su Ming, just talk about Qin Shiyin's identity and aura, most people really don't have the guts to move Qin Shiyin.

So Cheng Ruofeng could only be patient, and said to Qin Shiyin: "Mr. Qin, Su Ming has really gone out and something is going on. You know he hasn't been in Ningcheng for many days."

"I can't reach him for a while. His phone can't get through. I definitely don't know about it. You should just listen to me and leave. This is not a joke. It will be a while. I don't know what will happen." Cheng Ruofeng's tone sounded a little worried.

At this time, Su Ming flashed in Qin Shiyin's mind again, but the experience of the previous few things made Qin Shiyin's eyes gradually firm.

Whenever Qin Shiyin was in despair every time he encountered danger before, Su Ming always appeared just right to save her at the moment of danger.

This time it was also in danger, but Qin Shiyin felt that Su Ming would definitely come.

Su Ming is indeed here. At this time Su Ming has already landed with a card trick, but Su Ming did not land in the villa, but directly at the gate of the villa, that is, in Song Jiji and his group. Su Ming appeared in front of him.

Anyway, it doesn't matter if you see or not see Qin Shiyin. Su Ming can be sure that Qin Shiyin is still safe. Let's get rid of the surrounding garbage first.

"You... why are you here?"

Song Jiji suddenly noticed that there was an extra person in front of him, and finally saw that Su Ming was here, but Song Jiji was frightened.

The whole person was taken aback for a moment, as if he was wondering if there was something wrong with his eyes, how could someone suddenly pop out in broad daylight.

Su Ming looked at him coldly, with a hint of anger in his tone, and said, "Who gave you the courage?"

This Song Jiji has never been a good thing, even when he surrendered to Su Ming, Su Ming knew in his heart that this was not an obedient dog.

Listening to you on the surface, but if you find an opportunity secretly, you may bite it in one bite.

It's just that everything in Ningcheng seemed to have stabilized at the time. Su Ming didn't feel that this guy could do anything, but mainly wanted to leave his life to Cheng Ruofeng, so he didn't kill Song Jiji temporarily.

But what Song Jiji did today finally angered Su Ming completely. Anyway, Su Ming must let him die today.

Song Jiji broke out in a cold sweat, but he also understood immediately. Su Ming's appearance today was indeed beyond his expectations. It can be said to have given him a big accident and completely disrupted the plan. .

But now there is no way to recover the matter. He opened the bow without turning back. Even if Song Jiji admitted wrong now, he knew that Su Ming would not let him go.

In that case, it's better to fight, so Song Jiji directly gritted his teeth and ordered: "Hit me, kill this guy, I will give him 10 million!"

These mercenaries and killers have nothing to do with ethics. They live for money. The temptation of money is very huge. Song Jiji's words put them into a state of madness.

"Da da da"

The guns in the hands of these mercenaries shot out fire from their muzzles, which looked terrifying. A series of dense sounds rang, and countless bullets hit Su Ming's body. This is the real rain of bullets.

Countless bullets hit from all directions, too dense, leaving Su Ming hardly any space to avoid, let alone a person, even a fly, I am afraid that he can't avoid it.

Su Ming did not hide, and allowed countless bullets to be injected into his body. Even at this time, even Su Ming's people could not see clearly, because the bullets would smoke after hitting an object.

"Boss, this guy has become a hornet's nest."

"Yes, I hit the key position just now, the boss don't forget to pay."

"I also hit the key position!"


These mercenaries all yelled, so many bullets hit one person, it was pure waste, but it also guaranteed that Su Ming would definitely die and there was almost no possibility of survival.

Even if he was an iron man, he would be beaten with holes.

"Should be dead now?"

Song Jiji, who looked at this scene, was also shocked. He knew that Su Ming was difficult to deal with, and seemed to be a powerful existence that could not be dealt with at all.

But just now, Su Ming accepted the baptism of bullets and bullets. The scene was too shocking, and it was easy to give people an illusion that everyone was bound to die, and Su Ming should be no exception.

So Song Jiji became excited, and couldn't help but trembled twice. If Su Ming really died, then his major troubles would be eliminated, and there was no need to worry that Su Ming would retaliate in the future.

Even if you give these mercenaries ~www.wuxiaspot.com~10 million per person, Song Jiji is acceptable. The money is not important. The important thing is that he must let Su Ming die.

Because in today's situation, if Su Ming doesn't die, then he is dead. As the saying goes, you die and you live, this is really not a joke.

Gradually, the white mist on Su Ming began to dissipate. It was gun smoke from bullets. Only when the gun smoke dissipated, could we tell whether Su Ming was alive or dead.

Basically everyone thought that Su Ming was dead, but when the gunpowder dissipated, Su Ming's figure appeared. He still stood there still. Just seeing this scene, many people's faces changed. .

Imagine that Su Ming was beaten into a hornet's nest, covered in blood holes, and then the whole person lost his breath and stared in a pool of blood, and the scene did not happen.

What it was like before the shot was shot, what Su Ming is now, even the clothes on his body are not damaged at all, and they look intact.

"Oh, My, God! Is this a monster?" The mercenary opened his mouth exaggeratedly.

(End of this chapter)

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