League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1597: Third entry to Tokyo

A good thing like True Essence Spirit Liquid is easy to return, but no matter how good it is, if you don't use it there, it has no value of its own.

For example, Su Ming can't understand the works of art. You can only put them there and watch them. They are of no use. Even some older ones, you can't move or touch them at all.

That kind of thing doesn't look very good, but the price is very high, and people like Su Ming won't spend money to buy it.

Precious things must have their precious value. For things like True Essence Spirit Liquid, every drop of reason is extremely precious.

Last time, Su Qishan also specially reminded Su Ming that he could take some true essence spiritual liquid during cultivation, which could help Su Ming improve his cultivation.

Ordinary people would definitely not dare to use things like True Essence Spirit Liquid for cultivation, because the True Essence Spirit Liquid also has a very important function, which is to help people in the late stage of the Micro Realm to break into the True Essence Realm.

Even the people of the Guwu family, the amount of true essence spirit liquid is very limited, otherwise those people will not fight in the Luoshen Temple.

Therefore, most people estimate that there is only one drop of True Essence Liquid, which you can take when you are about to break through.

But Su Ming is different. Su Ming has a lot of True Essence Essence. Drinking one bottle a day is probably enough to drink for several years. There is no need to worry about the quantity at all. If you don't use it, it will be wasted.

Su Ming didn't get entangled, and immediately took out a drop of fresh emerald essence spirit liquid from the system space and threw it directly into his mouth.

Although the True Essence Spirit Liquid is different from ordinary liquids, after entering your mouth, you should feel the temperature inside your mouth, and it melted immediately.

A strange feeling filled Su Ming's mouth. It was not so fragrant. On the contrary, it made Su Ming feel a little strange, even a little bitter.

However, this smell didn't last long, and it fell off all of a sudden, and there was a strong fiery feeling in Su Ming's dantian.

It seemed that there was an infinite force exploded in Su Ming's body, and it spread all over Su Ming's body at once. This feeling was not very good.

Su Ming felt the swelling of his meridians and seemed to be about to be stretched. At the same time, Su Ming sensed the vitality in his body, which suddenly changed a lot.

Obviously this is the vitality contained in the True Essence Spirit Liquid. Su Ming was surprised. A drop of liquid that looked only half the size of a pinky finger contained so much heaven and earth vitality.

It's really amazing, no wonder so many people have to grab the true essence spirit liquid after breaking their heads. This is indeed a good thing. It is of great help to the ancient warriors. With this thing, it can really shorten the training time.

Su Ming stopped talking nonsense, and quickly sat down, ran his own practice method, and began to absorb the vitality in his body.

Although these vital energy were stored in Su Ming's body, it did not belong to Su Ming. If he stayed in Su Ming's body for a long time, problems would definitely occur, so Su Ming quickly refined it.

In one night's work, Su Ming stayed up almost all night, and spent the whole night refining the essence of essence.

This night was a great harvest. Su Ming successfully broke through to the late stage of the micro-level. This was also the first time Su Ming broke through directly without absorbing the power of others. It can be seen that the true essence spiritual liquid is powerful.

Now Su Ming is only one step away from the True Essence Realm. Of course, to say so, after reaching the late stage of the Micro Realm, Su Ming can realize how difficult the True Essence Realm is.

It is estimated that there is still a long way to go if you want to reach the true essence realm, and it is impossible to accomplish this kind of thing in one day.

Although the True Essence Essence Liquid can indeed help to break through to the True Essence Realm, it is when the vitality in your body has reached the peak of the Late Stage of Microscopic Realm and is about to break through. The True Essence Liquid will provide some help.

It's not that as long as you eat it, you can break through. That's too awesome. There can be no such thing.


Su Ming exhaled the turbid breath that had accumulated in his body. It seemed that the whole person was refreshed a lot. After each breakthrough, Su Ming's body was actually an optimization.

After opening his eyes, Su Ming glanced at the window. It was clear that it was already dawn outside, and not sleeping all night would not have much effect on Su Ming.

And after breaking through, Su Ming actually felt more energetic.

At this time, there was no need to continue sleeping. Su Ming got up directly, took a shower in the bathroom, changed into clean clothes, and went out to buy breakfast.

After eating breakfast, wait quietly for Ling Lao to inform him when he will leave.

Lao Ling called at about nine o'clock and told Su Ming that he was ready to leave. Su Ming refused to send a car to pick him up. Su Ming directly took a taxi to the airport.

Private jets can't fly if they want to fly. Airplanes seem to be able to go to the sky, but in fact they all have special channels, but most people can't see them.

Even the private plane had to communicate in advance, and then find a suitable channel to go. After waiting at the airport for about half an hour, Su Ming boarded the private plane and headed to the capital.

After all, this is the third time for Su Ming to go to the capital. Every time he passes, he feels different. Anyway, there is less and less expectation.

And what made Su Ming a little unbearable was that these three times were actually used to cure diseases, and the history is always surprisingly similar.

It was already 10 minutes at noon when I arrived in the capital~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I went straight back to Ling Lao's villa and had lunch. Ling Lao asked Su Ming to rest for a while.

"Go to bed for a while, your room has been there for you, no one has moved except for the people who clean it every day." Ling Lao said.

Originally from that time after Su Ming stayed at Ling's house for a while, Ling Lao specially ordered to leave a room for Su Ming so that Su Ming could come to live there from time to time.

Su Ming is the only one who can get this kind of treatment in the world.

Su Ming is not tired at all, and does not want to rest. Time is not waiting. Su Ming just wants to do the task quickly, so he said, "Ling, I am not tired."

"Let's stop wasting time, and get medical treatment as soon as possible. The sooner the better."

Seeing that Su Ming was so positive, Ling Lao was taken aback for a while, and then smiled bitterly: "Su Ming, the sooner it is, the better, but you can't go casually."

"If you take you there, there must be a procedure. Today is not enough. I have to communicate in advance in the afternoon. I can take you there at the earliest tomorrow morning." Ling Lao said.

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