Obviously, Lao Ling had already greeted him before he came over. For this reason, he had to go through strict inspections. It can be seen how strict it is. If you don't say hello, you probably won't be able to get close here.

"Okay, go in"

After checking the paralyzed face and Su Ming, one of the leading guards spoke to Ling Lao.

At first glance, these people have undergone very strict training. Their temperament is not the same as that of ordinary soldiers, and they are not humble or overbearing when facing big figures like Lao Ling and Lao Liu.

It is worth mentioning that in fact, Lao Liu also came with him. Obviously he couldn't get rid of this matter. It is estimated that when he recommended Su Ming to go up for treatment, he did not lose much effort from the inside.

With Lao Liu's mouth, Su Ming didn't know how he boasted about himself, and Su Ming panicked.

The iron door of the old house automatically opened from the inside. Su Ming and the others walked in one after another. It was obvious that Lao Liu and Lao Ling were not here for the first time, and they walked inside with a very comfortable expression.

But Su Ming was still a little nervous and exhaled. Such tight defense would unconsciously create a very nervous atmosphere.

"We said it all yesterday. Those who brought people to see the doctor, let us go." After entering, Mr. Liu said.

The yard looked normal, and there was no difference. It was just like an ordinary rural house. After entering the door, it was a yard first, and there was nothing in the yard.

There are not even people, which is completely different from the tight defense outside.

After the four of Su Ming and the others came in, only one person walked out of a house inside, who looked quite tall.

However, his eyes were extremely cold, this guy still seemed to have a very compelling aura, and most people couldn't stand up to this kind of aura at all, and everyone present at the scene was not an ordinary person.

Su Ming saw it all at once. This guy was afraid it was not easy. It is estimated that he alone can match all the guys with live ammunition outside. This internal defense is stronger than Su Ming imagined.

"Old Ling, Old Liu"

This man with cold eyes didn't dare to hold him up in front of Lao Liu and Lao Ling. He quickly bowed slightly and said hello, his tone was gentle.

"The people have already been brought in, take us in." Old Ling said directly.

This guy with cold eyes glanced at Su Ming. There is no doubt that there is no one else here. The doctor who brought him must be Su Ming.

When Su Ming saw this guy looking at himself, he didn't say anything, his expression was still very calm, and he didn't say anything at all.

I thought that they would be the same as those before. When they want to treat a disease, as long as someone sees Su Ming's age, they will immediately doubt Su Ming's medical skills. What good medical skills can someone at this age have?

Then there was a lot of chatter, Su Ming was questioned, and in the end he directly used his own strength to slap the face, and the routine was the same.

But this time it seemed a little different from what Su Ming had imagined. This guy with cold eyes just looked at Su Ming twice, and didn't say anything else.

Instead, he nodded to Old Ling and led them into this old house.

The lighting conditions in the old house are quite good. Once you enter the door, you can feel the sunlight coming in from outside.

In the sunlit place, there was a bamboo chair with a person lying on it, which immediately attracted Su Ming's attention.

This was an old man. The first thing Su Ming noticed was his long hair, which almost reached his shoulders, which made Su Ming feel in a trance.

It looks even longer than the hair of some women. Men have short hair. This is already a recognized thing. There will be some weird things. Men have long hair and look very damp, but in fact there are very few.

And those are young people. It is rare for real old people to have long hair. This old man looks like that kind of non-mainstream.

Long hair is still draped, not tied at all, it looks a bit messy, but it gives people a wild and unruly feeling.

It's a pity that the hair is white. If it's golden, you can play the golden lion directly.

The long-haired old man had his eyes closed, lying there as if he was asleep, and at the same time there were ravines and wrinkles all over his face, giving people a feeling of suffering.

If it's just about beauty, I have to admit that Ling Lao is much taller than this old man.

The sun shining directly on him, it looked like he was basking in the sun, but at this time, the summer has not completely passed, and it seems something is wrong with the sun.

The air conditioner was not even turned on in this house. After Su Ming stayed for a few minutes, he felt a little sweaty. Isn't this old man not hot?

"Come on"

The long-haired old man lying there suddenly spoke, and Su Ming was taken aback. He thought that the old man was asleep, but he was not.

"Okay, old-fashioned, don't pretend to be deep and haven't slept, so quickly open your eyes." Liu Lao pulled out his throat and shouted.


Su Ming was stunned for a moment, and said to his heart what it meant, shouldn't "old-fashioned" be a noun, and there are people whose names are old-fashioned.

Elder Ling should have seen the surprise in Su Ming's eyes and said, "I'll explain to you, this old man, he is the leader of a special department, and this department is called Huaxia Dragon Soul!"

"China Dragon Soul"

When Su Ming heard these four words, he couldn't help being shocked, which was too domineering.

Elder Ling continued: "This is a hidden department responsible for guarding the country, and at the same time absorbing the capable people and strangers of China to join. The leader of this department is collectively called the Dragon God!"

"The old man you saw~www.wuxiaspot.com~ he is the current dragon god."


Elder Ling paused and said: "His real name is not so domineering. He is indeed surnamed Long, but I don't know what his parents thought back then. Maybe it was to save trouble and gave him a name directly. , Called Longtao."

"This name has become a stain on him, but generally few people know it. People of the older generation only know it."

"I wipe"

Su Ming was stunned. The leader of the Chinese Dragon Soul, the Dragon God, what a domineering name, sounds very respectable.

As a result, his real name turned out to be Long Tao, and his sense of disobedience was too strong, as if his style of painting had suddenly changed. This...the gap with the Dragon God was too big.

PS: I have something to go home today. I can't write five changes, only four changes. There is no update at 8 o'clock in the evening, and the last chapter is at 10 o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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