League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1625: Good college life

Cheng Ruofeng, who was driving, was stunned for a moment. He said that there was such a thing. The two words start of school seemed to be a very strange vocabulary to Cheng Ruofeng, who had not been in contact with school for many years.

Ruofeng reacted immediately after the process, and after thinking about it carefully, I went, Su Ming is still a student, a student about to enter the university.

Thinking of this, Cheng Ruofeng was so tired. It seemed that Su Ming was already in Ningcheng. As a result, he was still a student. The contrast in his identity was so great that Cheng Ruofeng never treated Su Ming. As a student.

So Cheng Ruofeng said silently, "What school are you still going to? What's the point of going to school to bully those kids."

"You don't understand this. You still have to go to college. They say college life is good, I have to try it." Su Ming showed a very fascinated expression.


Cheng Ruofeng understood it in seconds, and cursed Su Ming directly, and then said: "By the way, does your university still accept people?"

Su Ming: "..."

After returning home, Su Ming really had to think about the beginning of school. It seemed that he only knew the date of the beginning of school. The rest of the matter was not clear at all.

During the summer vacation, other people are very fascinated by the university. They may have joined some school deduction groups in advance. Those students who have never met, through the magic network, I am afraid they already have communicate with.

It's just that Su Ming has been busy with some messy things all summer vacation. After thinking about it, he didn't even get the admission notice.

When he got the admission notice, he seemed to be still in the ancient ruins. How can he have the time to manage these things, he is also a strange flower among college students.

Su Ming called Shen Muke directly and asked how to sign up for these things right away.

Shen Muke seemed to be speechless to Su Ming. He turned on the Tucao mode on the phone and said, "You still know about going to school. I thought you had forgotten it."

"I have taken the admission notice for you. You can bring the admission ticket with you when you come back. Don't tell me that your admission ticket is gone."

Su Ming touched his head, and then said: "I don't know the admission ticket, so look back for it. It should still be in my exam bag. I haven't touched it."

Shen Muke: "..."

After being speechless for a while, Shen Muke continued and said: "You can bring two quilts for the rest. If you don't want to bring them, you can buy them from the school. I heard that the quality is not bad, and the rest go to school. Just buy it here."

Like Su Ming and the others, their home is in the local area of ​​Ningcheng. There is really nothing to worry about. If you have something, just buy it. You don’t need to bring it all over the place. If it doesn’t work, just go home. It's not too much trouble.

"By the way, when are we going to sign up? There are two days to sign up, on the 15th and the 16th." Shen Muke asked, following Su Ming's opinion. If she is going to sign up, she must be with Su Ming. Yeah.

This Su Ming also knows. Normal universities are different from middle schools. Registration is divided into two days, regardless of whether it is freshmen or old students.

After all, universities are all students from all over the country, and they have to take care of those students who are far away. If only one day is given, I am afraid that some people will not be able to make it.

It's really uncomfortable to travel all the way to school with big bags and small bags in a green leather train.

There is another reason. When freshmen sign up, some procedures are quite annoying. You have to do a lot of things in one day. If you spend two days, you can share the pressure. If you concentrate for one day, the pressure will be too great. Thousands of people.

Su Ming thought for a while and felt that it was still the first day to go, at least to go early, get everything done, and then get acquainted with it is good, there is no need to entrust to the last day.

So Su Ming directly said: "Then go over on the 15th, go ahead and get things done."

"Okay, go together the next morning." Shen Muke said.

The day of school started in a blink of an eye, and Su Ming didn't have anything to bring. He just brought some clothes and the necessary documents. Go to the school to buy quilts or something. I don't bother to bring them from home.

Pretending to carry a schoolbag on his back, it seems not to be more relaxed. In fact, carrying a schoolbag is superfluous. If it is not because it seems too strange to have his hands empty, Su Ming can throw everything into the system space.

Su Qishan originally said that he wanted to send Su Ming off. Generally, he was escorted by his parents when he went to college. In some cases, even the whole family went to battle.

However, in Su Ming's view, it is unnecessary. Once you go to college, you are already an adult. It is meaningless to keep your parents with you, let alone a college like Su Ming who goes to college at home.

After Su Ming refused, Su Qishan didn't say anything. He was very relieved of Su Ming, let alone knowing that Su Ming was still an ancient warrior, there was nothing to worry about.

So Su Qishan said: "Okay, I'll just be polite to you, if you don't let me send it, then I will go to work."

Su Ming: "..."

"By the way, I live on campus after going to university, so don't run home in two days. If you have time, you might as well take a girl out to live. You're not too young." After Su Qishan finished speaking, he caught Own briefcase, went out to work.

Su Ming was left with a bewildered look. At this moment, Su Ming wondered if he was his own.

I went to Shen Muke's house~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Needless to say, Liu Guilan and his wife, they must not worry about letting Shen Muke go by themselves. Although Shen Muke has said that they want to be with Su Ming, they still feel like giving away This is better.

After discussing it, Shen Lijun drove Su Ming and the others to the school, but Liu Guilan stopped going. Someone had to watch the vegetable shop.

Ningcheng University is not very far away. It will be very fast if you drive a car. After entering the school, there is a lively scene, Su Ming is dumbfounded.

Many banners and flags are waving, basically welcoming new students. Many enthusiastic seniors and sisters are also welcoming new students. They are enthusiastic and guide the way. By the way, do you need a mobile phone card?

"Mo Chou has no confidant on the road ahead, beautiful senior sister is waiting for you!"

"Senior sister, don't run away, senior takes you as a treasure!"


Nima, after reading these banners, Su Ming was stunned. What's more, these college students are really ridiculous.

(End of this chapter)

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