"What did Cheng Ruofeng do? Let him find someone. Why didn't he come back? He wouldn't be lost too?"

In Miao Yushi's ward, Su Ming and the others chatted for a while. Seeing that Cheng Ruofeng had not returned, Su Ming said something.

To be fair, the obstetrics and gynecology ward is not too big, and there is only one toilet. Cheng Ruofeng is unlikely to get lost. He has been here with Miao Yu for a few days.

Su Ming just said that. In fact, Su Ming felt that it was very likely that he was the kid who came with Gu King. He probably didn't know where he went. Cheng Ruofeng ran to look for him, but he didn't find him at all, so just now Haven't come back yet.

In fact, Su Ming was wrong. Cheng Ruofeng had already found someone, but there was a conflict, so it was delayed until this time.


At this moment, the door of the ward was pushed open, thinking it meant that Cao Cao had arrived and Cheng Ruofeng had returned.

As a result, everyone looked up and found that it was only Ebony who had come back without Cheng Ruofeng's figure. Miao Yushi curiously said, "Why are you here alone, where is your brother-in-law?"

"Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, he was arguing with others outside, as if things were a bit complicated, he asked me to call Mr. Su Ming." While speaking, Ebony glanced at Su Ming timidly.

"Have you quarreled with someone?"

Su Ming was stunned when he heard this, and wondered why Cheng Ruofeng's temper would quarrel with others, he should just fight directly.

King Gu reacted instantly, slapped Ebony on the head, and said, "Did you just cause trouble outside?"

It was immediately guessed by King Gu. Eight achievement was that Ebony had caused trouble outside just now. Cheng Ruofeng went to deal with it, so he quarreled with others.


Ebony opened his mouth a little aggrieved and wanted to explain for himself, but he didn't know how to speak. Seeing his reaction, Gu King knew he had guessed it, so he cursed: "When I came here, I told you. How many sentences you have said, be honest, don't make trouble everywhere, you must not listen."

As he spoke, King Gu raised his hand, and he was about to fight again. To the tribe of King Gu, especially the younger generation, King Gu was quite strict.

Ebony thought he had to be beaten again, and was taken aback. Su Ming said, "Forget it, it's useless to beat him. I don't know what's going on. Go and see what's going on." Right."

"By the way, I don't know what happened to Ruofeng, hurry up and have a look." After hearing Su Ming's words, King Gu and the others reacted and had to find Cheng Ruofeng to see what was going on.

Seeing that King Gu and Wu Qiu both got up, even when Miao Yu was on the bed, they couldn't rest assured that Cheng Ruofeng was about to get out of bed, which shocked Su Ming.

Miao Yushi has a big belly now. How can it be convenient to move? Su Ming quickly stopped her and said: "You have trouble moving now, so don't go. King Gu, you two will stay with Yushi, I and Ebony Just go and have a look."

"OK then"

If everyone were to go, then Miao Yushi would definitely not be able to wait to go there. In that case, let Su Ming go there. Anyway, there is something that Su Ming can definitely solve.

Su Ming said, "Ebony, take me over and have a look."

"Oh, good"

Ebony reacted abruptly, and immediately took Su Ming out, not far away. In fact, he didn't need Ebony to lead the way before he left the ward and walked a few steps forward.

Su Ming relied on his powerful eyesight, and suddenly saw a few people outside the front bathroom gathered together. Cheng Ruofeng was there. It is estimated that something went wrong there.

"What's the matter?" Su Ming strode over and said.

Only then did I notice that Su Ming was here, and Yin Rengui immediately said hello: "Mr. Su, you are here."

Yin Rengui was quite surprised. He didn't expect Su Ming to arrive so soon. He didn't know that Su Ming was in the hospital before. After a bit of surprise, he realized that Su Ming was visiting the patient.

Su Ming nodded and didn't say anything. When Yin Rengui was there, Su Ming realized it all at once. It is estimated that this matter cannot be handled today. If Yin Rengui can handle it, he won't let Ebony call him over. Up.

In this case, Su Ming couldn’t help being curious again. This is Yin Rengui’s hospital. Of course, this is a public hospital. It is not appropriate to say that Yin Rengui’s is the manager of the entire hospital. Even he can’t solve it. What's the matter?

Just when these thoughts flashed through Su Ming's mind, the guy Zhang Benjun spoke: "This is the helper you called. I called a kid to come over. I advise you to pull it down, and quickly roll me up. , By the way, prepare to enter the game."

After Cheng Ruofeng was driven out, Zhang Benjun would immediately arrange for the police to arrest them. He had already planned it in his mind.

Su Ming's tone was uncomfortable when he heard this. The special mother said that he was a kid, where's he? I am afraid that once the belts of the pants are untied, the exposed objects can reach you several times!

However, Su Ming immediately noticed it. It is estimated that this guy was the one who was in conflict with Cheng Ruofeng. Su Ming asked: "What's going on, maybe talk about it!"

Cheng Ruofeng said it in a low voice, without particular details, but didn't miss any points that should be said, so Su Ming understood it.

Su Ming heard this kind of superiority and lack of quality idiot, and he burst into anger, and said: "This kind of silly comparison, just just have a short meal, just talk to him."

"You can't fight, you can't fight."

Yin Rengui was taken aback by Su Ming's words and quickly said, "Mr. Su, this person's identity is extraordinary."

Telling Su Ming about Zhang Benjun's identity ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but Su Ming was stunned for a while, but he didn't expect this guy to have two things.

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host, successfully triggered a random task [pick him!]"

Task name: [Pick him]

Mission requirements: Zhang Benjun insulted Wu Mu and Cheng Ruofeng, and his attitude was extremely bad, please the host to shoot him!

Mission time: five minutes

Mission difficulty: six stars

Task reward: 60 points

When Su Ming saw this mission, he couldn't help but feel the black lines on his head. He said that the system was really straightforward, and the mission name was just two words, so that Su Ming was so clean.

Since the requirements of the system are so strong, Su Ming is ashamed to refuse. Su Ming's hands are a little itchy. As long as Su Ming wants to smoke someone, no matter what your status is, you can smoke.

Su Ming's eyes looked at Zhang Benjun, and he seemed a little bit ill-intentioned.

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