There is something in your heart that is true, but you can't say it directly. If you say it directly, I am afraid that you will offend Cui Hanghui. Cui Hanghui immediately turned around and left.

With the decent face of this guy’s high EQ, it is naturally impossible to do this kind of thing, so the guy smiled and said, “Everyone is joking, and it’s not intentional to say you. You don’t need to be familiar with them. ."

Cui Hanghui's complexion looked a lot better all of a sudden, thinking that this decent-looking guy was here to comfort him, he said, "Brother Fei, thank you."

"They are all brothers in the same circle. It's boring to say these things. Let's go, and go back with me quickly. I haven't gotten up yet." The decent-faced guy said.

Cui Hanghui smiled, he must not be able to go back when he goes back, not to mention that those people are talking about his being robbed of marriage, he just left under the eyes of everyone, now if he wants to go back again, wouldn't it be a bit of face It's all gone.

So Cui Hanghui said: "Brother Fei, I appreciate your kindness, but today I am really out of interest, so let me go back first and invite you to dinner next day."

"Are you going to let him go, that kid?" The decent-faced guy said.

Cui Hanghui was stunned for a moment, and he didn't understand why this guy was talking about this, but he immediately understood that this guy was talking about Su Ming.

Which pot does not open, Cui Hanghui's face changed suddenly, Su Ming, but Cui Hanghui is the last person to hear.

So Cui Hanghui said displeased: "Brother Fei, don't mention that person to me, I don't want to hear anything about him."

The decent-looking guy didn’t care about Cui Hanghui’s tone at all. It seemed that he had already planned the same in his heart. He just listened to him and continued: "It’s not a question of whether you want to hear it or not. Come to the capital, you just watch him dangling in front of you?"

"Then what else can I do?"

Cui Hanghui wanted to say something like this very much, but he could not say it. If he said it, it would appear that he was too useless.

But in fact, Cui Hanghui's heart is still quite helpless. It's not that he doesn't want to move Su Ming, but Su Ming's background is too hard. The last time the Bai broke the army, the result was still useless. Instead, it was finally broken. The army was bad luck.

He has been confined at home, and by this time, he has not been released. The Bai family has also been in a precarious manner recently.

This made Cui Hanghui completely give up, and made him realize that this person is still not easy to deal with, or it is not something he can deal with at all.

"That kid is not easy to deal with, it's not as simple as Brother Fei you think, so I can't deal with him, at least temporarily." Cui Hanghui said in a deep voice.

"What's the matter if it's hard to deal with? If it's hard to deal with, you can find a way to deal with it."

The decent guy, speaking with a louder voice, said, "As long as you say something, I can help you deal with that kid."

After Cui Hanghui listened, he was a little scared, or Cui Hanghui was already nervous. Last time, it was the fellow Bai Pojun who offered to help Cui Hanghui deal with Su Ming.

In the end, Bai Pojun and the Bai family were unlucky. After Cui Hanghui returned home, he was also cleaned up. He didn't dare to take risks anymore.

So Cui Hanghui waved his hand with some fear, and said, "Forget it, Brother Fei, you don't know how hard his background is. You can't move casually, you will have big trouble."

The decent-faced guy actually smiled and said: "Are you worried that I was like Bai Pojun, the thing was not done, and eventually I was imprisoned?"

Cui Hanghui's eyes shrank abruptly. This incident was a secret, and almost no one had ever said it. Few people in the Cui family knew it, and the Bai family would not take the initiative to say it.

But this guy actually knew that what was hidden was deep enough that Cui Hanghui couldn't help being surprised.

"Don't worry, Xiao Cui, I'm different from that guy Bai Pojun. There are so many bends and turns, I'll give you a good idea."

This guy patted Cui Hanghui's shoulder twice, and then said, "After the party is over for a while, you can find a master and just kill him halfway. It's a hundred."

Cui Hanghui’s eyes lit up. This is indeed a good idea. If Su Ming can be killed directly, it is indeed good. It can make him take revenge. The shame Su Ming brought him back then, he was I will never forget.

Moreover, Su Ming was killed silently, and other people didn't know who did it. There is no evidence that many people say it is useless.

But just for a moment of happiness, Cui Hanghui couldn't be happy anymore: "The idea is pretty good, but where can I get a master, I haven't even invited a killer."

"These are trivial things. As long as you have the mind, I can help you. I have a master here who is much more powerful than the top killer in the world. Killing ordinary people can be done invisibly."

The decent guy said.

Cui Hanghui was not too happy, he was not the kind of stupid person, showing a somewhat skeptical look, and said, "Why do you want to help me, what do you want from me?"

Everyone is a very realistic person, especially these elder brothers, who have few real friends. The last time Bai Pojun helped Cui Hanghui, it was not kind, just to get help from the Cui family.

Cui Hanghui didn't believe that this decent guy would really help him kindly. It's impossible to look at it.

"When I say something, help you, part of the reason is that you have a good relationship with Brother Xiao Cui and want to help you."

This sentence was directly ignored by Cui is pure nonsense, they have a good relationship? Why didn't Cui Hanghui know.

And the guy continued: "Of course, part of the reason is also because of Ling Yi."

"Ling Yi?" Cui Hangxun was taken aback.

"Ling Yi’s father, Ling Weijun, squeezed my dad’s place back then. The relationship between our family and Ling’s family is not so harmonious. That kid is Ling Yi’s friend. I definitely want to take revenge." This guy naturally takes revenge. Said.

Cui Hangxun was stunned for a moment, and searched for it. It seemed that there was such a thing back then, but it was not a big deal, and competition was normal.

Unexpectedly, this guy still remembers now, it's too special to hold a grudge, it is estimated that it has been five or six years.

The key point is that this guy has never said this before, and even the relationship with Ling Yi is still normal. He can say a few words after meeting.

Who knows that this guy has always hated the Ling family, this city mansion is too deep.

(End of this chapter)

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