League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1644: Whatever you want

After playing with Li Dafu for a while, Su Ming also gradually lost his patience, because it really didn't mean much, so Su Ming directly started and slapped Li Dafu's shoulder with a slap.

Li Dafu's whole body just froze, feeling a pain in his shoulder, and at the same time, that piece of bone seemed to be broken at any time.

Su Ming's hand slammed again, Li Dafu directly knelt on the ground, Su Ming pushed again, Li Dafu was completely unable to hold it, and he lay directly on the ground, looking embarrassed.

"Pretty, so beautiful!"

Seeing that Li Dafu could not beat Su Ming unexpectedly, and was beaten so badly, Wang Tao on the side was completely excited and shouted directly.

Li Dafu was beaten so badly, Wang Tao felt a burst of joy in his heart, as if the revenge he had just beaten by Li Dafu had already been reported.

Countless people were dumbfounded. Many people did not expect that Su Ming, who was so fierce and thin, could knock down the strong Li Dafu.

You must know that Li Dafu is an instructor. In everyone's eyes, the instructors are invincible, but Su Ming easily solved it.

It seemed that Su Ming didn't have any energy just now, and Li Dafu couldn't hold it anymore.

Speaking of which, everyone was very happy, and silently gave a compliment to Su Ming's behavior. Li Dafu can be said to have no humanity at all, and the students have been miserable in the past two days.

It's just that everyone is daring not to speak up, and they don't have the courage of Wang Tao and Su Ming.

"What's the matter with you?!"

In the two classes next to him, the instructor found that the situation was not quite right, so he ran over and saw that Li Dafu was actually lying on the ground.

An instructor who kept his head straight came up and pulled Li Dafu up, who was still lying on the ground, who had lost his strength.

Li Dafu's face was full of embarrassment. He was beaten like this by a student, or that he could not even beat the students he brought. It seemed a certain thing to be ashamed.

It's a shame, because he won't let Su Ming go anyway. If he doesn't rectify Su Ming ruthlessly, it will be messy. How can this military training continue in the future?

So Li Dafu said directly: "I was beaten by this kid with a trick!"

In order to save a little bit of face for himself, Li Dafu also deliberately said that he was beaten by Su Ming's envoy, otherwise it would be too shameful.

When the two instructors heard this, they were suddenly astonished, their eyes flashed with surprise, and they said that you could not even beat a student Li Dafu? Not so.

Of course, they didn't say these words directly. They saved Li Dafu a little bit of face, and turned to look at Su Ming. This kid dared to beat the instructor, he was too courageous.

"Who told you to act on the instructor? Don't you know that during the military training, the students should unconditionally obey the instructor's orders?" The Bancuntou instructor, in the same tone, came up and reprimanded Su Ming, really treating himself as one. Character.

Su Ming usually hates this kind of tone. Besides, seeing these people with Li Dafu's group now is particularly uncomfortable, so Su Ming coldly said: "Who stipulated that I must listen to this idiot?"

"He is so stupid that I provoke me, I naturally want to hit him, it's that simple!" Su Ming said lightly, his tone full of undoubted flavor.

Many people look at Su Ming's eyes differently, and many people even admire Su Ming a little, because this kid is really crazy.

In the face of a fierce and stern instructor, he could still fight back so calmly. It is estimated that besides Su Ming, there is no second person who dares to do this kind of thing, and I am afraid that Wang Tao does not dare.

The two instructors were immediately angry. This kid is awesome enough to dare to talk back like this. It seems that Li Dafu has really encountered a thorn.

However, how could it be possible to forget about such a thing as an instructor? This is a serious and bad incident, and Su Ming must be dealt with properly.

"Come on, big guys stop for a while, come and have a look—"

The Bancuntou instructor shouted, and then the other instructors gradually stopped training and walked over here, wanting to see what happened.

"What's the matter. Call all the big guys here?"

"Look at it, Dafu was beaten by a student just now."

"What, was beaten by a student, which student is so courageous?"

"I heard you right, Li Dafu, you trash, you can't beat even a student? Is it possible that you have met some martial arts master?"


Many instructors were stunned. After hearing about it, they were quite surprised. The instructors beat the students. They heard about it. Some people even did it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But the students beat the instructors, which is too lawless. Some more.

But everyone still put aside the question of "Why Li Dafu couldn't even beat a student?" Now it's time for the outside world, and this student must be dealt with first.

One of the instructors is not too tall, but it looks like an older guy, this guy is the squad leader of these instructors, and the one who speaks the most.

Just listen to the squad leader saying: "What the **** is going on, which student is so courageous and dare to act on the instructor?"

"It's this kid, even if you beat Dafu, his attitude is still unusually arrogant." The Ban Cuntou instructor pointed at Su Ming and said, and Su Ming was exposed all at once.

On the contrary, it was Li Dafu who was beaten. He has not said a word until now. Although he is very angry, he has no face to speak.

The squad leader stared at Su Ming with sharp eyes for a few seconds, and said, "Boy, you are so fat, that even the instructor dare to fight?"

Su Ming looked expressionless, and he was not afraid of questioning. Su Ming knew very well that these people were in the same group and made it clear that they were helping Li Dafu to get ahead.

It's useless to reason with them. Even if you are reasonable, people will find trouble with you in the end. This is a very obvious thing, and there is no need to take that effort.

It is undeniable that the vast majority of soldiers are excellent, but the **** in front of you, I don't know where the school got it, one or two shows that it is not a good bird.

For these people, Su Ming doesn't recognize what kind of respectable instructors they are, so Su Ming said playfully, "Why do you talk so much nonsense, do you want to avenge that idiot?"

"No problem, revenge is okay. The premise is that you can beat me, and if you can beat me, I will do whatever you want." Su Ming's tone was completely cold at the end.

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