"Go up and fight directly, remember to pay attention to your strength, don't fight too hard, let him rest for two days and it is almost the same." Su Ming couldn't help it and said to Cheng Ruofeng.

There is only this way now, and Su Ming also thought for a while, but he didn't think of a great way, so he could only hit him, just fix it a bit, and don't kill him.

Although this guy's identity is not simple, but if he ignores his identity and simply fights, anyone present can catch Zhang Benjun as he pleases. He is his age and figure, and his combat effectiveness is almost zero.

But Su Ming still let Cheng Ruofeng go, because just this kind of repairing others, Cheng Ruofeng still has to be a little better. If Su Ming beats people, he doesn't know much in his heart, and it is likely to kill people directly.

But Cheng Ruofeng was different. He had to be more professional, and he had a sense of strength and could control everything, so Su Ming asked Cheng Ruofeng to do it.

Cheng Ruofeng's blue veins were exposed at this time. It was obvious that he was already out of anger. He already had the intention to do it. Now that Su Ming has spoken, he has something to say, so he naturally has to do it quickly.


Not talking nonsense at all, Cheng Ruofeng walked directly to Zhang Benjun, without any indication, he started directly, and it was just a beating.

The sudden change frightened the people on Zhang Benjun's side, but no one knew what to do. Cheng Ruofeng's brutal appearance seemed to be impossible to stop.

"You...what are you doing?"

The words are over. The only thing that Zhang Benjun was beaten was screams. Cheng Ruofeng kept moving his hands. He just pressed on the ground and hit his face. It would only make Zhang Benjun feel painful, but not What really happened.

When I heard that there was a conflict, the medical staff in the hospital was frightened. There were a bunch of people gathered here just now, and a few nurses were watching.

Fighting in the hospital is not a rare thing, but the staff in the hospital are very taboo about this kind of thing. If you put it plainly, you may go to the hospital and say that you are not supervised. of.

And the impact is not good. In case it was photographed and posted on the Internet by someone who was interested, it might be told what it would be like. The rumors are still terrible these days.

So the nurse hurried up and prepared to control the scene. If it is not possible, then they can only call the security guard.

"Don't fight, don't fight, please calm down."

The elder head nurse, after walking over, began to persuade her. It can be seen that she is more experienced. When she tried to fight, she was two or three steps away, which obviously prevented herself from being injured by mistake.

Yin Rengui was very happy to see Zhang Benjun being beaten. This guy did owe the beating. When he saw that someone from the hospital came to mediate, Yin Rengui said, "It's okay. They're just playing around. Just leave it alone. Why are you going?"

Seeing that this guy has been beaten and hasn't seen it yet, how can he come up to persuade him casually.

Looking at Zhang Benjun on the ground, Cheng Ruofeng's head was almost smashed. Is this a joke? It doesn't look like it.

But Yin Rengui had spoken, so what else could they say, so they left directly, if something really happened for a while, it would have nothing to do with them, it was Yin Rengui's business.


The beaten Zhang Benjun also heard what Yin Rengui had just said, and he cursed directly in his heart, asking why you are so jokes?

At the same time, he hated Yin Rengui in his heart. He had to retaliate against Yin Rengui, and he had to retaliate severely.

After finishing the fight, Cheng Ruofeng patted his hand twice and nodded to Su Ming, indicating that he had completed the task.

Su Ming glanced at the ground and found that Zhang Benjun was really miserable, his face was blue and swollen, his eyes had been knocked out, as if he had changed his appearance.

Although miserable and painful, if you go to the hospital for a full-body examination, there will be nothing at all. The doctors are helpless and can only say that this is a skin trauma. This is Cheng Ruofeng's specialty.

"You, you are all going to be finished, I will call you right away!" Zhang Benjun went crazy and wanted to call immediately, who knows what he is going to do.

Su Ming frowned. He didn't expect that this guy would not go to see the doctor quickly, but he was still in the mood to be here. Su Ming didn't have time to play with him slowly, so Su Ming winked at Cheng Ruofeng.

It seems that he was hitting too lightly. If it doesn't work, he will go up and get a little bit more cruel, and scrap the cargo, and see how he can call someone else.

Cheng Ruofeng immediately understood, and a ruthless look flashed in his eyes. If he was really cruel, Cheng Ruofeng would not be soft-hearted.

"Really here, grandpa, I saw Brother Su Ming"

A crisp sound like a lark rang, and it was so good that Cheng Ruofeng's movements stopped.

Su Ming suddenly raised his head, but as soon as he raised his head, he saw Ling Zimo. Behind her, there was Lao Ling with the facial paralyzed face, and three people came over.

The color of surprise in Su Ming's eyes can be imagined, and he quickly asked: "Ling...then what, why are you here?"

Lao Ling didn't have any concealment at all, he just came in with such a big swing, but it has been more than ten years since Lao Ling had faded from people's sight, so no one in the hospital recognized him~www.wuxiaspot. com~Who would have thought that such an awesome character would wander around in the hospital, even if he saw it, he wouldn't think about it.

But Cheng Ruofeng and Yin Rengui both knew Ling Lao. Last time they met Ling Lao at Grandpa Su Ming's birthday party, but they had no contact.

At this moment, they were in close contact again. When they saw such a legendary figure, the two of them immediately felt a great shock, and the reaction was much greater than Su Ming.

Immediately these two people hurriedly shouted in unison: "Hello, Mr. Ling"

Lao Ling smiled and made a gesture, motioning to make them both low-key, just recognize it, don't make a noise everywhere, they both realized that Ling's identity is special, so you can't expose your identity casually.

"Come and look for you, it just happens that I can't stay in the hotel anymore, come to you, and wait for you to take care of the matter, just go to eat directly, it will save trouble." Ling Lao said to Su Ming with a smile .

Seeing the smile on Ling Lao's face, Su Ming always felt like he was being routine, thinking about hiding from Ling Lao, who knew he had come directly.

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