League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1656: For the good of the school

"Director Gu, why are you meeting again?"

Hearing the words "emergency meeting" is quite surprising. As the name suggests, this so-called emergency meeting is naturally a meeting held temporarily when the situation is very urgent.

"It's still going to deal with that student Su Ming in your class, we need to continue the meeting!"


The counselor was stunned for a moment, and then became a little angry. He said that he would expel the family. What else would he do if he wanted to continue the meeting for additional punishment?

So the counselor resisted the anger in his heart and asked: "Director Gu, hasn't it been fired, why are you still in the meeting?"

"Now that the situation has changed, we need to reconvene and discuss. Don't say so much. Come here as soon as possible. The emergency meeting will begin soon." Director Gu said on the phone.

"The situation has changed?"

The counselor who heard this really didn't quite understand it. It's all fixed, so what else can change?

However, before he could continue to ask questions, the phone was hung up. To find out what was going on, he had to go to a meeting and have a look, so the counselor quickly got up and rushed to the meeting room.

The people who came to the meeting were basically those in the morning, and they were all important people in the school, except for Su Ming and their counselors.

However, the situation has changed slightly. The principal actually came here. During the morning meeting, the principal did not attend because he did not come over temporarily, and the vice principal came to attend.

Unexpectedly, the principal came directly in the afternoon. If I remember correctly, the principal should have something to do outside today. Why did he suddenly rush over.

After the principal came, the middle position was definitely reserved for the principal, and the vice principal could only sit next to it.

"Everyone, let's talk about the bad military training fight that happened yesterday. I should have had a meeting to study it when I was away in the morning."

The principal glanced at it and said directly: "But now this situation has changed. The expulsion of Su Ming will be revoked immediately!"


"Things have already been decided, why revoke it?"

"Yes, we have to give us a reason."

The principal's name is Ankang. His hair is slightly white. In fact, he is only over 40. Ankang continued: "Today, I received a call from Professor Li of Ning Medical University. We can't move this person."

"Professor Li, which Professor Li?"

"Nonsense, there are still a few Professor Li at Ning Medical University. They must be retired."

"Professor Li has been retired for many years and has been cultivating his sentiments at home. How could he help this kid?"


Everyone became agitated. You said each sentence. The gray-haired Professor Zhang said directly: "President An, if I can be honest, what happened to Professor Li?"

"I know you have some friendship with him and don't want to offend him, but this is our Ningcheng University affair. It is not his turn to be a retired professor of Ningcheng University to intervene, right?" Professor Zhang seems to be very indifferent to this behavior. past.

In fact, this old man is too straightforward, he was also him in the morning, and the first suggestion to expel Su Ming.

Many people couldn't help but curl their mouths, thinking that the situation is not as simple as what you said. It is good that Professor Li is a well-known professor, but it is his son who is most disturbing.

As the saying goes, the father is expensive by the son. Given Li Ziyao's position in Ningcheng, who would dare not give Professor Li face, I guess President An is concerned about this.

Ankang seemed to have a good temper. At least he was quite satiated with Professor Zhang. Instead of being angry with him, he said, "Professor Zhang, this matter is not as simple as you think."

"The reason is not with Professor Li from Ning Medical University, but with this student, not as simple as we thought."

Ankang explained: "I also learned from Professor Li that this kid is not an ordinary person. He turned out to be an honorary professor of Ning Medical University."


"There is still such a thing, it's impossible."

"It's absolutely impossible. University professors are not so good at first, and it is considered young to be a professor in their forties."

"The honorary professor is even more different. Each school is very small, and he is obviously a freshman. What does it have to do with Nanjing Medical University."


Ankang smiled bitterly, and continued to explain: "I know this may be a bit unacceptable for everyone. When I first heard it, it was the same reaction."

"But this is indeed true. Last year, the University of Tennessee came to communicate. Do you still remember why the University of Tennessee praised Ning Medical afterwards and reached a cooperation agreement."

Ankang said: "It's because Ming Su~www.wuxiaspot.com~ played a vital role in the communication process."

"Afterwards, because of his great contribution, Ning Medical University hired him as the honorary professor of the school, and we, the leader of the Ningcheng education system, attach great importance to such an outstanding talent."

Speaking of this, there are no fools present. Basically everyone understands what's going on. If Ankang didn't lie to everyone, then this matter is indeed no trivial matter.

It is estimated that he does not have the need to lie to everyone. After all, this kind of thing can be found on the official website of Ning Medical University. You can check it later.

If this is the case, then Su Ming must not be fired, otherwise you will be under too much pressure.

If you are offended by the big guys in the education system, you will have a hard time in the future, let alone Ning Medical University.

Their honorary professor came to your school and was expelled before attending two days of school. Isn't this also sweeping the face of Ning Medical University? Ning Medical University will definitely not give up.

Not to mention there is also Professor Li, this is also an existence that people cannot ignore. Who knows what other tricks he has. In this way, everyone seems to understand why Ankang said that the situation has changed.

"Professor Zhang, you should be able to understand what I mean, to revoke the expulsion decision, this is for the good of our school!" Ankang said.

Professor Zhang, who had a very upright temper, stopped talking. Upright was not mentally retarded. He knew the stakes in this.

It is true that there is no way to deal with that kid. If it is dealt with, it may be possible to make a big incident, and Ningcheng University can no longer have an accident.

To put it bluntly, Professor Zhang proposed to expel Su Ming because of the school's sake, so Professor Zhang could only say: "Okay, I won't bother about this matter anymore, you can discuss it yourself."

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