League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1615: Translation issue

Su Ming can’t figure it out clearly, but in fact it’s hard to say. After all, it’s love at first sight. It’s not just the face. Maybe Su Ming himself can’t figure it out. He sang loudly to people who understand music. What an impact.

Janice also discovered the charm of Su Ming through this incident, and had some good feelings for Su Ming, and foreigners had a very open attitude towards feelings.

For example, if you meet someone you like, whether it is a man or a woman, few people will cover it up, and most of them will actively pursue it. This kind of behavior of Janice may seem incomprehensible to Su Ming, but In fact, it is a very normal thing abroad, and there is nothing too strange.

But the beauty En Su Ming has no blessings and enjoyment. There are enough women around him. If you get a foreign girl, Su Ming will probably get bigger, and more women are not the better. After reaching a certain level, I am afraid Can react.

And for Janice this type, to be honest, Su Ming was not too cold, so he was destined to be ruthless.

Su Ming smiled and didn't know what to say in response, so he said politely: "It's an honor to let Ms. Janice remember me."

The very official kind of polite remarks were basically heard by everyone present. Ling Yi didn't know how to translate it, so he could only say it slightly.

At the same time, I was secretly anxious for Su Ming. How could I talk to girls like this? It would be easy to be a single dog for a lifetime.

Many single dogs can always find various reasons, for example, I have no money, I am not handsome, and some even say that those women have no eyesight.

It is true that these are the reasons, but there is an important reason, that is, the mouth can't speak, if the mouth can pull, it can put beautiful words into the girls' hearts, and the ugly ones can be soaked in girls.

However, from a professional point of view, Ling Yi could only translate more euphemistically, but he could not change the original meaning of Su Ming's words. That is not what a translator should do.

But he obviously thought too much, Janice didn't care about these details at all, the expression on his face was still very bright.

Su Ming only needs to talk to her. As for what to say, it doesn't matter much.

"Sue, where do you live at night? Is your home in this city?" Janice blinked his big bright eyes and asked.

At this moment, everyone else was reduced to a foil. Although they were all standing next to them, everyone could see that Janice only wanted to talk to Su Ming. How to speak.

Su Ming said truthfully: "My home is not in the capital, I live with my friend."

Although I don't understand why Janice asked these things, it's not a secret, so I'll just say it.

It also made other people understand one thing, at least a little bit of Su Ming's details, this guy is really not a person from the capital, so he is definitely not a person in the circle.

Janice didn't know what she was thinking, but she continued to say, "Sue, I am not familiar with this city at night. I live in the Sheraton Hotel. Can you send me back after the banquet is over?"

After speaking, Janice looked at Su Ming with that kind of expectant eyes.


After hearing these words, the expression on Ling Yi's face froze all of a sudden, and then it changed two drastically. It looked as exciting as it was.

The others didn't understand, and they didn't think there was anything. They were still waiting for the translation, but Ling Yi, who understood it the first time, couldn't describe the feeling in his heart.

What does this Janice mean? Isn't it just implying that Su Ming is so naked? If Ling Yi can't hear it anymore, he is a fool.

"Ling Yi, what are you doing so dumbfounded, please translate it quickly, we don't understand what it means." Liu Qingshan on the side couldn't help it, and said directly.

"Brother Su Ming, Janice just said that she wants to make an appointment with you tonight..."

Ling Yi intends to clarify the words directly. After all, the highest level of translation is not translated according to the literal meaning. It is relatively low-level and has no meaning. It is necessary to be able to directly express the meaning in the words.

But when the words were halfway through, Ling Yi didn't continue to say it. It seemed that the vocabulary he wanted to say was not very elegant, so Ling Yi abruptly resisted it.

Ling Yi is still a bit of ethics, what he said like that would not affect Janice's reputation very well.

So Ling Yi could only say honestly: "Brother Su Ming, Janice said she didn't know the way, and asked if you could take her back to the hotel at night?"

"I wipe"

Ling Yi's words were only finished, and everyone was stunned now. This was too obvious, unless it was unintelligible people who couldn't understand it.

It's true that Janice doesn't know the road. She is a member of country M. It would be strange if she could know the road in Beijing. When many Chinese come to Beijing to take a taxi, they are often slaughtered because they don't know the road.

But if you just think about it with your toes, you know that for an international superstar like Janice, when she comes to China, can the team around her not follow?

Even if you don’t have a team, you have to have a broker’s assistant at the worst. Everywhere you go, you will be picked up by a special car, and if someone invites her over, she must be sent back. There is no need for her to know the road. The driver's.

Janice’s reason is really bad. Asking Su Ming to send her back to the hotel. Doesn’t it mean that Su Ming stay there and don’t leave? What can a man and a woman do in a hotel~www.wuxiaspot .com~ Can't just fight the glory of the king?

"I heard it right, Janice would say such a thing?"

"Exactly, this is a blatant appointment. The goddess in my heart is such a person, so sad!"

"I don't think it's possible. Although that kid is a little handsome, he is not the only handsome guy here. Besides, what handsome guy Janice has never seen before can be so active to him? I don't believe it!

"I don't really believe it. Is there a problem with the translation? We don't understand what Janice is saying."


I don’t know who mentioned the problem of translation, which attracted everyone’s attention. At this time, everyone realized the pain of ignorance, and they didn’t understand what others said.

Many people have expressed doubts about Ling Yi. If you think about it carefully, it is true. The translation is not what Ling Yi said casually. Who knows if what he said is true or false.

(End of this chapter)

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