League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1578: Song Zhe's choice

Song Zhe listened carefully and found that the sound coming from behind seemed a bit familiar, so he stopped.

Before he could think about it, Song Zhe immediately looked back and found that it was Ouyang Shuo, who was considered a good brother of Song Zhe.

However, after seeing Ouyang Shuo this time, Song Zhe was not as happy as before. Instead, he showed a particularly complicated expression and his mood was a little heavy.

This time Song Jiji would act, to put it bluntly, it was also because of the news that Ouyang Shuo had previously disclosed to Song Zhe, which immediately pushed Song Jiji on his way of no return.

If it hadn't been for Ouyang Shuo's news, things would not have developed like this, and Song Zhe would not be so panicked as he is now and become a bereaved dog.

But this can’t be blamed on Ouyang Shuo. People also kindly gave a piece of news and didn’t let you do anything. This is the path Song Jiji chose by himself. No wonder others, Ouyang Shuo is a pusher at best.

Song Zhe said strangely: "Brother Ouyang, didn't you say something went, why did you come here again?"

"Originally, I was going back with the family members, but because I thought of you, I felt a little uneasy, so I came back to see you specially." Ouyang Shuo said.

It was indeed Ouyang Shuo who suddenly thought of telling Song Zhe about Su Ming’s departure from Ningcheng before coming to the ancient ruins. He didn’t know what actions Song Zhe took, and worried that something would happen to Song Zhe, so he came back to see it. a bit.

It turned out that something really happened. The whole Song family was in chaos, and even Song Jiji, the head of the Song family, was dead. Fortunately, he found Song Zhe and found that nothing happened to Song Zhe.

Song Zhe smiled bitterly, and had nothing to hide from Ouyang Shuo, so he said, "Brother Ouyang, you have seen my situation now. I have to leave Ningcheng as soon as I can't entertain you anymore. Let's see bye. , You remember my contact information."

At this time, Song Zhe is still in the mood to go to eat, drink and have fun with Ouyang Shuo, and save his life first, this is the most important thing.

When Ouyang Shuo heard this, he was still a little moved. Although he was not very good, he regarded Song Zhe as his true friend in his heart.

So Ouyang Shuo said, "Where are you going?"

"Go to Hong Kong Island first, stay there for two days and plan, and then go abroad. Anyway, the farther you can go, the better." Song Zhe has nothing to hide, and trusts Ouyang Shuo completely.

Ouyang Shuo didn’t agree with Song Zhe’s plan, and said, “Brother Song Zhe, it’s useless for you to hide like this. No matter how far you go, I think Su Ming can still kill you. Find yours."


Song Zhe was stunned for a moment and couldn't speak, because he knew that Ouyang Shuo was right. With Su Ming's terrible words, it seemed that it was not difficult to find him.

Even if he goes abroad, it seems that with Su Ming's ability, he can be killed in a foreign country.

Song Zhe's face was dim, and he said, "What should I do then, I don't know where there is any safe place. I definitely can't stay in Ningcheng anyway."

"Well, Brother Song Zhe, you can go with me, Su Ming must have nothing to do with you for a while!" Ouyang Shuo said.

"Go to your family?" Song Zhe's eyes lit up. This seemed to be a very good idea.

But Ouyang Shuo smiled awkwardly and said, "Brother Song Zhe, in our family, we are all members of our own clan. You are an outsider in our family, and I'm afraid you can't stay."

It's not just that Song Zhe is not a member of the Ouyang family, but Song Zhe is just an ordinary person. It is impossible for a member of the Guwu family to allow an ordinary person to live there.

Even if it is a friend of Ouyang Shuo, it will definitely not work.

Ouyang Shuo went on to say: "But don't worry, I naturally have a place to arrange for you. There are some ancient sects that accept people. I can recommend you to them."

"The days there may not be as superior as your current life, but you are absolutely safe. Su Ming may not even be able to find the place of the ancient sect, so don't mention killing you."

"At the same time in the ancient sect, if you have enough talent, you can also cultivate and improve your strength. One day you will be strong enough. It is not impossible to find Su Ming for revenge!"

Ouyang Shuo glanced at Song Zhe and said, "I told you the general situation. You can decide for yourself."

"There is nothing to consider, just do as you said, and take me away." Unexpectedly, Song Zhe made the decision all at once, without any hesitation at all.

Rather than fleeing around and worrying about Su Ming coming to kill himself and living the unsuitable life abroad, it is better to leave with Ouyang Shuo and have a safe living environment.

Song Zhe's heart moved the most, mainly because Ouyang Shuo said that in the ancient sect, Song Zhe can work hard to improve his strength, and when he is strong enough, he can seek revenge from Su Ming.

This is what Song Zhe cares most about. Although he is afraid of Su Ming now, he also wants revenge. When he is strong enough, he will definitely seek revenge on Su Ming.

"Okay, Brother Song Zhe, don't waste time. I can't stay in Ningcheng for too long. The family members are still waiting for me. Let's go together. I will definitely settle you down." Ouyang Shuo sees Song Zhe It is also very happy to choose this path.

Song Zhe said: "Don't worry, let me call my parents."

I don’t know how long it will take to see~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After Song Zhe took out his cell phone and made a call, he took a last look at Ningcheng, where he had lived for 20 years, and a touch of determination flashed in his eyes. : "Let's go!"

As for the Qin’s villa, Cheng Ruofeng and the others were very efficient, and they quickly cleared the entrance of the villa.

I can't even see the blood on the ground, except that I can smell the **** smell in the air after I get close, and there is nothing unusual about it.

Qin Shiyin said a few words to Su Ming, and then left directly. She couldn't be free for a moment, so she had to clean up the Song family. This kind of thing must be done as soon as possible.

Most of these people in the Qin family were silly. They were scared just now, but now that they are all right, one or two become active.

Some people came up to flatter Su Ming, but there was nothing to say to these people, Su Ming only smiled twice.

After sending the people from the Qin family, Su Ming called Cheng Ruofeng and Huzi over, and said, "You two will work harder and help me with things."

"Boss, just ask."

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